Tag: see Jane write

30 Things I Love Right Now

Beyonce Flash Tattoos
Beyonce Flash Tattoos
Beyonce Flash Tattoos

Better late than never. Javacia, of See Jane Write, recently posted the 30 things she loves right now and invited us to do the same. So here I go:

1. Flash Tatts 2. Erin Condren goodies 3. Helping 4. This Michael Kors wallet I can’t afford. 5. JSON 6. Star gazer lilies 7. Woman (Oh, Mama) by Joy Williams 8. My tribe 9. Kat Von D Tattoo Brow 10. Getting money back when I shop 11. Learning the systems and people at my new job 12. Dancing in the dark 13. Sleep 14. Listening to cicadas 15. Torrid dresses 16. Summer storms 17. Therapy 18. Growing confidence, in myself and others 19. Happiness 20. My new #TechTuesdays on the blog 21. Sidewalk Film Festival 22. My new bongos 23. Contra dancing 24. Working on the revamp of my blog in my spare time 25. Beach trip anticipation – VACATION! 26. Lemon drops 27. Watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix 28. My Spotify playlists 29. Dressing up 30. Taco truck

30 Things I Love Right Now is a blog feature created by writer TJ Bietelman. 

What do you love right now?

Women of the Week

11751934_10101471181577145_8442469844993514420_nThis week my life was filled with amazing women. Many of them, from all walks of life, some new friends, some old friends, and all fun. Thursday evening I attended the Bloganista Mixer with a plethora of fellow women writers and want-to-be-writers (me!). Our fearless leader, Javacia, has been knocking it out of the park since I met her a few years ago seeing The First Lady (it was our first date!) and she hasn’t stopped. She founded and runs an amazing group called See Jane Write for women writers and next Saturday, she is putting on the Bloganista Mini-Con – an all day conference for bloggers and boss ladies. The mixer this past Thursday was a nice time to mingle with fellow attendees, speakers, and panelists while shopping at the best consignment shop in Birmingham, Collage Consignment. I left inspired and with a perfect, cheap dress for the beach next month.


Yesterday, the Birmingham Girls Club was privileged to be invited by BGC member Julia to her family’s place on Yellow Creek. It was a family fun event with lots of amazing food, floats, boats, and laughs. About eight BGC members made the trek, with their families, to a beautiful house on the lake complete with 2 levels, a huge deck and pier, lovely pontoon boat, and more water noodles than you could shake a stick at. We spent the day chatting about life, love, body hair, and so much more. The beautiful women of BGC got a chance to talk in depth in an extremely relaxing environment while also getting to know significant others, which we rarely get to do. After returning from the lake, I then spent with a few more gorgeous gals – pictures below. I hope you had an equally inspiring and relaxing weekend. You deserve it! What did you do to take care of you this weekend?IMG_1876


It’s time to get crazy

Today starts BLOG LIKE CRAZY! It’s a fun, 30 day challenge started by my friend Javacia, founder of See Jane Write, a few years ago. During November, we blog everyday for 30 days. I usually start strong and then peter out. Fingers crossed and mind ready to go strong all month long this year! Javacia always gives us great writing prompts to help in case we get stuck, but I want to build off that. What do YOU want me to blog about during the challenge, dear reader? Do you have any questions for me?

I’ll answer one that I asked a few of my blogger friends the other night during our Power Girl Book Club meeting: what is my brand? I’ve heard “You are your brand” numerous times from Chanda, Jennifer, and Javacia, but what did that mean for me? I wasn’t quite sure so I asked a few close friends their thoughts on my brand. They nailed it: my brand is Birmingham and building community. My passion for Birmingham is no secret and I love connecting people with each other and building those relationships. Kyra Sedgwick was The Closer….I am The Connector. So, look for more posts about Birmingham, connecting friends and community, and, of course, unicorns.

I like big butts and I cannot lie

Or rather, I have one. Ok, so today’s #bloglikecrazy post looks fun. We are to write a post celebrating a part of our body. This is a wonderful prompt from Javacia because I don’t think we do it nearly enough as women. So, hopefully today there are tons of Janes out there writing about how awesome they are. Let’s make it everyday, ladies!

