Month: November 2017

Some days you are the ceiling

And some days you are the floor.

Today has been rougher than I would like to admit, but I am still here…still swinging, still singing, and still dancing! I’m in just under the wire…not with the greatest blog post, but a very inspiring quote. No matter what..just take the first step. I’ve hit a lot of obstacles lately with a particular project I am working on, but I can only take it one step at a time. Just like life. Let’s keep going, shall we? Remember, I love you.

Hello Darkness…My Old Friend

Blog Like Crazy logo

That title isn’t supposed to sound nearly as dark and depressing as it does…it’s simply a nod to a) how the last few weeks have been going and b) how long it’s been since I’ve written a blog post. It’s been nearly a year. Did you hear that, people? NEARLY A YEAR! Wow, when I do it, I do it BIG! Did you miss me? I’ve missed you!

The beautiful song mentioned has been on my mind lately, especially with the beginning of ‘finter’ here in Alabama (fall goes straight into winter, ya’ll) and this song always comes around with the fallen leaves. It’s that special time of year – #bloglikecrazy – and November 1st kicks it off. This is where we (we, as in all my gals and some of my guys) try to write consistently on our blogs for thirty days. Some make it, some don’t, but we all try. I usually make it part of the way through and then peter out. I’m hopeful this year! I’m optimistic! I’m also slammed beyond measure with outside forces trying to keep me DOWN! Work (all good, but busy), extra curricular work, personal obligations, and charities out the wahoooooooo that are making November the marathon month, plus the holidays and an extended work trip!

So, welcome back, dear readers. And if you’re new to my blog (and me), welcome! I’m so honored to meet you and hope you will stick around for what will surely be the crazy train of blogs this month. I do have some tech stuff on tap, as well as lifestyle, inspiration, all things Birmingham, and just my general dose of OMG!

See you tomorrow….my old friend.