Tag: blog

I’m over it

I’m still going to blog today for #bloglikecrazy, but I received word that a former classmate of mine from high school lost his battle with cancer a few hours ago. I was beside myself when I found out last week they were sending him home with hospice, but had hoped it would be longer. Now I’m just a wreck. We weren’t close and hadn’t kept up with each other through the years, but it still hit me hard. I know there are reasons for everything, but he was 39! And with a family! Young children that will never know their father.

This is the second death in less than two months of a young father and husband that I know. It’s nonsense to me. I am heartbroken for their wives and children.

Say what you want, but I am angry. I am pissed off. I don’t understand. I know it’s not for me to understand, but it still bites.

More tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be in a better mood.

But why?

Photo Courtesy of BuzzFarmers at Flickr Creative Commons
Photo Courtesy of BuzzFarmers at Flickr Creative Commons

I love irritating my husband like a 6-year-old sometimes, constantly asking why every time he answers the previous question. “But why?” Answer. “But why?” Some days he’s ready to throw me out the window.

Today’s “But why?” is about blogging. Why do you blog? I know blogging fulfills different needs for different people. Whenever I attend a See Jane Write event I love finding out what people blog about and why. It’s really interesting to hear the reasons behind someone purposefully taking time out of their day to sit down and write to strangers.

I blog because it helps me get things off my chest – bottom line. I am not a regular blogger (sadly), but when I do blog it’s usually because something made me feel a certain way, good or bad. I would like to become a more regular blogger and blog about more of my passions. I’m getting there…slowly. These days it’s because someone or something either brought me great joy, sadness, or some other reaction. I hate confrontation so I often vent on here.

I am a big fan of bloggers who write to tell a story or educate their readers on particular topics. I know exactly where to go when I need advice on cooking, branding, exercising, writing, reading, fashion, or just need good laugh. One day I hope people come to me for their information on xyz. I’m still figuring out xyz, but if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them in the comments below.

Until tomorrow!

It’s time to get crazy

Today starts BLOG LIKE CRAZY! It’s a fun, 30 day challenge started by my friend Javacia, founder of See Jane Write, a few years ago. During November, we blog everyday for 30 days. I usually start strong and then peter out. Fingers crossed and mind ready to go strong all month long this year! Javacia always gives us great writing prompts to help in case we get stuck, but I want to build off that. What do YOU want me to blog about during the challenge, dear reader? Do you have any questions for me?

I’ll answer one that I asked a few of my blogger friends the other night during our Power Girl Book Club meeting: what is my brand? I’ve heard “You are your brand” numerous times from Chanda, Jennifer, and Javacia, but what did that mean for me? I wasn’t quite sure so I asked a few close friends their thoughts on my brand. They nailed it: my brand is Birmingham and building community. My passion for Birmingham is no secret and I love connecting people with each other and building those relationships. Kyra Sedgwick was The Closer….I am The Connector. So, look for more posts about Birmingham, connecting friends and community, and, of course, unicorns.

It’s a Major Award!

Image by
By Elizabeth/Table4Five via Flickr/Creative Commons

I recently received an amazing gift from my friend, Jennifer of Stellar Fashion and Fitness. She gave me an Inspiring Blog Award. This is such an honor as I am a huge huge huge fan of Jennifer’s – her blog, her attitude, her perseverance, her candor. She is funny, beautiful, ambitious, talented, and inspiring in so many aspects of life. Thank you, Jennifer, for the recognition and sentiment.

inspiringblogawardSo, to give back to the blogging community, receipt of this award comes with the following tasks:

  • Display the award image on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites.
  • Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post.

Here goes!

