It happened again. I FELL ASLEEP before I got to post to my blog yesterday so you get TWO posts today! It’s TWOFER TUESDAY!

Up first, guess who’s having surgery next week???? This girl! Guess who’s never had surgery before? This girl! Guess who’s SCARED TO DEATH TO HAVE SURGERY? THIS GIRL! It’s very minor surgery, but I am still SCARED STIFF. I’ve never been put under. ACK. It’s Balloonaplasty or something. I dunno. They’re gonna put little balloons in my nose and I’m going to fly up to the sky like in the movie “Up.” Just kidding. That would be so cool. I am having balloon sinuplasty – that’s what it’s called. They are sticking little skinny balloons up my nostrils and inflating them to get out all the gunk clogging up my sinuses. I have a lot of gunk apparently. Totally blocked in one side and mostly blocked on the other. And my upper sinuses are all kinda funky, too. 

I’ve had chronic sinus problems for as long as I can remember. I’ve had a sinus infection for the last 6 months. I also have crazy bad allergies and recently had allergy testing redone. It turns out I’m allergic to ALL.THE.THINGS. Still. The biggest one being yeast. DAGNABBIT. I love yeast. Oh, well. We’ll tackle one thing at a time. Sinus surgery first and then allergy shots or dissolvables or something. 

Anyway, if you don’t mind, send some good juju and prayers my way next week for a safe, easy surgery and even easier recovery. I’m one terrified bunny and you know what scared bunnies look like…they just shake and poop A LOT.