I’m a tightly wound person. My husband can tell you that, my therapist can tell you that, and my family can tell you that. I’ve worked for years to learn how to unwind in my day-today, but I still get tense a lot. I have a few at home remedies I like to try when I feel a tension headache coming or the familiar ache in my shoulders.

Baths: We have a great claw-foot tub that is perfect for long, hot baths. I keep bath bombs and foam on hand to make them even more relaxing. Some of my favorite bath bombs come from Lush and my favorite bubble bath is Dr. Teal’s Soothe & Sleep Lavender Foaming Bath with Pure Epsom Salt. I light candles, turn on my “spa” station on Pandora, and slowly sink into the tub until I turn into a human prune.

Meditation: When I am super stressed or having a panic attack I turn to my calming apps to bring me back to earth. If you have an Apple Watch the Breathe app is a great app. You can set it to trigger at random times throughout the day, or you can manually kick it off any time you want. It’s good for a quick check in with myself and to focus on how I’m feeling at that moment and why. For longer meditations I use the Simple Habit app on my phone. I’ve fallen in love with this app (thanks to recommendation of friends) and they add new meditations all the time. I use the free version and it works great for me. They have series you can follow for different needs you may have and I’ve found them all helpful so far.

Praying: Some people may categorize this with meditation, but I don’t. Praying definitely relaxes me, because I’m talking to (my) God and basically venting. It’s almost like therapy for me. I’m able to let God know what’s on my mind, what I’m happy about, what I’m upset about, and what I don’t feel I can manage right now. I always feel better after I pray.

Reading or TV: If I have some extra time I like to read or catch up on my “fluff” TV shows. Fluff shows are the shows I don’t have to think about – comedies, usually. They are just feel good shows that usually have a happy ending. Thinks like “Manifest” or “This is Us” are NOT fluff shows and I think a lot or cry a lot during both of those.

I’m interested to hear about how you relax at home. Feel free to let me know at sherri@yougotrossed.com.


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