What a nice pair of VIDEOS you have…(actually 3, with a birthday to boot)

I uploaded a few videos to YouTube and am pondering the impending birthday.

First things first, if you’d like to check out the videos of my crazy sister and my gorgeous nieces and nephew, check out these 3 links:



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhuGGWsICxM (this one is my favorite, but it won’t finish processing on YouTube. I’m hoping it will be done by the time I get up tomorrow)

Secondly, I’ll turn 32 in a few hours. I have no problem telling people my age. Other than some weight issues, I think I look alright for 32. Not great, but my age. Things could be worse. I am optimistic about life..about the next year. I had been dreading it for a few weeks now. Thirty was fine, even thirty-one didn’t bother me, but 32 just *looks* fat…like “welcome to adulthood – in case you were on the fence.” There’s no going back and there’s no claiming I’m still a youngster. Yes, at 31, I was still claiming wetness behind the ears. I figure I still have a few footholds into that naivety – not being a mother yet, not having significantly moved in my life that I can remember, etc. But, I’m just waiting to see what the next year brings. It could bring one of those things or all of those things – who knows. I’m open. Open to life, love and the pursuit of my happiness. And others’ as well. Viva la birthday!

On that high spirited note, I would like to share something that a friend turned me on to. One of the best videos I have ever seen. You know I soooo want to go out and try this now. How come I can never think of something totally original like this? I’ve got to start using the right side of my brain more. Enjoy and tell me what you think!


One more thing: I’m listening to Lily Allen’s CD. I am in LOVE with this girl. She’s like a shiny, happy, funny, blatently honest pixie. I love her voice, her accent, her lyrics (she’s a nut) and the music. I could bop to this all day. It’s a great pick-me-up. You can listen to a lot of her songs on her web site at http://www.lilyallenmusic.com/. She’s also my new song on MySpace. Check out her songs ‘Knock ‘Em Out,’ ‘LDN’ and ‘Alfie.’ Give me your thoughts!

The injustice of it all!

So much has happened since I last wrote. I wouldn’t even know where to begin (yes, I know it’s my fault for going so long without updating), but I’ll give it a shot.

Christmas was very nice. I went to Montgomery to have lunch with dad. Ash and I also had a very nice Christmas together. All in all, wonderful. The next weekend, she and I headed to Wisconsin to visit mom, Tiff, and the kids. I’m going to summarize and say that the trip went ok. The best part was having visiting Tiffany and the kids. They are, without question, the lights of my life. Tiff’s not bad either. I wouldn’t have had nearly as wonderful a time without Ashley, so thank you for going. I’ll post a few pics soon from the trip.

The weeks following WI were spent getting ready for Ashley’s move to D.C. She left Friday. It’s been 4 days and I’m feeling it already. Fun fun!

Other than that, my world is good. I have wonderful friends, family and a dog that I adore more than a lot of people. I know I have been MIA for a bit while Ashley was getting ready to go, but I’m back and better than ever! Lol. Thanks for being patient and so good to me during this transition. Now call or e-mail me. Fill me in on you!

Happy Holidays

to one and all. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season filled with love, laughter, family and friends and, of course, the reason for the season! I’m heading to Montgomery for Christmas to have lunch with dad. The next week, I’m off to Wisconsin to spend New Year’s with the family up there. If you’re traveling, I hope you have safe travels.

This is why you don’t listen to mellow music and do Christmas cards

I’m doing Christmas cards. And I’m listening to this beautiful song “Cherry Road” by Martina Sorbara. And I’m so sad. I miss these friends that I’m writing cards to. Some I see many times a year, some once, some never. I know the world is a big place and geography offers a solution for every gypsy heart, but why do we have to be so far apart? While I understand it, I don’t like. Not one bit.

Don’t listen to sad music when you’re writing your friends. It only makes things worse.

Change in plans

I originally planned to spend this past weekend at home, cleaning up and relaxing. However, when I heard that the gals were celebrating the birthdays of two very special people this weekend I had to hit the road.

There was a double celebration Saturday night in Montgomery for Virgie and Gillian. Unfortunately, Virgie is terribly sick and she missed it. I hated to miss buying my “mom” a birthday shot, but Gillian took one for the team. I, personally, had a blast and stayed out much later than I have been out in about a year. I kid you not. I’m getting old. I think last New Year’s was the last time I closed a bar down.

We started out at Red Star Tavern in EastChase. It was a wonderful choice (IMHO) with great food and better drinks (once I found the right one). A few people were missing, but there was a great turnout for the birthdays. I finally, after long last, got to meet Sarah and enjoyed ribbing her all night about her puppy. After dinner, we headed to Gator’s for a bit and then on to Woodmere for some dancing. That didn’t really pan out, so we headed to 322 for a bit. All in all, it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed hanging with everyone again. Mia, thank you for letting me spend the night!!

Happy birthday to Anna and Dana who are also having a dual celebration tomorrow night in Montgomery. Have a margarita for me! Happy birthday, chickies!

I’ll be back in Montgomery this weekend. The Brainfreeze Christmas show is Friday night at the Capri Theatre. I have them in my Top 12, so if you need more info, click on the poster. I was in the group years ago and I know they’ve vastly improved since then so please go and support them if you can.