  1. I wanted to be an entomologist for most of my childhood. I LOVED bugs!
  2. I got caught skipping school my senior year when my Biology teacher called my dad. That was not a good day. Kids, don’t skip school. It’s not worth it. lol.
  3. I was boy crazy growing up. I have this wooden lap board that a dear friend gave me when I was younger. She painted me as a cheerleader on it (I was a Pee Wee and a Termite cheerleader in grade school). As I got older and used the board more often for doing homework on my bed, I started writing the names of boys I liked on it or went out with. I still have that board and it is COVERED in names. I wrote many over and over, but it’s hilarious to read them now and remember my teenage years.
  4. I cannot live without Cherry Chapstick, lotion, or Wet Ones.
  5. I used to work at the Executive Office of the President.
  6. I have had pets my entire life. All dogs and one cat that was a terror and we gave it away. My favorite pup was a Chihuahua named Perky.
  7. I had very bushy hair all through school. Think of awesome Afros in the 70s. My aunt would give me perm after perm. My friends called them “Poodle Perms.” I loved them!

And now, for the 15 blogs that I find inspirational:

  1. The Writeous Babe Project
  2. Redhot Writing Hood
  3. To Be Continued…
  4. Ben Franklin Follies
  5. E is for Erin
  6. Magic City Made
  7. All In Stride
  8. The Jen West Quest
  9. Who Ate My Blog?
  10. The Dreamist
  11. Carol A. Marks
  12. Marie Sutton Writes
  13. Write Claire, write!
  14. Karri Is So Very
  15. My Small Web Page

There are definitely others, but there’s a start. Happy blogging and I hope you find some inspiration. I sure did! Thank you again to Jennifer for the wonderful award.

The Beginning of the End

First of all, I cannot thank you all enough for your comments, e-mails, texts, and phone calls yesterday after I revealed my biggest skeleton. The outpouring of support and love that I received throughout the day brought me to tears more than once. I am, however, a total sap so it wasn’t a long trip. I have realized that I’m full of love that I want to share with everyone. And yesterday showed me that you all are exactly the same and your words meant the world to me. I carried them with me all night and am still thinking about them. I am forever touched by your kindness and encouragement. I have the greatest team of friends and family behind me and I can’t wait to get started. I want to show you all, but more importantly myself, that I CAN do anything and I will. I hope you will join me for this ride. It will be bumpy and there will be bad days and setbacks, but there will be far more happy days and success stories.

Secondly, yesterday we were to revamp our ‘About’ page on our blog as part of See Jane Write’s 31 Days to a Better Blog challenge. I have done just that and you can find my new page here. Please let me know what you think and if you have any input, ideas, or edits, I welcome them. I love feedback and it helps me learn.

Lastly, we were to redesign our header image. That’s going to take me a bit longer as I am still thinking about it…deciding what should be reflected in my new image..my new me. We are changing everyday – hopefully for the better – and growing inside our skin. I am not the person I was at 18, 25, or even 35 (two years ago). I’ve evolved so much in the past few years thanks to reflection, hurdles, love, and friends that guide me through thick and thin. This is the beginning of the end of my old self. As many of you noted in yesterday’s comments, we are not defined by a number, but rather what’s inside. I will always be me on the inside – goofy, youthful, intellectual, talented, loving, happy – but I assure you that the outside is changing. And so I’m letting it go….the end of old Sherri’s limitations. I am going for it – everything I’ve ever wanted. I am going to lose the weight, I am going to start a business or non-profit in Birmingham to help the city I love so much, I am going to get as involved as humanly possible with people, events, fitness, writing, charities…everything this city has to offer. As my dear friend Sarah said to me yesterday, “We got this!” She’s never been more right (and she’s right a lot). 😉

Tomorrow is the start of my first planned week of 4+ work out days at Iron Tribe Fitness. Wish me luck! And I’m sending lot of luck and love out to you with your new slate.  Let me know how you’re doing with your goals…writing, fitness, professional, whatever you’re working toward. Keep me updated on your progress and share your strengths and weaknesses. We are in this together and I’m here to help you with yours just as I know you’re here to help me with mine.

We got this!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.