Month: April 2016

Woman Crush Wednesday: Stephanie Naman

stephanieHave you ever met that girl next door who juggles a million things so effortlessly you never even know what all she’s got going on? From your peripheral view it looks like her life is an easy, breezy Cover Girl commercial full of stylish clothes, a beautiful house and family, and the perfect job. You want to BE her.

That’s Stephanie Naman – aka Auntie Venom – for me. While it may look like she’s just breezing through life without a care in the world, the girl has got a lot going on under the hood. She’s a high level Creative at a national advertising and branding agency, keeps a beautiful home at the ready for spontaneous visits from friends (which happen often), she’s an advocate for fitness and health with clean eating and frequent exercise, she’s a published author with TWO books to her name, and she waxes on everything from Oprah to sex on her lifestyle blog.

She started the blog as a ‘book of lessons’, of sorts, for her teenage niece and the lessons are insightful, sometimes painfully honest, and often times hilarious. I find myself snorting while reading her posts, recalling that same situation in my young adulthood. Oh, to be that age and to have this blog wisdom would have been divine. I would have saved so much wasted time, money, and tears.

Besides being an amazing woman inside and out, I have to admit she’s one of my best friends and I often look to her for advice, comfort, and strength. Stephanie brings wit and general loveliness to everything she does and her blog is no exception. If you don’t know Auntie Venom, get to know her. And be sure to pass along the life lessons to young people in your life. We could have all used a little help back then.






Woman Crush Wednesday: Mia Ransom Parnell


Have you ever met someone who could just do it ALL? That’s Mia! Besides being a fantastic mother, surviving cancer TWICE, running half marathons and trail running, working two jobs and volunteering every weekend, the girl has recently started work on opening a travel business on the side to help the everyday person plan the perfect trip, from planning and booking to what to eat and see, all on a budget. Her new blog, MiaAdventura, is all about her travel experiences, lessons she’s learned, and helpful tips for the seasoned traveler or weekend warrior.

I first met Mia at my eye doctor’s office a few years ago where she moonlights as the office manager. What first attracted me to her was her sharp wit, huge smile, and her lipstick! Mia always has the perfect lipstick on. And she prides herself on working hard to stay healthy and fit and works out a few times a week, all in addition to her yoga and scheduled running days. She is a vegetarian and has taught me a lot over the years in the way of healthy eating, what it means to be a vegetarian, and why she chose to be one.

Mia loves an adventure and tries to discover a new (to her) place at least once a month. We’ve been on a few spontaneous photo shoots out of town and her eye for capturing beauty and nature is breathtaking. She’s a skilled photographer and has been so kind in helping me learn my new camera. She lives for exploring and never backs down from the opportunity to experience something new. If you are in the market for a new experience, near or far, Mia is your go-to gal. I regularly go to her with questions about her travels and also to get suggestions for nearby day trips for a quick fix. She never fails to deliver perfectly!

Mia is one of the most selfless and authentic people I know. She will tell you like it is, any day of the week, but with grace and dignity. Her honesty, coupled with her determination, make her today’s #WCW. If you don’t know Mia, take a moment and reach out to her. She is fascinating, extremely knowledgable and intelligent, and you will not be sorry. Tell her I sent you!

Woman Crush Wednesday: Jessica Furniss


Today’s #WCW honoree is none other than Spiffy Eats herself, Jessica Furniss.

I met Jessica through her lovely boyfriend, Tony, a few years ago when she moved to Alabama from South Carolina and instantly fell in love with her blonde curls, dimples, and infectious laugh. She’s a ray of sunshine that instantly lights up any room and I haven’t met a person yet that hasn’t fallen in love with her immediately. She’s that girl that everyone wants to be friends with.

Jessica started her blog, Spiffy Eats and Giggle Water, about two years ago and has grown it into so much more than just a blog. She shares valuable information on numerous topics including clean cooking and eating, fitness, restaurant reviews, lifestyle tips, quips and more. I’ve gathered over twenty healthy, delicious recipes from her blog, learned how to make bone broth from her instructional videos, and drooled over her Instagram photos. With her easy to understand content she has motivated me (and several other people) to get healthier with our food selections and get our butts off the couch and MOVING. She had a recipe featured on the feedfeed site a few months ago, was recently on the The Scout Guide Birmingham’s Instagram feed and did her first segment on Talk of Alabama earlier this year making gluten free pies. She also did her first Periscope broadcast from Pepper Place Farmers Market last weekend where she shared some of her favorite farmers with us. I learned so much from her ‘scope at Pepper Place that I’m secretly hoping she starts a weekly series from there highlighting the farmers so we can learn more about them and their products.

If you want easy ways to learn how to make small, but significant, clean eating changes in your life be sure to check out her blog, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Everything is beautifully written and shot and Jessica’s sweet disposition will win you over immediately. She’s definitely one of my woman crushes today and every day.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Sasha Johns

Sasha Johns: the woman behind the jelly

For April, I’ve decided to highlight a few of my favorite ladies in a Woman Crush Wednesday (#WCW) series. I’m hoping to maybe introduce you to a new face or two during the month.

My first #WCW is Sasha Johns. I first met Sasha a few months ago through a See Jane Write ‘Scandal’ watch party. The moment I saw her thousand-watt smile and fabulously funky hair I knew I wanted to meet her. After that night, we continued growing our friendship online and then I visited her at home over the holidays. While spending time with her I found out this amazing lady is a mother, wife, blogger, business woman, crafty chick, cook, and a million other things….basically, she’s Super Woman. She cooked a delicious meal for lunch during my visit, showed me where she makes her beautiful jewelry and baubles, told me all about making wine jelly, and took care of her husband and kids all while being the perfect southern hostess. I had a blast playing with her children, learning about the body and chiropractic medicine from her husband, and even snagged some homemade dog treats that her son made to start his own business (apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this house!).

Sasha has her own web site, True Vines, where she blogs and shares her wares with others. She’s also a part of the Middle Places collective, a group of woman writing about faith, family, and life in general with grace and humility.

Sasha is currently licensed to make the jelly at home and sells it in small batches at local art fairs and festivals. Her dreams are much bigger though. She recently got certified to cook commercially and launched a Kickstarter campaign this month to help make those dreams a reality. She wants to grow the wine jelly business to help provide more for her family, spend more time with them, and share this unique and divinely delicious treat with a larger audience and hopefully get it in stores soon.

This woman is an insanely talented power house and entrepreneur. I hope you enjoyed learning about Sasha and will consider supporting her Kickstarter campaign. Just think…wine jelly for days. Mmmmm….. J