Tag: fear

How My Emotional Baggage is Affecting My Marriage


We all have it – emotional baggage. If you don’t, you’re all of 3 years old and I have no idea how you are reading this, but kudos to you. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life – mostly ups – but somehow the downs are really doing a number on my livelihood as of late. I think they have been for many years, but I wasn’t self aware enough to realize or address it. At the ripe age of forty, I am now ready to tackle the demons that have plagued most all of my relationships since I was a teenager.

Pan over to Husband #2. The man has put up with more from me in the past four years than most people have to deal with in a lifetime. I don’t want to say I’m “mental” because a) that’s not correct and b) that sounds derogatory and it’s not. I have issues, plain and simple. Issues that have turned me into a teeth-clenching, eye-rolling, tightwad to him at home, yet a sugary sweet, nurturing angel to anyone outside of that. Don’t get me wrong, he’s no angel either. He has genuine things that I think would bother even the most zen of people. But he still gets a lot more Snippy Sherri than he should and he’s been so understanding and loving through all I’ve dished out. Add to that my lack of affection, wanting to be touched, or do anything but lie in bed by myself and watch TV when we’re at home and you have a marriage made in heaven. He deserves a medal.

The past year or so I’ve started to feel stronger negative emotions than I have before. Anything remotely sad on TV, or a fleeting moment from a past, failed relationship, sends me into a whirlwind of emotions including sobbing uncontrollably (and inconsolably), hiding in the bathroom so Husband doesn’t see, driving in my car for hours on end from wistfulness, and parking to watch trains for hours, wanting to jump on one and just start over new somewhere else. Any trigger will send me into a fit of racking sobs where my heart feels like someone close to me has died. I can cry for hours with no idea WHY I am crying or for so long. That itself is enough to make me feel quite unhinged in the head. Keep in mind this is all away from work, too. When I’m at work, I’m professional, funny, completely grounded Sherri who gets the job done and well!

I’ve known I wanted to talk to someone outside of my comfort zone for a while. I’ve been to therapy before and while I firmly believe in it and talking things out, it’s never been terribly effective for me in helping me feel better. But, I know it can never hurt so I made an appointment with a therapist that a friend recommended. Always hesitant to talk about myself (I would much rather hear all about you), I went in trepidatiously. I stared out the window, not making eye contact, during our hour-long chat about my past, my present, and my fear of the future. With the therapist’s blessing, I left knowing I could come back to her if I wanted or try another therapist if I felt like she wasn’t a good fit. Her last words to me that day were, “I think you are someone who tries so hard to be happy, always putting on a smile and cheering people on, and you’re dying on the inside.” I immediately burst into tears with overwhelming relief that she was able to put it into words what I hadn’t been able to and what I was feeling. One thing she did want me to do, no matter who I saw, was to visit one of their in-house psychiatrists to talk about my current medication and see if any changes were needed or recommended.

I’ve been on Zoloft for anxiety for the past 5 years, prescribed by my general physician. While I adore my GP to pieces, I was glad to visit an actual specialist in mind and medicine matters. I had to fill out the equivalent of an autobiography for this new doctor and the meeting went well. Telling myself I would not cry at this meeting simply talking about my medication, I teared up and let it flow about twenty minutes in. I didn’t know if I was depressed, anxious, or something else, but I knew I was something. She noted some symptoms of depression, but nothing major there (which I’m extremely grateful for because I know how hard living with that can be) and she attributed most of my outbursts and mood swings to anxiety. I was befuddled. “Why am I crying all the time over everything if I’m not full-on depressed?” She said, “Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, including bouts of crying and sadness.” What? WHAT? How come no one told me that before now? Oh, because I never talked to anyone about it before now. Go me!

We’re changing my medication. In fact, I started the new medication over the weekend, having weaned myself down from my Zoloft the past week and continuing to do so over the next two weeks. She is confident we will have turned a corner when I go back in five weeks, even though my prescription may still need tweaking. Yesterday was the first day the new medicine was in my system and I could tell. She warned me about common side effects and boy, was she right! I didn’t feel well most of the day, but today seems to be better so I’m extremely thankful.

I also had my second session with Therapist this past week. She was more amazing than the first time and we focused on an event in my past that apparently I was still very hung up on (I had no idea). I sobbed the entire hour in her office, going through an activity to help let that part of my past go. To say it worked is an understatement; I felt drained and like an 18-wheeler hit me after I left and for the next few days. I was despondent, out of sorts, and generally numb. I really had no idea why until I woke up on Friday and felt completely renewed. I wasn’t sure if it was weaning off my old medication or the therapy session, but I felt like a huge weight was gone – it was a breakthrough. I felt truly happy when I smiled at my husband that morning and he saw it – legitimately saw it. Things I have had panic attacks about for the last twenty years were just ‘meh’ to me now. I intentionally thought about them Friday morning and had such a different reaction that wasn’t negative at all. A warm sensation filled my body and I was immediately at peace with this fear. I was elated!

