Category: Uncategorized

Shirts (and other ramblings)

Ok, Blogger is ticking me off today. That’s only because I am spoiled. I/we am so used to a high speed internet connection that anytime it takes longer than a whopping 2 seconds to pull up something on the ‘Net we start huffing and puffing. Yes, I’m speaking collectively again. Sue me. You won’t get much. Anyone else having trouble with Bloggidy Bloggerton today? Or is it ‘the man’ out to get me again? I’m kidding. I’ll just type ze blog in Word and paste it there later. Freakin’, schmeakin’ blog.

What’s new in my world you ask? Nada. Same old, same old. Same shtuff, different day. But that’s ok. I’m not complaining in the least. I have my share of fun and spontaneity and the rest of the time I’m comfy with normality. I’ve got a few fun things coming up including a fondue dinner with friends on Wednesday (yup, fondue…at a restaurant…I’m too excited), Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday (Sam, I’m sending you Season 1. lol), and dinner with some of Ash’s friends on Friday. On Saturday, which will be the best day of all, my dad’s coming up to see me for the day and then I’m going to see Bonnie Raitt with Ash and friends that night. My dad comes to my house like once a year, so I’m pretty jazzed. I love that man something fierce (for anyone who doesn’t know). He’s my hero.

A few things that I’ve gotten hooked on recently:

Crystal Light “On the Go” packets that go into bottled water. So far I have found 5 flavors: Lemonade, Rasberry Ice, Rasberry Lemonade, Orange (like Tang..remember Tang?? Remember those astronaut commercials?), and Fruit Punch. I know they have Iced Tea ones, but I haven’t tried those – I can make my own iced tea. lol. I’m tellin’ ya though…these things are the best thing next to sliced bread.

HD Digital Radio – it’s fun, it’s fast and it’s free. FREE! Read it again..FREE! (can you tell I like FREE stuff? So much so that I find the need to type FREE in all caps. Like I’m a marketing exec and I’m gonna grab your attention with BIG letters or something). To check out FREE HD Digital Radio from stations all over the country, just click here – HD Digital Radio. There are some great stations, esp. the 80’s station out of Los Angeles. I also like Pride Radio out of Chicago for fun, dance music during the work day. It’s a lot like XM Radio in that it’s commercial free, but you don’t have to pay for it.

Also check out if you haven’t already. Hearing tons of great things about that site.

The candy bar sale at Piggly Wiggly. Unfortunately. I’m hitting it for people at work, but still….take the candy bars off sale. I beg you! It’s 3 for 99 cents. And they’re good candy bars..not that crap that no one’s ever heard of.

Back to gibberish.

I can hear a crow outside my window. He’s got a beef with someone..he won’t shut up. And yes, before Tomma or anyone else asks, it’s a crow. 😉

This past weekend was quite the funfest for me. Friday night Kelly and I handed out ballots at the opening film of Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival. We spent the night asking, “Ballot?” and singing to incoming moviegoers we thought would enjoy it. We sang “Lady Marmalade,” “I Think I Love You,” “Son of a Preacher Man,” “Get Down Tonight” and other stuff. lol. We also developed a little shtick routine that we liked to scare people with. The movie (The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang) was subsequently just as fun and then we watched an actor (Joey Kern aka ‘Shirts’) from the movie and the writer/director take questions afterward. The writer was one of the assistants on Napoleon Dynamite, so that drew a lot of people to the Alabama Theatre that night. Stellar crowd (even with the hoodlums from my office that came. Lol).

Blast from the past: “Da da da” by Trio. Just came on the 80’s station out of Los Angeles. Simplest song in history (next to “Oh Yeah” by Yello), but still fun. Check it out.

