Tag: equality

This looks like a job for me

“Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy,
‘Cause it feels so empty without me”

~ Eminem (Without Me)

Today’s #bloglikecrazy prompt asks us to write about something controversial. I may lose some followers, but I hope not.


Boys, boys, girls, girls, black, white, yellow, green. Who cares? I am a Christian and I know what people “say” the Bible says but isn’t the most important lesson that we love each other? In a world where it’s difficult to both be alone or find someone you can really be yourself with, why would we impose rules and restrictions on love? We already have enough trials and tribulations during our lifetimes without adding nonsensical clauses on who can be with whom.

I am proud to say I have a boatload of LGBT and interracial couples as friends. Just like yesterday’s post, I would not be the intelligent, caring person I am today without those friends. They are no different than all my other friends, but they have been through more crap and have helped me see what really is important in this life. And quibbling or even disowning friends or family members because of who they love is the biggest waste of time and energy.

You are entitled to your beliefs and thoughts. And I am entitled to mine. I believe the greatest thing we can do in this life is love each other, help each other, and give back. Let’s focus on that and less on who you want to hold hands with for the rest of your life. I’ll hold yours if you hold mine.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Fight for your right

To worship. To vote. To sing out loud in public.

Our prompt for today’s #bloglikecrazy post asked us to define freedom. I know what Webster’s says, but it’s so much more than that. I will admit that I have lived an exceptional life. I’ve had nearly every freedom I wanted. My dad wrangled me in when I was young, but that was just good parenting.

I originally start this post admitting how blessed I’ve been growing up in America and all the freedom we are provided thanks to men and women who fight for them. But it only made me realize how many people still have limited or no freedom. I think about women and children in other countries unable to go to school, work, or vote. I think about young boys having to join armies to survive. I think about people who aren’t allowed to wear what they want, go where they’d like, or be who they are.

There are also many groups in our own country who don’t have the freedom so many of us do. The LGBT community is sorely lacking in freedoms that so many others have. And abused men and women who can’t get out of their relationships for fear of repercussion, or even death, are forced to stay where they are.

While I am eternally grateful for the things afforded to me (and others) by those who gave their lives, have served, or are serving, I wish there was more done in the same regard for those who are still kept in tiny boxes. Everyone should have the rights and privileges the majority have, especially here in America. Help us continue progress for everyone, not just some.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.