Problem Solving Picture
Photo by Campus Party Europe in Berlin

I’ve always wondered exactly what my passion was/is. I know I’m passionate about many different things – I love to connect people to other people and resources, I love to lift people up and encourage them, I love to dance and get people grooving with me, I love to love people, I just love to make people smile, period. But today my true passion came out in full force and I wasn’t even looking for it.

I love to solve problems. That’s it. My husband was having an issue setting up an account for someone and kept running into problems. I immediately wanted help him (aka take over) and resolve the issue. He didn’t need my help (he’s super intelligent and capable), but my first instinct and desire were to grab that computer and fix that issue immediately, no matter what it took. It hit me right then, that’s what my passion is. That’s exactly what I love doing the most. I have many gifts, but THAT is what I love doing and what I want to do – FIX PROBLEMS. And I’m good at it. It doesn’t have to be technology, but I’m especially good at that. However, I’m constantly trying to help friends figure out resolutions to their issues or at least point them in the right direction. I’m a plethora of information and love to dig for information to help people find the answers to their questions if I can’t solve it for them.

So next time you need a problem solved hit me up and I’ll see if I can help. Apparently I LOVE IT. lol.