I am not sure what the future holds and I don’t know how this new medication will work, but one thing is for sure: I’ve felt better and more alive and myself than I have in a long time. Sunshiny Sherri, not Snippy Sherri. All that to say this, if you are feeling alone, crazy, or just out of sorts, talk to someone. If money is keeping you from seeking help, there are plenty of resources like Oasis Counseling, Impact Counseling, Covenant Counseling, and others that offer free or affordable counseling. You don’t have to hide in the bathroom or in your head. Take the first step and just reach out, even if it’s just to a friend – chances are they have been in your shoes or know someone who has and can empathize and even recommend someone they know. And, no matter what, you can always talk to me at sherri (at) yougotrossed (dot) com.

Fear Doesn’t Take a Holiday


I have thanatophobia. For those who don’t know it’s an insane, irrational fear of death. I know death is looming and the thought can paralyze me in an instant if I’m not careful. I’ve had hundreds of panic attacks thinking about life as I know it ending and trying to rationalize it in my head. It never works. My belief in God says it’s not supposed to, but I keep trying like an idiot.

I’ve learned to live with the fear, though I do try to talk to professionals about it if gets overwhelming. But it also means I have taken only one trip on an airplane in the last 10 years. I used to love flying, long before anxiety and fear kicked in and crippled me. I drive everywhere now – even across the country. And yes, I know that driving is more dangerous than flying, but apparently I’d rather die on the road than falling out of the sky. Thanatophobia also manifests itself into many other fears that control my days. I’m terribly skittish, nearly hitting the ground if I hear a loud bang or if someone just surprises me. I scream bloody murder, ask my husband. I once went to a shooting range and before I even got settled into a lane, I heard someone shoot and came flying out, crying. It scared me….nearly to death.

All that to say this, fear doesn’t take a holiday. Not today, on this day we celebrate the freedom afforded to us by our ancestors and those who have served and are serving to help keep us free and safe. I will hear fireworks tonight and, because I know the holiday, I will watch with child-like happiness at their beauty. I will not be afraid because I can see them and I know they are coming. But my fear is still there and it can hit at any time, even today.

I decided on January 1 of this year that I was going to work hard to take control back from fear. I was turning 40 this year and it was a perfect time to change my path. I want to travel. I want to naturally be calm and relaxed. I want to be my authentic self, not controlled by fear. To that end, I made a list to myself of a few things I was going to do this year to help me take my freedom back.

  1. “Walk This Way” The fear of heights is strong in this one and hubby challenged me last year to walk around Vulcan one time to prove to myself that I could. I tried one other time, a few years ago, and couldn’t let go of the stone wall inner core in order to move; I barely made it across the walkway from the elevator to the observation deck of Vulcan. I’m happy to report that we went by Vulcan earlier this year on a whim and I did it! It was glorious.
  2. “Big Jet Airliner” I surprised hubby when I told him earlier this year that I WAS getting on a plane to somewhere this year. Well, that somewhere happens to be Las Vegas for work in October. I’m excited because it will be my first trip to Vegas, but I’m already having panic attacks about it. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”
  3. “Just Like a Tattoo” I have always wanted a tattoo. ALWAYS. My mother even took me to get one when I was much younger and I chickened out because the artist said it would hurt. A few months ago, again on a whim, hubby and I decided we would get tattoos. It hurt like crazy, but I wasn’t scared for some reason. And I love it! I am so happy I finally did it.
  4. “Bootylicious” I am ENTIRELY too bootylicious, as in I have way too much booty going on, along with too much of everything else. To help with that, I started working out, discovered an awesome new fitness class I am loving, and will be finally starting yoga in the next few weeks. I’m most excited about the yoga to help me calm down, control my energy and body with learning how to breathe properly, and get stronger inside and out. I am grateful for this new adventure with Melissa Scott Yoga.
  5. “Off With Her Head, er, Hair!” I’ve gone back and forth on this for years. My hair is nice, but boy, does it make me hot (ie. SWEAT). It drives me bonkers. I’ve always wanted super short hair and have veered away from it my entire adult life. I’ve cut it short, but not nearly as short as I want. I recently cut off 11 inches to donate, also hoping it would cool me off some. That’s a negative, Ghost Rider. Inspired by some very sassy, sexy lady friends who recently shaved it all off, I’ve decided to chop some more off. No, I’m not going GI Jane – I can’t because of my job, though I wish sometimes I could just for the sheer coolness of it (literal coolness, not figurative). But I will be sporting a cut somewhere between my super crazy woman crush Lindsay and this when I get done.

This all goes back to taking MY freedom back from fear. Forty seems like the perfect age to get it together, do what I’ve always wanted, and be my authentic self. This year is MY year…in so many ways. I am blessed beyond measure and thank God everyday for that. Will this be your year, too? What will you be doing to take back your freedom from distractions or things that hold you back? What are you already doing to be your authentic self?