Month: November 2019

That Time I Cried in Belk – Pt 2

Me at my current weight 245
Me at my current weight – 245 lbs

It’s 2016 and I’m at my heaviest weight ever, 336 lbs. If you missed part 1 of how I got to this point, you can catch up here.

I know I’m still beautiful and all that jazz, but it’s obvious that I’m having problems now due to my weight. My clothes don’t fit anymore, I’m having a harder time with certain movements, and public limitations are starting to rear their ugly heads. Booths in restaurants, seats at theaters, and the like are more often becoming problems for me now.

Besides the obvious physical issues, my health was of great concern. To quote my doctor at my physical that year, “You need to do something or we’re going to need to discuss surgery. And you don’t want surgery.” That’s when it hit me hard.

I had tried numerous things that just weren’t working. Weight Watchers, gyms, paleo, this, that, etc. I know it all comes down to me, but I wasn’t cutting it. She asked me if I wanted to try an appetite suppressant that WASN’T phentermine or whatever it was way back when. It was a combo of Wellbutrin (an antidepressant I had been on before) and something else. One of the side effects of Wellbutrin is appetite suppression. I was very hesitant because I’m a logical, reasonable human. I a) know all the stuff “they” say about taking pills to lose weight – I’m one of “them.” b) I don’t want to take a pill for the rest of my life to keep weight off. c) Pills are only a temporary solution. d) Is this safe? e) etc. etc. etc. I checked out the medication online and talked to my psychiatrist about it – I wanter her input on it since it contained Wellbutrin and I trust her more than my GP when it comes to these types of medications. She’s a specialist in those types of medications, after all. After doing all the research and weighing it with the options of surgery I decided to give it a try.

The medication worked wonders for me. It took a while to titrate up to the full dose and once I did I realized I didn’t need it. The full dose made me a little jittery. So I took half the prescribed dosage and lost nearly 100 pounds over all. I will admit that I didn’t do it consistently. I started the medication in 2017 and then stopped it for a bit and then started it again, seriously, at the end of 2018. I think that’s when friends and family noticed the most weight loss, in the last year. I was 336 and now I’m 245. Besides the benefits of my clothes fitting again and being able to sit in booths and at the movie theater, my doctor is very happy and all my blood work/levels look great – even ones that were a little iffy before.

I stopped the medication about two months ago to give my body a rest and reset. It’s probably not the best time to do it – right at the holidays – but I wanted to take a break and also see if I would eat everything in sight if I wasn’t on it. I’m happy to report that while I’m a little hungrier than I was before, I’ve still been able to maintain small meals and intermittent fasting (which I practice healthily). Part of the extra hunger comes from a new medication that I recently started for something else – one of the side effects is increased hunger. So yeah, not the greatest time to stop my other medication either, but I can do it.

Now we’re getting to the good part! WHY DID I CRY IN BELK, YOU ASK? Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you. Turns out, there’s a part 3!

That Time I Cried in Belk – Pt 1

Me at my largest – 336 lbs

A disclaimer before I start this post: I didn’t get my post up yesterday so this is another twofer. It works out well though, because this is a long story so it’s split into two posts.

I’ve had a loooooooong, harried roller coaster journey with my weight, as have many of my friends. I’ve always thought I was a big girl, even in high school when it is painfully evident in pictures (now) that I’m quite thin. I’ve always been what I considered big boned, but I don’t even what that really means anymore. I think it means I have a big frame and I do consider myself to have one.

During my first marriage I was a little on the heavy side, but not large by any means. I think I fluctuated between 145 and 165 during the 10 years I was married. Of course I thought I was a cow. I tried hard to lose or maintain my current weight and definitely not gain more, and my ex did his part to help; he did not want a cow for a wife. After I got divorced, I gained some weight and resigned myself to the fact that this was my new body. I don’t remember what it was, but likely around 200 or so.

Eight years later I remarried and I think I was at like 235 for the first few years of our marriage. Then I turned 40 in 2015, and it happened, just like everyone said it would. When people say the minute you hit 40 it’s that much harder to lose weight, they are NOT kidding around. Everything I had done prior to 40 to either maintain or lose weight did not work anymore and the pounds just started compounding. By 2016 I had blown up to 336 pounds.

To be continued……

Say It Ain’t So!