Not to sound arrogant, but I have a lot of great features. We ALL do. And though it may knock things over on its own every time I turn around in a department store, I LOVE MY BIG BUTT! lol. I’m not really sure why and I *probably* shouldn’t be so proud of it since it is rather large and basically its own planet. But I’ve always had it, I’ve learned to embrace it, J Lo helped A TON growing up (“In Living Color” anyone?), and it is what it is. It fills out my pants, it cushions me when I ride my bike, and it keeps me warm. It has a ton of positives.  There are some negatives, but they don’t matter and I’m not thinking about them.

There you go – short and sweet. My bum rocks. 🙂

And just to give you even more awesomeness to think about, go read this amazing post I saw online today. I think it may be my favorite internet post ever because it hits so close to home. Thank you, Teresa. You are my new hero.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Dragon Dancin’


This past Saturday we held the 3rd Birmingham Dance Walk in the streets of downtown. The impending rain moved the start time up an hour to 1 p.m., but we still had a wonderful turnout.

I always get nervous before these events, even when they don’t require a lot of preparation like this one. I had music from the previous dance walk that we didn’t use so decided to stress less and go with the flow. I had the music, I had the jambox, and all I needed (wanted) were the people. We had a special surprise guest coming and I wanted a good turnout for her.

I arrived a few minutes early so decided to stop by Urban Standard for water before people arrived. I never made it inside because Mary Jean was headed my way about the same time. After her came Erika, Rachel, Javacia, Amy, and Edward. More and more people started walking up as we milled around…waiting for the music man to appear with the speakers. Soon came Pierce, the music man, with Elaine, Andrea, Bobby, Matt, Olive, Katie, Paula, Bailey, Tanya, Heather, Drew, Jasmine, the other Drew, Jennifer, Shira, Ginger, Nathan, Emily, Clark, Larry, Lauren, and lots of others. We soon had a call from our special guest that she would meet us up the street so off we went. Birmingham’s 3rd Dance Walk was underway!

We rounded the corner at 23rd Street South and danced in place for a while, waiting for our special guest. Soon after we stopped to “break it down”, she appeared.


Madge, the Magic City Dragon, was coming over the hill toward us. The squeals from the dance walkers were audible for blocks. Many had never seen Madge before nor knew that we had a new dragon in town. Madge is the brain child of Carrie Hill and was created with the help of local artists and friends. She is a 31 foot long dragon that takes about 11 people to handle and maneuver. There were walkers on the outside directing and guiding her and a boatload of people inside her pushing and pulling her along.

Madge joined us for the entire dance walk which lasted about 4 city blocks down, around the block and back up 4 blocks – all the while stopping traffic and garnering honks from passing cars and trucks. There were close to 60 dance walkers – we picked up some along the way – and quite a few talented photographers capturing the Dance Walk and Madge. The dance walk lasted about 20 minutes total and we danced to Queen, Unk, Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Michael Jackson, Metro Station, Pink, Snap, Justin Timberlake, Vanilla Ice (I had to), Will Smith, and finished off with the full length “Praise You” by Fat Boy Slim. After all, we HAD come a long, long way together. I think some people underestimate the workout you get from dance walking – I came out panting and sweating.

This was the most successful Dance Walk to date and it was in large part due to our guest of honor, Madge, and word of mouth from our wonderful friends and fans. So many people helped make it possible or better including Daniel, Emily, Pierce, Elaine, Jeanne, and our talented photographers Larry, Clark, Tanya, Rachel, Sarah, Emily, and Madge herself along with video from Jennifer. Those behind Madge were Carrie, Daniel, Justin, Wade, Billie, Bruce, Mandy, Kelly, Wesley, Drew, Kelsey and a few others. What an amazing crew and a wonderful addition to our Dance Walk. I hope she’ll consider joining us again – she was a huge hit! madge

Extra special thanks to Javacia for letting us make it a See Jane Move event, and to Edward for this awesome article on al.com and to Emily at Magic City Post for always being our biggest fan and writing a wonderful recap which you can read here.

For more information on the next Birmingham Dance Walk, keep an eye on bamdancewalk.com and be sure to ‘like’ our Facebook page here. For pictures from our Dance Walks you can check out the bhamdancewalk Flickr stream here. Hashtag on Twitter: #BhamDanceWalk

For more information on Madge, the Magic City Dragon, you can check out her Facebook page here or her Bham Wiki page here. She’s also on Twitter as @MadgetheDragon.