Category: friends

Whirling Dervish

It’s been an interesting few weeks. I feel like some bullets:

  • My super sleuth neighbor found the man who hit me and left. My insurance has left him a few messages, with no luck. I am now filing a Hit and Run report with the police department. (Who knew it was a completely different entity and you have to file separately from the actual accident report?) I am hoping he will respond to either the police or someone soon so I can get my car fixed. If not, I will pay for it myself (deductible, rental car, etc.), but it’s a bit frustrating. I gave all of his info to the reporting officer last week to add to the report. I am going to try to pick up a finalized report this week to send to my insurance company since it seems they have not gotten it yet. Thank you for the encouraging words and hanging out for the crazy journey.
  • I wasn’t able to go to Montgomery this past weekend as planned because I wasn’t confident in my car or the gas tank. It seems to be ticking down miles a lot faster than it used to. Could be paranoia on my part, who knows.
  • My brother had hip surgery this week. I’m not positive on the details, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t replacement surgery – just something to alleviate the pain that he’s been having. All went well and he’s in recovery in the hospital for the next few days. Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts.

Now for the rest of the fun.

I am excited to be doing a bit of moving and shaking in my own little part of the universe. I went to a wonderful GNO at The Melting Pot here in Birmingham last night and enjoyed watching friends from different circles get to know each other. It was myself, Lee, Billie, Rachel and Cheryl. The evening was full of fabulous food (only once a year!), wonderful conversation and amazing ladies. It was neat to watch the different ladies find things in common among our age and background differences. I would venture to say some great new friendships were formed last night. I love when my online world collides with my real world. There were a few tweeps missing that would have added even more, but I’m hoping they can come next time. I need to plan that once a month around town and see these ladies more often!

I’m equally excited about a fun little meet up we’re having in a few weeks. I saw this Dance Walk video a little bit ago online and decided to share it with my Twitter followers and FB friends. It proved especially fun for those who were having a rough day like my tweep Jennifer. She got just as excited about it as I did and mentioned how fun it would be. That’s all it took – one equally excited person, a few tweets and people were excited for the #BHAM #DANCEWALKTWEETUP. We’re meeting at Railroad Park in downtown Birmingham on June 2nd at 3 p.m. to Dance Walk around the park. We’re piggy backing off the Birmingham Kitchen Table picnic in the park that day, so we’re hoping for a fun, great turnout. I’m still working on sound and trying to get the Dance Walk Master Guru to come down from NY, but it will be fun no matter what. We hope to see you there – you can RSVP here:

A few other highlights – my friend Stephen Vinson hit a HUGE milestone last week by hitting the 300 lbs LOST mark! I cannot believe how far he has come and how many people he inspires everyday..and his impact is just growing. He has steadily been gaining friends and fans since he started the journey and they even did a TV special on him on our local NBC station. He’s also having a celebratory dinner to mark the occasion – details and RSVP are here. Congrats, my friend! You continue to amaze and impress me everyday with your commitment, dedication and attitude.

I am still “up in the gym working on my fitness.” We recently got re-measured to see how far we’ve come in the first month of personal training. I was floored to find that I had lost 6 inches total over my body during this month! I couldn’t believe it. I posted it on my FB page and was instantly overwhelmed with wonderful comments and “likes.” I believe it’s my first post to receive that many “likes.” I am humbled by the outpouring of support and love that people are sharing. I am going to keep it up and hope to increase to 3 days with G57 Fitness and Training soon.

Another highlight of the past few weeks was getting to try Little Donkey for the first time. It was as delicious as everyone said and our table made a friend in one of the owners/chefs/managers after our meal. He treated us to a complimentary cocktail and dessert (popsicles). These divine treats are a MUST if you have room after your meal.

The rest of my world is pretty good. There are still some things I’m struggling with internally, but know clarity will come the time is right. I’m working on myself and that’s all I can do at the moment. I am hoping things work out the way I’d like, but know they will work out the way they should no matter what.

Also of importance: I have decided I’d like to be a whirling dervish when I grow up. Do you think it pays?

Signing off for now, but remember….

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

No More Waiting

Sooo, I guess you could say the waiting game is over. Sort of. Or getting there. Sort of. Slowly. Painfully slow. Still. But it’s moving!

A week ago I blogged about the new special someone in my life and how slow things were going and how I didn’t know if we were to “that place” where you can talk openly with each other about feelings and such. That stuff doesn’t happen over night. A lot has happened in a week. And I’m very happy. We still haven’t rushed into anything, but there is progress. Not necessarily with our emotions or moving to the next level, but in our communication. Remember how I went on about wanting to be able to talk to him about how I’ve been feeling lately? Needing that in my life right now? I got it. The same day I wrote that entry. That night he could tell something wasn’t right and he made me tell him. Which was nice…so nice. We talked for hours and I told him everything. Probably TMI too soon, but he took it all in stride. And better yet, he did his best to lift me up after spilling my guts. That was exactly what I needed and I didn’t even know it. I thought I just needed someone to listen, but I realized afterward I needed that support and that other point of view – from the outside – to help remind me how amazing my life really is right now.

– I have this amazing friend who has been with me through many stages of my life. She’s seen it all when it comes to me and she’s never judged. She’s never criticized. She’s been brutally honest, but always diplomatic. She knew how hard it was for me to put myself out with there with him like that – to expose my not-so-happy side. And she continues to be one of my biggest fans (and I hers). She’s always supportive and encouraging. And proud of me. And that’s a good feeling because I think so highly of her and her opinions. She is one part of why my life is so amazing right now. Thank you, L. –

Back to Mud: It was wonderful getting to know each other in those ways and realizing how much we do care about each other already. Realizing that he does want to be that person for me and I want to be that for him. I want to be a friend that he can call any time and lean on when things are tough.

We’ll see what happens, but it’s going. And he makes me happy.