Tag: blog like crazy

Who Wants Free Hugs?

I *run* (and I use that term loosely) a fun little venture here in town called Free Hugs Birmingham. I stand around town with my sign, wearing my t-shirt, giving out free hugs to passersby. Or I just wear my t-shirt out and about giving free hugs to whoever sees me and wants one. Or I just start a random hug-a-thon at someone’s birthday party for fun.

I’ve modeled this after the original Free Hugs campaign, but don’t do it nearly as often as he does (or as often as I’d actually like to). So, that brings me to my poll below. Who’s in need of a hug? I know I could use some after all the news lately. I’m presenting a poll below to get an idea of when the best day and time of day you think would be to find me out on your corner with some free hugs.

Keep an eye on the Free Hugs Facebook page to see when I’ll be out next. I will definitely be making an appearance soon since the weather is finally cooling off!

A Love Letter to My Massage Therapist

Massage Picture

I’ve composed this letter in my mind a hundred times, usually on the table during a massage. I’ve always chickened out putting it into the world, but I’ve finally decided to do it.

We all have insecurities, especially when it comes to our bodies. For some of us, the older we get the less we care what others think. But those insecurities never fully go away. The negative thoughts I have about my body run rampant on the table.

A massage can be a very vulnerable experience. You’re allowing someone you don’t know (usually) use their hands all over you to help work out kinks, reduce pain, release toxins, and promote wellness in your body. You’re welcome to wear as much or little clothing as you like,  but you’re covered by a sheet except for the specific part the therapist is working on.

It took years for me to be comfortable getting a massage and my friend Amy was instrumental in that. Since then, I’ve received a lot of massages and I have the same thoughts every time: Thank you for not judging me and my body. Even if my massage therapist is judging me by chance, they never act like it or show it. My insecurities are running through my mind the whole time: I know I’m fat. I know I have dimples and cellulite. I know I have cysts that aren’t fun to touch. I know I have a fatty neck that rolls when you massage it. I know I’m overdue for that pedicure. I know my manicure left the building last year. I know you see the varicose veins on my back where most people don’t have them. If my massage therapist only knew all the things I’m silently apologizing for on the table while she works on me.

But she never needs my apology. She never acts disgusted or put off. She never leaves the room, makes a face, or coughs uncomfortably. Massage therapists are professionals and they are kind. Extremely kind…even when I do verbally apologize for my lack of pedicure or manicure. It’s that kindness and warmth that always triggers this love letter in my head. I have a special place in my heart for people who can touch other people all day long and see the healing side of it over anything superficial. They are truly special people and I am so thankful there are people who want to do that line of work. Massage therapy has been absolutely essential for my self-care and well-being.

Thank you to all my amazing massage therapists over the years, my many massage therapist friends who heal every day, and those who will continue to carry on the practice. You are like none other and you are LOVED!

What Are You an Expert At?

Photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons

Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition. Oh well, it’s my blog and I can do what I want to. (See what I did there?) 🙂

When I first meet people that I’ve only previously interacted with on social media, many don’t know what I actually do for a living. I try to keep my professional and personal life separate, but they do intertwine sometimes.

I’m the director of information technology for a local advertising and tech firm. We produce some of the greatest marketing, commercials, sites, apps, and more that I’ve ever seen. I’m quite proud to be associated with such a stellar company. I also have a great team that I work with, both in my specific department, and other teams throughout the agency.

I haven’t always wanted to be a techie. When I was very young, I wanted to be an entomologist. After that sort of passed, I wanted to be a psychologist and that was my major when I started college. Soon after though I switched to computer information systems. Once I completed my degree, I moved into a system administrator position at my then current job. Following that, I moved to Birmingham and worked at a software company doing support for their main program while learning more code. I then moved to Virginia to work for the Executive Office of the President for a while as a software trainer in the Office of Management & Budget. I left there and was then hired as a support specialist at a non-profit in Virginia and worked my way up to the IT manager position when the current manager moved to Colorado. When I decided I wanted to come back to Alabama, I was fortunate to find this amazing opportunity and have been here the last four years.

I’ve learned so much over the years of moving up the proverbial ladder. I’ve learned more about hardware in my current job than I did in 4 years of college. I’ve also learned to give thanks for the opportunities I have been given and the chances people have taken on me. One thing I try to pride myself on is working hard and finding good, talented people. Those two things are essential to any management position. I learned from some of the best mentors and bosses one could ask for and tried to use those skills in hiring the best of the best, which I have successfully done a few times now in my last few positions.

Remember, as you grow your skill set and people give you opportunities you may not have otherwise gotten, pay it forward and help others grow and give them opportunities. I forget that sometimes and I’m glad I have people around to remind me. I’m a leader, but I’m not always a good leader. I am working on that – I want to always be a good leader if possible.

What It’s Like to Be Homeless

National Homeless Awareness Week
National Homeless Awareness Week

The week before Thanksgiving is National Homeless Awareness Week. Homelessness is a subject close to my heart though I’ve not (thankfully) been affected by it personally. But I am well aware that could change in just one moment and truly feel for those who have ended up homeless due to unfortunate events. I am excited to learn more about it from One Roof, a local organization dedicated to helping to end homelessness in our area. They are hosting the NHAW events here that include a homeless simulation and a documentary screening about homelessness.

On Thursday, November 20 at 6 p.m. One Roof will facilitate a community-wide simulation open to those 18 and older at Railroad Park that teaches about the systemic barriers to housing. The simulation will be followed by a community discussion and education about how and why people become homeless. On Friday evening at 6 p.m. at the YWCA of Central Alabama they will host a screening of the documentary Storied Streets followed by an educational session on smart solutions for what the community can do to end homelessness. This will include opportunities to volunteer and a discussion about how the Alabama Housing Trust Fund can end homelessness by providing safe, supportive places for people to live.

You can RSVP for both events here.

I hope you will join me for one or both as we learn more about this issue and helping those in our city affected by it. If you would like to get involved even more, please comment below. I am creating a Junior Board for One Roof to assist them with raising awareness in our community and would love for you to be a part of it!

The Hot 100 (and a giveaway!)

WAHOO! Champagne! Balloons! Confetti!

(Quite a difference from last night’s post, eh?) Today I hit 100 followers on my lil ol’ blog here. I’m thrilled beyond measure that 100 of you want to know when I have a thought or 20. Seriously though, I appreciate each and every one of you. And I can’t wait to see what this month (#bloglikecrazy) and the next year hold for us. I hope to relaunch this blog and my other sites under one roof and with a whole new look – more on that later. In the mean time, let’s get ready for the new year. It’s less than two months away, can you believe it? I, for one, would like to start living my life fuller, being more mindful, and really taking the time to do those things I’ve always wanted to do and tend to those relationships that need nourishing. Not to be completely selfish, but I need it. I’m at that point in life (almost 40!) where I value relationships and making memories much more than having status or material things.


In that vein, I’d like to share a book with one lucky follower that I’ll be reading in the new year. In honor of his visit a few weeks ago, I’m going to read The Art of Happiness: a Handbook for Living from His Holiness The Dalai Lama. I’ll be coordinating with the winner and hope to read this alongside them and have some meaningful discussions when we’re both done. Click here for your chance to win. You can enter once a day until the drawing ends on 11/13/14 and I’ll announce the winner shortly after. Happy entering!