Category: Uncategorized

Crazy E-mails

In my junk mail filter each day, I get these crazy e-mails (don’t we all??) with titles like:

Madonna’s former home destroyed by Jesus
Tom Cruise killed by car

and other crazies. Everyday. I’m going to start making a list (one of those new high-falootin’ Blog Lists) over on the right (I think) with all these crazy headlines that I get. I love them and have to share!

*******I’ve changed my mind about this. Most of them are negative Subject lines, just trying to catch your attention. I can see me posting them here (just relaying) and them the CIA or someone come after me b/c I’m falsifying information or spreading rumors. Ack!****************

Sing Along

You can see that I’ve definitely got a music theme going on today. (well, most everyday…I really need to to be a roadie)

I’ve been listening to a great band called Virginia Coalition for a few months now. I LOVE their music and think you check out their album. Give this song a listen – it’s definitely been one of my theme songs for the past few months because no matter what I feel, I always want to sing along:

Free Fallin’

I’m not a fan of Tom Petty (I know, I know…hush!), although I do like this song. I am, however, a fan of John Mayer and heard this today on the radio. Had to look it up and share. Enjoy the video!

OFFER: Cake Half

This is great! I saw this as a post on my local Freecycle today and nearly peed my pants on the last line:

This is probably a crazy thing to offer, but I am going to anyway.
This morning was a birthday for our toddler, and about half a cake is left. It’s yellow cake with white frosting, home made. I would just put in on a plate or two (a fun Diego plate!) with saran wrap for you if interested.
We are not going to eat it; we’ve had enough sweets!
Obviously pick up needs to be today, I think, so it’s fresh.
It’s clean and no one even blew on it since we didn’t light candles.

Lightning Crashes

So my friend recently moved. While I was catching up on the past 5 months of her life via her blog, I read a post not unlike one that I’ve written before. She and her iPod have gotten very close the past few days and she commented that a lot of times the songs that play somehow reflect on your current situation (or mood, in my case). I remember saying that long ago when I used to Metro to and from work in downtown D.C. and the songs that played on the train were many times like a mantra or my song of the moment. That still holds true for me – even with the radio – these days. I am not sure if we mentally project the song (you know what I mean) to reflect our current emotions or state at the time or if it’s just random acts of weirdness, but I like it. “Lightning Crashes” is on right now and guess what?? It’s all stormy and lightning and all that jazz.

I heard two songs this morning on the way to work that almost brought me to tears (for different reasons): “Wake Up Exhausted” by Tegan and Sara and “Someone To Say Hi To” by K’s Choice. I gotta unplug the iPod. lol. It’s been a few rough weeks. And “Better Days” by Goo Goo Dolls just came on. Seriously…it’s crazy.

I’m still playing “Let My Love Open the Door” each day in the hopes that it will give me enlightenment or something.

People are strange. I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again. Why, oh, why would you stop talking to someone for no apparent reason? I don’t get it. People kill me! And it’s just JUVENILE. If there’s a reason, so be it – it’s all good (or it will be). But with no reason, no nothing…it’s just crazy. (yes, I know how rich that is coming from me)

I’m addicted to Freecycle.

I’m also reading 3 books right now – Are You the One for Me‘ & ‘Broken Music: A Memoir‘ by Sting and ‘Under the Tuscan Sun: At Home in Italy.’ And my Rolling Stone. It’s no wonder I can’t keep my head on straight.

I’ve realized I’m much funnier in real life than on here. I love my friends who can post on here and it be the funniest thing I’ve read in weeks…especially the kid stories. Too cute!

That’s all from the mosh pit for now.