WAHOO! Champagne! Balloons! Confetti!

(Quite a difference from last night’s post, eh?) Today I hit 100 followers on my lil ol’ blog here. I’m thrilled beyond measure that 100 of you want to know when I have a thought or 20. Seriously though, I appreciate each and every one of you. And I can’t wait to see what this month (#bloglikecrazy) and the next year hold for us. I hope to relaunch this blog and my other sites under one roof and with a whole new look – more on that later. In the mean time, let’s get ready for the new year. It’s less than two months away, can you believe it? I, for one, would like to start living my life fuller, being more mindful, and really taking the time to do those things I’ve always wanted to do and tend to those relationships that need nourishing. Not to be completely selfish, but I need it. I’m at that point in life (almost 40!) where I value relationships and making memories much more than having status or material things.


In that vein, I’d like to share a book with one lucky follower that I’ll be reading in the new year. In honor of his visit a few weeks ago, I’m going to read The Art of Happiness: a Handbook for Living from His Holiness The Dalai Lama. I’ll be coordinating with the winner and hope to read this alongside them and have some meaningful discussions when we’re both done. Click here for your chance to win. You can enter once a day until the drawing ends on 11/13/14 and I’ll announce the winner shortly after. Happy entering!


3 Comments on The Hot 100 (and a giveaway!)

  1. Sherri, I have this book and have only skimmed it over the years. I would love to join in a discussion..maybe a Yougotrossed Book Club is in the works..we can have skype discussions! Just a thought. 🙂 Congrats on 100 followers! ♡♡

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