Me at my largest – 336 lbs

A disclaimer before I start this post: I didn’t get my post up yesterday so this is another twofer. It works out well though, because this is a long story so it’s split into two posts.

I’ve had a loooooooong, harried roller coaster journey with my weight, as have many of my friends. I’ve always thought I was a big girl, even in high school when it is painfully evident in pictures (now) that I’m quite thin. I’ve always been what I considered big boned, but I don’t even what that really means anymore. I think it means I have a big frame and I do consider myself to have one.

During my first marriage I was a little on the heavy side, but not large by any means. I think I fluctuated between 145 and 165 during the 10 years I was married. Of course I thought I was a cow. I tried hard to lose or maintain my current weight and definitely not gain more, and my ex did his part to help; he did not want a cow for a wife. After I got divorced, I gained some weight and resigned myself to the fact that this was my new body. I don’t remember what it was, but likely around 200 or so.

Eight years later I remarried and I think I was at like 235 for the first few years of our marriage. Then I turned 40 in 2015, and it happened, just like everyone said it would. When people say the minute you hit 40 it’s that much harder to lose weight, they are NOT kidding around. Everything I had done prior to 40 to either maintain or lose weight did not work anymore and the pounds just started compounding. By 2016 I had blown up to 336 pounds.

To be continued……