Tag: work

My Passion

Problem Solving Picture
Photo by Campus Party Europe in Berlin

I’ve always wondered exactly what my passion was/is. I know I’m passionate about many different things – I love to connect people to other people and resources, I love to lift people up and encourage them, I love to dance and get people grooving with me, I love to love people, I just love to make people smile, period. But today my true passion came out in full force and I wasn’t even looking for it.

I love to solve problems. That’s it. My husband was having an issue setting up an account for someone and kept running into problems. I immediately wanted help him (aka take over) and resolve the issue. He didn’t need my help (he’s super intelligent and capable), but my first instinct and desire were to grab that computer and fix that issue immediately, no matter what it took. It hit me right then, that’s what my passion is. That’s exactly what I love doing the most. I have many gifts, but THAT is what I love doing and what I want to do – FIX PROBLEMS. And I’m good at it. It doesn’t have to be technology, but I’m especially good at that. However, I’m constantly trying to help friends figure out resolutions to their issues or at least point them in the right direction. I’m a plethora of information and love to dig for information to help people find the answers to their questions if I can’t solve it for them.

So next time you need a problem solved hit me up and I’ll see if I can help. Apparently I LOVE IT. lol.

What Do I Do?

A lot of people ask about my job. I usually don’t go into a lot of detail, because it can be hard to understand if you’re not familiar with what ‘the cloud’ really is. But I’m happy to tell anyone who wants to listen, so if you’re interested and know cloud concepts I’ll gladly talk to you about it all day.

I am a Certified Solutions Architect in Amazon Web Services. In VERY short and minimalist terms I architect and implement solutions in Amazon’s cloud for clients. Many people know the retail side of Amazon – amazon.com – where we all buy tooooo much stuff, me included. I can’t help it – I love free shipping, same day delivery on some things, and discounts at Whole Foods and other places. I’ve been an Amazon girl for decades. But Amazon also has a whole separate “backside,” as I call it, that’s the engine behind all that retail magic, as well as their music, video, books (Kindle), and many other arms. All the programs, computers, databases, etc. that run basically EVERYTHING Amazon does is powered by its own computer ecosystem called Amazon Web Services. It’s a massive network that spans the globe and runs Amazon, along with many other huge companies you know like Netflix, Kellogg’s, GE, and Samsung.

Amazon isn’t the only company out there providing cloud technology. There are many other cloud providers out there and some of the bigger ones that you may have heard of are Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and others. I can get around those, but I’m definitely most familiar with and skilled in AWS. Thankfully, that’s what I’m certified in so that works out well. 😉

In a nutshell, that’s what I do. If you’re ever thinking of moving to the cloud and don’t know where or how to start just let me know and I’ll be glad to point you in the right direction. And I work for an amazing company so you know you’ll be in great hands with me.

Throw-It-Out Thursday

Sorry folks – I had a post for today from my editorial calendar all ready to go, but I wasn’t feeling it and threw it right out the window. I woke up feeling some kind of way, saw the news, got a kick in the gut at work, and decided to let loose on here. This picture is exactly how I feel – female problems and all!

I’m not going to get into a discussion about gun control on my blog, but I am devastated for the families of the victims of Thousand Oaks, the Tree of Life, the Tallahassee yoga studio, and all the other shootings in the last week, month, year, DECADE! It’s sad that it’s such a common occurrence that it hardly raises eyebrows anymore unless it’s someone you know or you were part of it. We’re numb to it because we’ve gotten so use to it being news these days. That breaks my heart.

I also found out today a friend of mine at work is leaving. I’m going to miss them terribly even though I’m extremely happy and excited for them. When they told me I basically just burst into tears. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? We’re not even that close, but this is one of the good ones. One of the GREAT ones, actually, who really works hard to make a difference and make sure things are done right. They are one of the greatest examples we have of a model employee and I hate that we’re losing them. What I hate worse is losing a friend, confidant, and mentor. But that’s life and they’ve worked hard and deserve this.

So today has just been one of those days. All will be fine and life is still great, but today’s a day and I’m allowed to have it. So are you. If you’re having one of those days, let yourself. You’ll feel better, I promise!

Bowl Me Over

Flickr Creative Commons

I love bowling and have wanted to join a league for many years. I recently got that opportunity with my new job. Our league, Bottoms Up, is comprised of co-workers, spouses, and other friends and family. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone in getting to know my co-workers and cross an item off my wish list.

Anyone who knows me knows that I go all in when I do something so I ordered my own ball and shoes, which was a great investment. I have always bowled with house balls and believe me when I say I suck at bowling. But I have fun and that’s the reason I go; they play the best dance music and the floor (and your shoes) are so slippery so I look like James Brown out there. I am no good at bowling and I’m fine with that. I don’t throw a gutter ball every time, but I rarely get strikes or spares.

Enter custom ball. I’m convinced it’s a magical ball. I had forewarned my colleagues that I am no good and planned on going to socialize and have fun. They assured me that was the reason for the league and that I was in good company. Our first meet was last Tuesday and each team in our league bowled three games, different teams pitted against each other. My scores were 114, 141, and 150 respectively. I don’t know yet what my handicap is or will be, but the fact that I broke 100 on the first game nearly sent me into a tizzy of happiness. It’s the ball. It rolls lie buttah down the lane; I love that ball.

The best (and worst) part of the experience was the pain in my arm the next day from the muscles I apparently so rarely use. Throwing that 11 pound ball over and over for a few hours really took its toll on my arm and I’m still sore 5 days later. I am going to start doing 1 handed push ups with my other arm to try and balance out my Popeye arm that’s starting to form. I also poured buckets of sweat while bowling because it was hot and I was getting cardio in. Don’t laugh, it’s true.

I’m excited to continue throughout the session and get to know my co-workers more. I’m still quite new at the company and have been exposed to the same people since I got there, for the most part. I am looking forward to getting to know some of the others, making new friends, getting better at aiming, putting power behind the ball, and possibly learning how to hook. I’m even more excited to sweat off some pounds and build up and tone some arm muscles. Fun, fun fitness!

Girls, the time is now.


I was recently interviewed about being a woman in the technology sector, namely challenges I faced getting to where I am and continue to face. This isn’t the first time I’ve had the question; people are fascinated that I’m the director of IT for an advertising and technology company. It wasn’t an easy road, but it wasn’t as hard as people think. I studied hard, worked harder, and continued to move up in positions throughout my career because I proved myself.

My biggest disappointment with the technology sector these days is that there aren’t enough of us in it. By us, I mean women. Many times over the years I was the only female at the table in a room with 10 or more men. It took a while to learn I was there because I earned it and my contributions are important. I was intimidated at first, painfully quiet during discussions. The more meetings I went to, however, the more I realized some things were missing from the conversation and that was my cue.

These days I’m more than comfortable being the only woman at the table, leaning in, learning, and sharing my knowledge. I am grateful I have been in more than one position to pay it forward and hire equally qualified and smart women in the field. The one question I always get asked is what advice would I give girls considering technology as a career. My answer is, “Don’t give up. Stick with it, even when you are singled out or made to feel inferior. It is a predominantly male field, but it won’t always be like that with our brains and determination. Girls, the time is now to start taking over the tech industry!”