Saturday I spent the day cleaning and getting ready for that night – Kelly’s bachelorette party. Laura, Dana and Charity did a great job getting all the food, games and fun planned for the night. We had a blast eating penis cupcakes and drinking Bahama Mamas all night. The stripper was crazy late and after he left, we all headed to Bellbottoms for some dancing. Liz and I (unofficially the oldest ones in the group, I guess) left the party not long after arriving at Bellbottoms. We were just POOPED! We went to the Purple Onion for a burger before heading home. I hope the rest of the night was just as fun for the girlies and that everyone made it home safely. It was so much fun seeing all of the old gang again…playing bunco would have just topped the night off nicely. 😉

Yesterday I tested my Valium. Lol. The doc gave me valium for my flight to AZ next month and I tried one yesterday. Ya know what? Nada. Squat. Zilch. Zero. That was the effect I got from the cute little orange pill. It made me a smidge sleepy for about an hour. That was it. What is it supposed to do? I was hoping I would zone out a bit, but nope. Oh well….

I saw skywriting in the, duh, SKY last week. I was going to the Pig (this is when I found out about the candy sale) and everyone was staring at the sky when I got out of my car. I had just watched Chicken Little 2 days before, so I wondered if the sky was falling. Thankfully, no. It was a plane skywriting. It wrote ‘Magic’ and then zoomed off. I thought that was the neatest thing! I had never seen skywriting and to write something so magical, fun and mysterious like ‘Magic’ just got me all fuzzy inside. I chose to believe that some kind soul out there just wanted to make many people’s days and do something for fun..for no reason…to give the kiddies something to talk about at dinner that night and to give me the warm fuzzies. Come to find out, they were advertising for an air show that was being held here in Birmingham on Sunday. Pooh. I don’t care. I can choose to believe what I want and I choose to believe that someone did that out of the niceness of their heart. And yes, I do live in Fantasyland, thankyouverymuch.

I did watch Family Guy last night although I’m anxiously waiting for Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday nights now. Ashley and I decided that we’re over Meredith Grey and McDreamy (although he’s very easy on the eyes). We’re more interested in George & Callie and Christine & Burke. So if Meredith wants to off herself (you know she could..she’s that ‘dark & twisty’), she has our permission. She’s sort of developing into a mod Ally McBeal with the whole guy thing. Ick.

Ok, that’s more then enough for now. Maybe Blogger will let me post this now. Keep your fingers crossed!

Please help the kiddies!

Hi all!

I’m walking again this year in the 2006 “Walk to Cure Diabetes” for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Please help in any way you can. You can donate online at the link below or leave an e-mail or Comment and I’ll work with you in any way I can.

Please visit my Walk Web page if you would like to donate online or see how close I am to reaching my personal goal:

I appreciate your help more than you know!

This year, I’ll be taking part in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes along with a half-million other walkers across the country. Our goal: To raise $90 million to help fund research for a cure for type 1 diabetes and its complications.

Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes, is a devastating, often deadly disease that affects millions of people–a large and growing percentage of them children.

Many people think type 1 diabetes can be controlled by insulin. While insulin does keep people with type 1 diabetes alive, it is NOT a cure. Aside from the daily challenges of living with type 1 diabetes, there are many severe, often fatal, complications caused by the disease.
That’s the bad news… and yes, it’s pretty bad.

The good news, though, is that a cure for type 1 diabetes is within reach. In fact, JDRF funding and leadership is associated with most major scientific breakthroughs in type 1 diabetes research to date. And JDRF funds a major portion of all type 1 diabetes research worldwide, more than any other charity.

I’m writing to ask for your support because now more than ever, EACH of us can be a part of bringing about a cure. Each of us can make a real difference.

It’s Alive! It’s Alive!

Yes, I’ve been MIA for some time now. I didn’t mean to do it. I just disappeared. Poof! Gone. Justlikethat. Seriously, I haven’t updated in over a week. Completely unheard of for me, I know. But, there was a series of events that took place the weekend before last that prohibited me from getting anywhere near a computer for personal entertainment until this week.

So, weekend before last Ashley and I headed to Atlanta for her best friend’s bachelorette party. We had a grand time eating dinner at 5 Seasons Brewing (aren’t there only 4 seasons??) in Buckhead and then caught a home grown version of “Father of the Bride” at Kudzu Playhouse in Roswell. We actually only caught ½ of the play…we left at intermission because of the horrid acting. We gave them kudos for trying, but even Brainfreeze did better than that. lol. I can’t say anything about bad acting, but Ashley gave them our $36 and that was more than enough to allow us the liberty of leaving.

