I’m still going to blog today for #bloglikecrazy, but I received word that a former classmate of mine from high school lost his battle with cancer a few hours ago. I was beside myself when I found out last week they were sending him home with hospice, but had hoped it would be longer. Now I’m just a wreck. We weren’t close and hadn’t kept up with each other through the years, but it still hit me hard. I know there are reasons for everything, but he was 39! And with a family! Young children that will never know their father.

This is the second death in less than two months of a young father and husband that I know. It’s nonsense to me. I am heartbroken for their wives and children.

Say what you want, but I am angry. I am pissed off. I don’t understand. I know it’s not for me to understand, but it still bites.

More tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be in a better mood.


2 Comments on I’m over it

  1. I feel exactly the same way. It’s mind numbing. Why? That’s all that is running through my head. Makes no sense…

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