Month: December 2015

Finding Magic in the New Year

I’ve had a wonderful time guest blogging for Alabama Women Bloggers as their December Blogger of the Month. I appreciate all they do for women bloggers in our state and hope you will consider joining them!

My latest (and last) post for them for December is all about taking a little time to find (and make) your own magic in the new year. You can find it here.

In case you missed them, you can find my other “magical” posts for them this month here:

My Magic Moment

What the Magic City Means to Me

Giving Magic Back to Others

Thank you for sharing this fun journey as Blogger of the Month and I hope to see YOU as their next one soon! 🙂 More soon.

More Magic


Happy Monday!

I’ve had a blast so far guest posting for Alabama Women Bloggers community as their December Blogger of the Month. The theme this month is magic and I’ve really loved getting into what magic means to me.

You can find my first post for them, detailing my first Magic Moments experience, here.

They just posted my second guest post on how to give magic back to others which I think is vitally important, especially this time of year. Be sure to check it out here and let me know if you need any help on figuring out what works best for you.

I hope your weekend ROCKS!

Can You Help Me?

I’ve been working hard this year to exercise more. While I started out with a bang – swimming, walking, and dancing in the dark – I’m ending the year with a whimper. Granted, I did finish a 5k last weekend, but I walked the whole thing. I don’t necessarily *want* to run, but I think I’d like the option.
I’m working on goals for 2016 and, again, fitness is in the top three..namely getting more healthy. I’m big and beautiful, I know this. But I am not as healthy as I could be and I know that, too. So, in an effort to do even better with my fitness in 2016, I’m entering a contest for 7 months of free personal training. The company offering the training is Crane L.I.F.E. Fitness and I’m excited to hopefully try them out and report back.
Please take a moment and vote for me here. The top 5 contestants in votes will then be interviewed by Matt Crane, the personal trainer, and he will decide after that. Fingers crossed!
Thank you in advance for helping me with one of my 2016 goals. 😃

Smashing Goals and Then Some

art-broken-explosion-glassThe past few months have been interesting. Since I was turning 40 this year, I set some goals for myself to go with the big milestone birthday. I wanted to exercise more, fly in an airplane again, conquer Vulcan, get a tattoo and more. I’m happy to report that I did all of them! Even though I didn’t write about them until July, I had been working on them since my birthday in February and am glad I finally met all my goals this year (first time!).


I finished a 5k yesterday. For most people, that’s no big deal..for me, however, it was epic. I did one in August, but it was hellacious and I never wanted to do it again. But I attempted this same 5k last year and had to bow out due to pain in my foot. I wanted so badly to do it this year and get my medal. I still have the planter fasciitis, but with proper preparation, I was able to finish the 5k yesterday in much better time (and shape) then the August one. Having a wonderful crew and group waiting for me at the finish was the icing on the cake.

IMG_0517This month also finds me giving my second presentation on social media to a business group. I’ve never considered myself a social media expert, but I do believe in harnessing the power of social media to engage the community. I guess that has magically grown wings of its own and am humbled that people have asked me to speak on it. Getting to help others while talking about something you love is so much fun!

And the cherry on top of the sundae this month was being picked as the December Blogger of the Month for Alabama Women Bloggers. What an honor to be in the same company as some of the bloggers I admire most. I’ll be doing four guest posts for them throughout the month and will be sure to post links to them here when they are published. The theme is magic, so it’s perfect for December!

Please know that this post is not written to brag. I wrote it as a thank you and reminder. A thank you to the amazing support system and sisters who help me everyday. You know who you are. You are my tribe. My girls. My #girlbosses and I can’t do this without you.

And a reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to – I firmly believe that. Keep an open mind and an open heart doing what you love, you never know who is watching and learning from you. Be sure to help others as you have been helped, we all need it sometime. And most of all, believe in yourself. You should be your biggest fan. I’m happy to be a close second.

Bring on 2016!