Category: girlfriends

All I need is me and my girlfriend

Note: I’m not sure why this post didn’t publish yesterday from my iPad, but it didn’t so here it is a day late, but I’m still counting it because I wrote it YESTERDAY. lol.

Today’s #bloglikecrazy writing prompt is about celebrating friendship. Though I’m not single (and a lot of my girlfriends aren’t either), I’ve loved this song since the 90s and still feel this way today:

Growing up I got along better with guys than girls. Girls were catty, manipulative, superficial, and cliquish. Guys didn’t seem to have those hang ups, at least not that I saw. I had a few very close female friends and, thankfully, still have a few from childhood to this day. And as we got older and matured, I found out that girls became less cliquish outside of school and more open to new friends.

Since graduating, I have formed an impenetrable circle of women around me that have proven time and again they are true friends. I started with a small group in Montgomery around 1996 and we’re still tight today, including the few I grew up with during school and all my adopted moms. Once I moved to Virginia, I gathered a few more into the fold and miss them everyday. Since moving back to Alabama, that circle has grown exponentially and I’ve got the greatest group of girlfriends that one could ask for.

Every group from my history brings something different to the table and I feel well-rounded and complete with them in my life. I know exactly who to go for during certain situations and when advice is needed. These women have helped me blossom from a young, immature girl into a focused, intelligent woman who values friendship more than most things.

With that being said, thank you to all my girls who have seen me through tough times, given me a place to live, a bed to sleep on, help when I’m in trouble, support and encouragement when I have a hare-brained idea or need a shoulder, pushed me to do more outside of my comfort zone, and have given me more laughs than I can count. (I really should have six pack abs as much and as hard as I’ve laughed with them. Go figure!)

You all are a huge part of my life and world – I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. For you girls: (note: adult language)

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Soul Sister

The week has worn me out. Today was a whirlwind of activity and this is the first I’ve sat down to quiet all day (and I don’t even have kids). I am very tired from the week and today, but have much to post. I will make time tomorrow to catch up with you and fill you on my glorious week, plans for the future, and birthday wish. I leave you with a picture I took at the Garage last night while talking with one of my soul sisters. We are so in sync and there aren’t words to describe how much I love her, look up to her, and want to be like her. She is amazing in every way and I am grateful beyond belief to have her in my life. I’ve learned so much from her. Goodnight, sweet readers!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.
