Tag: stellar fashion and fitness

That Time I Didn’t Break the Internet (aka Swimsuit Selfie)

I’ve started this post a few times, and each time I’ve deleted what I’ve written and started over. I can’t quite find the right words to express my thoughts, but I want to get this post out so here goes nothing. By the way, I’m currently listening to my ‘Brave’ playlist while doing this post. I need it.

I have a very good friend, Jennifer, who swims with me each week. She and I have a lot in common, but one of our biggest differences is body image perception. She is rocking it in that department while I still struggle with it nearly every minute of my life. I am getting better though, thanks to her and a ton of other inspiring women in my world who are pouring out body positive messages and experiences. Jennifer has posted numerous pictures of herself in bathing suits. Granted, she is much smaller than I am, but that still takes guts no matter what your size. She absolutely floors me when she does it and I had always hoped one day I would have the courage. Well, this week I threw caution to the wind and just did it.

The response was overwhelmingly positive! It received more ‘likes’ on Facebook and ‘loves’ on Instagram than any picture I’ve ever posted before (and I’ve posted A LOT). I wasn’t scared of negative backlash, though I knew it would be there. I wasn’t scared of the response at all – I posted it for me, not anyone else. I just wanted to see if I could do it. Posting that picture took more courage than I think I had ever mustered in my life and you know what? It turned out to be nothing! I didn’t break the internet (from people closing their mobile devices, apps, or computers) and it didn’t do anything other than build me up. I was completely floored and touched by the words of love, kindness, acceptance, and gratitude that I received – from both women AND men – thanking me for posting it and reminding them to love themselves more.

The point of this post was not to brag about what I did or all the words of love I received – it’s to tell you that your biggest fear or shame likely isn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I haven’t worn shorts in over 10 years in public because of how I feel about my legs and not wanting to subject others to them. I haven’t worn a 2 piece bathing suit in probably 20 years. I barely wear a one piece and that’s usually once a year to go to a private pool. I don’t want people to see my body, I don’t want to be judged for my stretch marks, my cellulite, or my girth. I don’t want other people to have to look at that. You know what? The more I am around the true, very real, awe-inspiring Birmingham Girls Club and my friends, the more I realize I am just like everyone else. We all have our imperfections that we want to hide, but these women are not hiding them. They are just being themselves and loving who they are, flaws and all. These women, along with Jennifer and more, are really helping me let go of all my hang ups so I can just be me. There aren’t enough words to let them know how much they have helped me and how much I appreciate them, but I’ll continue trying. We’ll continue rocking our respective worlds with self-love, body positive messages, and acceptance. And to all those wonderful friends and strangers who commented on my post on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, thank you for your words. You have no idea how they touched me and truly helped change my life. And thanks to their support, I just bought my first 2 piece bathing suit in over 20 years along with 2 pairs of shorts. Take THAT!

I didn't break the internet!
I didn’t break the internet!



My good friend Jennifer recently started swimming for fitness. She’s a huge inspiration for me with her workouts and goals and we often try to exercise together at least once a week. At my gym there are 2 pools that I hadn’t used until a few weeks ago. She inspired me to pull out the old bathing suit and jump in. She came with me the first time to share some exercises and breathing tips then proceeded to put us all to shame and swim some very long laps the entire long length of the pool. I, on the other hand, swam short laps from side to side. I know, I know…I’m such an overachiever.

The day after my first pool excursion I was so sore. I didn’t even do a lot, but I felt it everywhere and was glad for the pain. It meant I was using muscles I hadn’t used in quite some time during my other workouts. I know my legs and torso were sore from my baby laps from side to side, but my arms were sore from the pull ups. Where I work out, the Wellness Center at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Southside, is also a therapy facility. There are therapy bars and other equipment installed on the sides of the pool. So I did pull ups in the pool. MY FIRST UNASSISTED PULL UP! 😉 (cross fitters and others will get that joke) Jennifer and I each did 3 sets of reps on the pull up bars and then swam some more. It was a great workout and now I’m hooked.

We’re going to start going regularly, but even if she’s unable to go sometime, I am going. I like it THAT much. One of my biggest issues when exercising is breathing correctly. I think swimming more and practiciing correctly will really help with that.

If you ever want to join Jennifer and I for a swim, or just me, please reach out. I’d love to show you my slammin’ dog paddle or just show you around my gym (which I’m totally in love with and no one seems to know exists).

I’m ready for “Mermaids”:

It’s a Major Award!

Image by
By Elizabeth/Table4Five via Flickr/Creative Commons

I recently received an amazing gift from my friend, Jennifer of Stellar Fashion and Fitness. She gave me an Inspiring Blog Award. This is such an honor as I am a huge huge huge fan of Jennifer’s – her blog, her attitude, her perseverance, her candor. She is funny, beautiful, ambitious, talented, and inspiring in so many aspects of life. Thank you, Jennifer, for the recognition and sentiment.

inspiringblogawardSo, to give back to the blogging community, receipt of this award comes with the following tasks:

  • Display the award image on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites.
  • Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post.

Here goes!

  1. I wanted to be an entomologist for most of my childhood. I LOVED bugs!
  2. I got caught skipping school my senior year when my Biology teacher called my dad. That was not a good day. Kids, don’t skip school. It’s not worth it. lol.
  3. I was boy crazy growing up. I have this wooden lap board that a dear friend gave me when I was younger. She painted me as a cheerleader on it (I was a Pee Wee and a Termite cheerleader in grade school). As I got older and used the board more often for doing homework on my bed, I started writing the names of boys I liked on it or went out with. I still have that board and it is COVERED in names. I wrote many over and over, but it’s hilarious to read them now and remember my teenage years.
  4. I cannot live without Cherry Chapstick, lotion, or Wet Ones.
  5. I used to work at the Executive Office of the President.
  6. I have had pets my entire life. All dogs and one cat that was a terror and we gave it away. My favorite pup was a Chihuahua named Perky.
  7. I had very bushy hair all through school. Think of awesome Afros in the 70s. My aunt would give me perm after perm. My friends called them “Poodle Perms.” I loved them!

And now, for the 15 blogs that I find inspirational:

  1. The Writeous Babe Project
  2. Redhot Writing Hood
  3. To Be Continued…
  4. Ben Franklin Follies
  5. E is for Erin
  6. Magic City Made
  7. All In Stride
  8. The Jen West Quest
  9. Who Ate My Blog?
  10. The Dreamist
  11. Carol A. Marks
  12. Marie Sutton Writes
  13. Write Claire, write!
  14. Karri Is So Very
  15. My Small Web Page

There are definitely others, but there’s a start. Happy blogging and I hope you find some inspiration. I sure did! Thank you again to Jennifer for the wonderful award.