
Today’s post is a little late, but it’s been a big day. I will write more about it tomorrow, but I do want to say thank you to all those who responded today on Facebook and the blog with positive thoughts and well wishes regarding the bike campaign. I spent the morning talking to you all about that and then headed to Food Blog South for the afternoon. I did my taxes after I got home and then enjoyed steak, Brussels sprouts, and catching up on shows with the man. All in all, a wonderful end to what started out as a kind of dreadful day. But, I still woke up, I still have air, food, water, clothing, housing, and my health. I still have love for God, my friends, and my family in my heart. And so I had the most amazing day – period. Good night, dear friends, and thank you for stopping by.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.


It was brought to my attention tonight that my birthday wish bike campaign came across as greedy. I had no idea and apologize to anyone that may have seen it or felt that way. I have ended the campaign and will find another way to get the bike. Thank you all for your support and love.


Tonight I dropped a friend off at the Greyhound bus station. As I started to pull away, a car pulled in and parked behind me. A young lady got out and was immediately bowled over with a hug by another young lady who came running out of the station squealing.

I don’t fly a lot and I’ve never taken the train farther than the airport. I have never ridden on a Greyhound. My point is that I don’t necessarily get to experience a lot of other people’s reunions. Watching that scene tonight left me with a twinge of wistfulness wishing I saw unabridged happiness like that more often. Maybe it’s out there and I’m just not a part of the jet setter world so I don’t see it. Is it out there? Are there tearful, hug-filled squeals of joy at the airport? I am sure there are when our service men and women return home, but what about everyone else? Do we, as a society, still show excitement and affection when we see someone we’ve missed for a while? Or is it just hug and a smile? Let’s squeal when we see those we love or missed. Let’s get excited when we hold them in our arms again. Let’s love LOUD. I am (fair warning).

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Weight Lost Wednesday #3

That’s RIGHT – weight LOST! 🙂 This post is going to be short and sweet to get my numbers out there. I’ll work on a more detailed post later chronicling my life, my loves, my losses, and…wait, no..that’s for my book. I’ll be back later with more awesomeness from my LIFE!

Drum roll please…….

Beginning Weight: 287.5 (1/5/2013)
Current Weight: 284.1 (1/23/2013)
Gain/Loss: -3.4 lbs

WOOT WOOT! That is all. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. Thank you for the support and love!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Checking In

Hi guys and dolls. Busy day today with work, meetings, dinner at the Cobalt Club, workout at Iron Tribe followed by my first training session with my running coach and now bed. That is all. More tomorrow, because I am done today. So sorry there isn’t more, but eyes…are…shutti..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.