On the way to the play from dinner my boss called me. She was also in Atlanta, at a Braves’ game. She called to tell me her father passed away and that I would be teaching our Accounting class that Tuesday (instead of her). That brought on the tears. They were two-fold: I was saddened to hear about her father and I was also petrified about teaching this class. I was supposed to be in the class, learning from her. I was to start teaching it next year as it is our hardest class to teach. It’s the hardest part of our software to learn and normally takes a few years to get fairly comfortable with it. This was going to be my last “learning” session before taking the plunge next year. After doing some considerable crying (for everything and everyone under the sun), I calmed down. I was able to visit with her on Sunday at her home and shave gave me a crash course in Accounting while we talked about her dad. My greatest fear and hesitation was that the students coming were coming for her. They paid to see her, not me. I didn’t want to let them or the company down. The class came and went. Since she was out, I was doing double duty as her and myself, teaching the class and answering questions for my co-workers who needed help and studying at night. It was the most stressful week I’ve had here at work so far. But it was equally rewarding. I made it through…somehow. Not without hurdles, but I did it. I couldn’t have done it without the help of all the great people I work with and my friends. Seriously. They’re the only reason I’m still somewhat (technically) sane. That being said, I’m back to normal and apologize for worrying family and friends. I didn’t have time to breathe last week, much less update the blog or even call people back. Agghh!!

I’ve anxiously hoping for some time this week to catch up on my favorite blogs…Jen, Tomma, Sam, Gillian. I’ll be as equally busy each night this week getting ready for a big weekend, but I’m hoping to steal some time to post and catch up more. This weekend is the 8th annual It’s tons of fun and a great place to see some movies and meet people. I know Ashley, Mia, Kelly, Neva and others will be there. I’m volunteering opening night (Friday) at the Alabama Theatre and am working the day shift at the Birmingham Museum of Art on Saturday so come say “Hi” if you’re in the area. It’s in downtown Birmingham. Saturday night is Kelly’s bachelorette party too, so I’m getting my apartment ready for guests as some of the Montgomery gals are staying with me. AND I’m getting a new (to me) couch and love seat tomorrow night, so need to get the place ready for furniture moving. So much to do, so little time. Isn’t that the story of our lives? Wish me luck!

Add to all that a toothache from hell, and I’m fit to be tied. Literally. No dental insurance just adds fuel to the fire. And pain to my mouth.

HOW ‘BOUT THEM TIGRRRRRRRRRRRRRS? Whew! Nearly peed my pants on that one.

It’s raining right now. Pouring rain. I love it. I’m taking a short break from work (I’m allowed…by law) and am enjoying the raindrops on our windows. We’re in a business park and have these amazing floor-to-ceiling windows. Our building overlooks a small lake and tons of trees, so it’s even more relaxing to watch and hear the rain. I had a funny moment here last week. Our department is usually ALWAYS busy…answering phones, running around talking to people, etc. Each of us is usually working at the speed of light to get everything done – a constant flurry of activity and no down time. Last week, during a brief break from the class, I came to check on the other Support personnel. All 3 of them were plastered to the large window, watching the rain, in dead silence. I just laughed out loud…for quite some time. It just struck me so funny that they were all doing nothing. Just for a minute, but still nothing. At all. Sitting on the floor, watching the rain. I loved it. I would have given anything to join them….

How is everyone out in Blogland?

Here’s your song of the day:

Perfect Strangers
(“Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” by Jesse Frederick and Bennett Salvay, peformed by David Pomeranz)

Sometimes the world looks perfect
Nothing to rearrange.
Sometimes you get a feeling
Like you need some kind of change.

No matter what the odds are this time
Nothing’s going to stand in my way.
This flame in my heart,
And a long lost friend
Gives every dark street a light at the end.

Standing tall, on the wings of my dream.
Rise and fall, on the wings of my dream.
The rain and thunder
The wind and haze I’m bound for better days.
It’s my life and my dream
Nothing’s going to stop me now.