My dear friend Lee turned me on to the theatre scene when I first moved to Birmingham in 2004. She showed me the ropes of volunteering at local venues by ushering and helping out where needed in exchange for seeing the shows. Thus began my love affair with local theatre.

I’ve been fortunate enough to see at least one show at almost every local theatre in Birmingham, I think. They each have their own unique history, personality, and character. I love watching their stages come to life with performances from some of the best thespians in the U.S.

One of the theatres in town that has become very important to me is Theatre Downtown. I’ve always enjoyed the off-the-beaten-path shows that it puts on, as well as the home it provides for ETC improv comedy troupe. I became such a fan of the theatre that I joined the Board of Directors for a few years. During my tenure I loved helping grow the social media presence, as well as have some input into the amazing shows the artistic director proposed for each year.

I’ve had so many wonderful memories at Theatre Downtown. I have friends who got married on stage, my husband was in his first play there, and I’ve spent countless days and nights ushering, cleaning, working concessions, and enjoying hundreds of shows with friends and family there. Theatre Downtown is part of my DNA now.

Theatre Downtown is housed inside Fifth Avenue Antiques in the Lakeview District of Birmingham. Last week the theatre found out that the building has been been sold and they have 30 days to move out. They are currently fundraising to help with moving costs, storage costs, and potential temporary venue costs for the rest of the season.

If you’ve ever enjoyed a show at Theatre Downtown (or plan to in the future, which I hope you will) please consider giving to their fundraiser by December 3rd – Giving Tuesday – also the day they have to move out by. You can donate to their fundraiser through their GoFundMe Charity link here:

Thank you in advance! And thank you Theatre Downtown for the many amazing memories at Fifth Avenue Antiques. I look forward to many more in your next iteration. šŸ™‚

Twofer Tuesday!

It happened again. I FELL ASLEEP before I got to post to my blog yesterday so you get TWO posts today! Itā€™s TWOFER TUESDAY!

Up first, guess whoā€™s having surgery next week???? This girl! Guess whoā€™s never had surgery before? This girl! Guess who’s SCARED TO DEATH TO HAVE SURGERY? THIS GIRL! Itā€™s very minor surgery, but I am still SCARED STIFF. I’ve never been put under. ACK. Itā€™s Balloonaplasty or something. I dunno. Theyā€™re gonna put little balloons in my nose and Iā€™m going to fly up to the sky like in the movie ā€œUp.ā€ Just kidding. That would be so cool. I am having balloon sinuplasty – thatā€™s what itā€™s called. They are sticking little skinny balloons up my nostrils and inflating them to get out all the gunk clogging up my sinuses. I have a lot of gunk apparently. Totally blocked in one side and mostly blocked on the other. And my upper sinuses are all kinda funky, too.Ā 

Iā€™ve had chronic sinus problems for as long as I can remember. Iā€™ve had a sinus infection for the last 6 months. I also have crazy bad allergies and recently had allergy testing redone. It turns out Iā€™m allergic to ALL.THE.THINGS. Still. The biggest one being yeast. DAGNABBIT. I love yeast. Oh, well. Weā€™ll tackle one thing at a time. Sinus surgery first and then allergy shots or dissolvables or something.Ā 

Anyway, if you donā€™t mind, send some good juju and prayers my way next week for a safe, easy surgery and even easier recovery. Iā€™m one terrified bunny and you know what scared bunnies look like…they just shake and poop A LOT.

Switched at Birth

I’m referring to the television show that originally aired on ABC Family (now Freeform) from 2014 to 2017. It features two teen girls who are accidentally switched in the hospital at birth and sent home with the wrong parents. One girl discovers the mistake in high school from a school lab project with a blood test.

She finds her biological parents who, in turn, have been raising the other daughter as their own. I became interested in the teen/family drama because one of the daughters is deaf in the show and communicates using ASL (American Sign Language). The show introduced me to a lot of deaf culture, different aspects of the deaf community, and a ton of ASL.

I’ve been taking ASL off and on for about 2 years now. Watching “Switched at Birth” at the beginning of my lessons was helpful in picking up common words, proper techniques for finger spelling, and general knowledge. I’m about to start the series again, now that I’ve got a few years under my belt. I’m hoping to understand a lot more of the signs and also absorb a lot more than I did the first time.

Are you taking lessons or learning anything new right now? Let me know in the comments.