Month: November 2019

I FINALLY Finished #BlogLikeCrazy!

Blog Like Crazy logo

Blog Like Crazy is the monthlong challenge to post new content to your blog every day in November. Javacia of See Jane Write introduced us to it years ago.

Every year I say I’m going to do it. Every year I start out strong. Every year I peter out and never finish. UNTIL THIS YEAR! I DID IT!!!! Now, I didn’t do it gracefully and I probably didn’t do it correctly. But I did it. I posted 30 new posts for November. Some days I had to post it the next day so you got a twofer or a threefer (today!) because I missed my deadline or missed a day without knowing it, but I DID IT! WAHOOOO!!! I found the trick; don’t tell anyone you’re doing it. lol. This is the first year I didn’t declare I was doing it – I just did it for myself to see if I could actually do it. And I did. Sort of. lol.

Today I was going back through the posts, making sure I had all 30 (sans yesterday and today’s which I was working on) and realized I missed November 6 somehow. So I just wrote one for November 6th and posted it. Better late than never and we’re still in November so it’s still part of Blog Like Crazy! 🙂 I hope it still counts as part of Blog Like Crazy and I’m still considered a completer.

I hope to do it again next year and put more planning into it to have much better content. I am thankful for my wonderful friends and the wonderful readers who joined me for the ride this month. It was a blast and I hope you stick around to see what else lands here the rest of this year and next!

I’ll be sharing out Javacia’s post on everyone who completed the challenge later because they are always rock stars and have the best blogs! I love reading and sharing the fellow Janes’ content. Happy November and congrats to all who finished this challenge and NaNoWriMo!

The First Thing I Remember?

So today is the end of #BlogLikeCrazy – the month long challenge at See Jane Write to post a blog post every day. I was so excited that I completed it…until I went back and counted all my posts. I do know that I didn’t post every day technically – some days I posted twice because I missed getting my post up the day before for various reasons. But I did get some content posted every day for November. Or so I thought. I just went back and looked at each day, counting them as I went. Apparently I was asleep all of November 6th because there is no post for that day or a double post the day after. Ack! So, in order to make sure I am TOTALLY LEGIT for Blog Like Crazy b/c I told myself I was doing it this year – HERE IS YOUR POST FOR NOVEMBER 6th! lol. Sorry it’s a bit late. Sorry I fell asleep on the job, but here you go!

I don’t know exactly what my first memory is…or rather, I don’t remember my first memory. HAHAHAHAHA. But one of the first memories I have is my dad taking me on Space Mountain at Disney World when I was very young and being scared out of my freakin’ mind. I don’t really remember the ride (now), but I must have been tall enough to ride or I wouldn’t have been allowed on it. But I sure wish I hadn’t (I do remember that much) b/c I was screaming bloody murder the whole time with my dad behind me. So, your lesson for today – PARENTS, DON’T TAKE YOUR YOUNG CHILDREN ON SPACE MOUNTAIN UNTIL THEY’RE OLD ENOUGH TO ENJOY IT. OTHERWISE YOU WILL SCAR THEM FOR LIFE.

You are welcome.


Seriously, does Alabama just walk around going “Here, hold my beer” every year when some city or state sets the record for the warmest temperature at the end of November? It is 72 degrees at the end of November here in beautiful Central Alabama. STOP IT ALREADY!

Where are the frigid temperatures? Where are the snow flurries? When can I pull out my snow boots, mittens, and ear muffs? WHEN CAN I WEAR MY CUTE SNOW JACKET? I HAVE A SNOW SHOVEL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

I spent quite a few years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when I was younger and I miss those cold winters. I got another taste of that awesomeness when I lived in the Northern Virginia/D.C. area for a few years a while back and I still crave it. I am thankful we do get cold weather here and there, but I’m not going to lie – I want it A LOT more.

I abhor the heat and humidity in Alabama. I hate being hot and it makes me physically ill. I would love to live somewhere cooler, but life keeps me here right now and that’s totally ok. But when I can, ADIOS HOT WEATHER! Please bring on the cold weather soon, Mr. Winter. I’m ready for you, your brothers, sisters, and all your frosty relatives!

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to take a moment to wish all of my readers, friends, and family the most wonderful Thanksgiving. I am extremely thankful for all of you – my tribe, circle, and support system of amazing family and friends that pick me up and hold me throughout the year when I fall down. I hope you all know how much you mean to me and that I am able to give you a small portion of the gifts you give me with your love, friendship, and support.

All those cliches are true – you are the company you keep, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, etc. This is NOT to brag about myself, but rather really amplify the fact that it can really do wonders for your attitude, mental and physical health, and heart when you surround yourself with good people. I have surrounded myself with the best and I feel it every day.

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving and have a wonderful holiday season.

My First Surgery

Me before surgery
See? Don’t I look totally normal and calm right here? FOOLED YA!

Having your first surgery at 44 poses its own set of questions/challenges/risks/whatever you want to call them. I call them “I’m the biggest baby in the world, so I’m freaking out no matter what” things. 1. I’m scared to death of death. So being put under general anesthesia – basically the CLOSEST THING TO DEATH BESIDES DEATH – is not on my bucket list right now. 2. I have sleep apnea so let’s just ADD SOME MORE INSANITY TO THAT FEAR. 3. I’m overweight so let’s just ADD SOME MORE INSANITY TO THAT FEAR. 4. I’ve never been put under for anything so let’s just ADD SOME MORE INSANITY TO THAT FEAR. Seriously, I could go on like this all day.

After talking to a few people about my IRRATIONAL FEAR OF BEING PUT UNDER (yes, I type like I talk and I talk like I type) I calmed down quite a bit. Many of the folks I talked to who had surgeries before actually liked the anesthesia. Some said it was the best sleep they ever had, some likened the relaxation stuff they give you in the IV prior to being put to sleep to the happy gas they give you at the dentist, some said they don’t remember a thing therefore they love it. A few people said they didn’t like it or had bad reactions to it, but they were far and few between. I absolutely LOVE the gas at the dentist and the more people I talked to, the more I got the impression that was how I was going to feel before I even got fully under so I was ok by the time I got to surgery yesterday. Or so I thought.

I was pretty ok during check in and pre-op. I lost it a little when the anesthesiologist came in and started talking to me about the tube down my throat. For some idiotic reason I figured I would have a mask on. But, they can’t very well do surgery on my sinuses up through my nasal cavities if I’m wearing a mask, can they? So when he started mentioning a tube down my throat and stuff, I lost it a bit until Daniel was able to come back with me after they got my IV started. Daniel always calms me down.

They had my IV in they gave me propranolol well before taking me into surgery, but I don’t think it was enough. I thought I would be ‘dentist happy-gas relaxed’ by the time I got to the OR and I wouldn’t care what they did with me (pretty much how I feel at the dentist when I’m on that stuff), but when I got to the OR I was quite aware and scared of what was going on when they started sticking monitors on me and I could hear things start beeping. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. I wasn’t having it and I was petrified. I was not relaxed and told them – I also burst into tears. I heard someone ask if I had been given propranolol and someone else said yes. I yelled, “Not enough!” and asked for more. That’s the last thing I remember before waking up.

The next thing I know I was waking up to a bunch of people hovering over me saying, “It’s all over. You did great. See? It was nothing.” And whisking me somewhere else. They were right. It was easy, painless, and awesome. But I definitely needed more propranolol before going into that OR. Oh my word, that was scary as hell!