Listen to it here:

I used to watch that show all the time. Now that Larry guy is on ‘Twins’ (on the WB, er the CW, er the WB..I have no idea). Speaking of him…how do guys get hyphenated last names? His name is Mark Linn-Baker. I’ve always wondered that. Any takers?

My ADD Just Kicked In

So I have this journal. And I write in it like every few years. I kid you not. I always attempt to write in it more than once a year, but it never seems to catch on. Let’s see…the last entry in here is from Sunday, November 13th of last year. Seriously? Seriously. That is pathetic. But, the upside to only writing in your journal once a year is seeing how much has changed in your life justlikethat. I love to write. Rather, I love to type. It doesn’t give me cramps in my hands the way writing does for long periods. And that’s only because I’m not accustomed to handwriting anything anymore. Even in college I was allowed to type most things. Anything of any length, that is. (sidetrack: I always catch myself when I’m typing on here…always analyze my grammar and such because I know an English teacher is reading it. lol. I know I make tons of grammatical errors in my writing and I always wonder if she wants to post something and correct my mistakes. I get like that about people who misspell a lot. It’s me being anal. I just want to correct them. Not to prove anything…just to help them out…discreetly. But I never do. I let it go. Is that wrong? There are two sides to that argument and I’ll just plant myself right here in the middle. But, I will say this: I’m a kick-ass proofreader when it comes to spelling and such. I’m also pretty good at correcting grammer, flowetry (he he), etc., when it is something important or professional. But in my blog? I type like I speak. Hmmmm…that may be the problem. lol! Back to your regularly scheduled programming….)

As I was saying, before I got so rudely interrupted with that thought, is that I can come to my journal whenever I feel the need to figure out where I’ve hidden it last and sometimes see drastic changes my life goes through in such a short period of time. A year seems so long when we’re going through it, but in the grand scheme of things it’s a dot. A blip. And my life changes so much from year to year. It doesn’t seem to in day-to-day life, but going back a year at a time and reading entries, I know I’ve traveled so far. (Isn’t that a song? I’m thinking of that Whitesnake song. “Here I Go Again.” Remember that? Great song. Yes, I have ADD. What’s it to ya?)

I do think I’ve developed some sort of adult ADD. I don’t really know how that works and I haven’t been tested, but I can jump from thought to thought in split second time (and not even remember the first one). This works very well for me at work as I have to sometimes juggle 50 issues at once. It would seem that technical support and training (for use with our software anyway) is PERFECT for those with a tendancy to jump around.

Now for the fun stuff! I’m getting my hairs cut (yes, I have more than one) tomorrow and am beside myself with joy. It’s been a while and I’m trying to think of a new, fun ‘do without going short. I feel like a completely new ‘do, but you can’t do anything too drastic without just chopping it all off. Not doing that again. I look like a boy. After ze hairs get ze boot, I am heading to Atlanta for a bachelorette party which consists of dinner and a play. I’ve never heard of a bachelorette party like that, but I think it will be fun. And tame. Which is good. I don’t need to drink a lot. Sunday, I’m hoping for the world’s best chocolate chip pancakes at Ria’s Bluebird Cafe in Atlanta. They only offer them sporadically and I’ve never tasted pancakes more delicious.

Just one more thing. Jumping back to the spelling thing. Because I’m anal and truly want to help educate Blogamerica. It’s ‘TRULY’…not ‘TRUELY.’ Just for those who don’t know. That’s your grammar lesson for today. As my English teacher friend would say, 1, 2, 3..eyes on me! I still find that hilarious. Good times….

(I love some dots, some periods, ellipses…love em…..see?). It’s 12:31 a.m. Time to go to bed. G’night all. Sleep well.

Desperate Housedog

Ashley and I stopped by Libby Lu on Monday (to get a present for someone..not because we like to hang out with thirty 7 year-olds…that’s just sick) and got my Millie this cute little “Desperate Housedogs” shirt. Tee hee…she hates it. She’s never worn anything but her collar and she just stood still forever thinking she couldn’t move. I love how clothes paralyze her. Would you like to know something else crazy about my child? She’s terrified of Chapstick. I have know idea why, but she runs for the hills if I get it anywhere near her. I’m going to start using it as a discipline prop when she won’t behave. lol.