Month: July 2015

It’s All About Me: There’s a First for Everything

This has been THE week of firsts for me. I am utterly spent (and over the moon) and it’s only Thursday! Some were bucket-list “type” items (as in I’ve always wanted to do them but I won’t die if I don’t) and some were just fun happenstances! My firsts this week (in no particular order):

  1. First time at The Club (Have always wanted to go. Done!)
  2. First time seeing all of the Birmingham city lights from atop Red Mountain (not necessarily always wanted to, but that was just because I didn’t know what I was missing. I fell in love with her all over again tonight).
  3. First time meeting Joe Lockett. Thank you Comedienne Joy!
  4. First time getting a turkey in bowling, and then a hambone! (4 strikes in a row)
  5. First time taking a bathing suit selfie (Not something I EVER wanted to do, especially at my current size, but somehow found the courage and it was extremely liberating – blog post coming!).
  6. First time seeing commercial-grade fireworks being set up (have always wanted to see that!).
  7. First time being THISCLOSE to fireworks. It seriously moved me; it was so majestic and powerful.
  8. First time seeing the International Space Station fly over! (Wanted to? Definitely!) “How will I know where it is?” “It will be MOVING ACROSS THE SKY, DINGBAT!”
  9. First time being adopted as a pet.
  10. First time I didn’t cry at my annual GYN exam. (I can’t help it, I just do. But not this time, suckas! Only took 20 years!)

There are more firsts to come, too – the Bloganista mini-con this weekend will be my first blogging conference! I am IN IT TO WIN IT this year, folks. Watch out…this girl is on fire!

Goodnight, Birmingham. Sleep well.
The man, the myth, the legend – Joe Lockett – and the QUEEN OF CLEAN Comedienne Joy at the Taste of Birmingham.
The neck bone’s connected to the HAM BONE! I screamed when I got the turkey and then again when I got the ham bone. Poor Vestavia Bowl will never be the same after getting Rossed.
Big fireworks being set up. That doesn’t look sketchy or creepy at all.
Fireworks in your face!
I promise that little white dot in the middle is the International Space Station. I saw it move.
I didn't cry, but I still didn't like my annual GYN visit.
I didn’t cry, but I still didn’t like my annual GYN visit.

Women of the Week

11751934_10101471181577145_8442469844993514420_nThis week my life was filled with amazing women. Many of them, from all walks of life, some new friends, some old friends, and all fun. Thursday evening I attended the Bloganista Mixer with a plethora of fellow women writers and want-to-be-writers (me!). Our fearless leader, Javacia, has been knocking it out of the park since I met her a few years ago seeing The First Lady (it was our first date!) and she hasn’t stopped. She founded and runs an amazing group called See Jane Write for women writers and next Saturday, she is putting on the Bloganista Mini-Con – an all day conference for bloggers and boss ladies. The mixer this past Thursday was a nice time to mingle with fellow attendees, speakers, and panelists while shopping at the best consignment shop in Birmingham, Collage Consignment. I left inspired and with a perfect, cheap dress for the beach next month.


Yesterday, the Birmingham Girls Club was privileged to be invited by BGC member Julia to her family’s place on Yellow Creek. It was a family fun event with lots of amazing food, floats, boats, and laughs. About eight BGC members made the trek, with their families, to a beautiful house on the lake complete with 2 levels, a huge deck and pier, lovely pontoon boat, and more water noodles than you could shake a stick at. We spent the day chatting about life, love, body hair, and so much more. The beautiful women of BGC got a chance to talk in depth in an extremely relaxing environment while also getting to know significant others, which we rarely get to do. After returning from the lake, I then spent with a few more gorgeous gals – pictures below. I hope you had an equally inspiring and relaxing weekend. You deserve it! What did you do to take care of you this weekend?IMG_1876


Bowl Me Over

Flickr Creative Commons

I love bowling and have wanted to join a league for many years. I recently got that opportunity with my new job. Our league, Bottoms Up, is comprised of co-workers, spouses, and other friends and family. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone in getting to know my co-workers and cross an item off my wish list.

Anyone who knows me knows that I go all in when I do something so I ordered my own ball and shoes, which was a great investment. I have always bowled with house balls and believe me when I say I suck at bowling. But I have fun and that’s the reason I go; they play the best dance music and the floor (and your shoes) are so slippery so I look like James Brown out there. I am no good at bowling and I’m fine with that. I don’t throw a gutter ball every time, but I rarely get strikes or spares.

Enter custom ball. I’m convinced it’s a magical ball. I had forewarned my colleagues that I am no good and planned on going to socialize and have fun. They assured me that was the reason for the league and that I was in good company. Our first meet was last Tuesday and each team in our league bowled three games, different teams pitted against each other. My scores were 114, 141, and 150 respectively. I don’t know yet what my handicap is or will be, but the fact that I broke 100 on the first game nearly sent me into a tizzy of happiness. It’s the ball. It rolls lie buttah down the lane; I love that ball.

The best (and worst) part of the experience was the pain in my arm the next day from the muscles I apparently so rarely use. Throwing that 11 pound ball over and over for a few hours really took its toll on my arm and I’m still sore 5 days later. I am going to start doing 1 handed push ups with my other arm to try and balance out my Popeye arm that’s starting to form. I also poured buckets of sweat while bowling because it was hot and I was getting cardio in. Don’t laugh, it’s true.

I’m excited to continue throughout the session and get to know my co-workers more. I’m still quite new at the company and have been exposed to the same people since I got there, for the most part. I am looking forward to getting to know some of the others, making new friends, getting better at aiming, putting power behind the ball, and possibly learning how to hook. I’m even more excited to sweat off some pounds and build up and tone some arm muscles. Fun, fun fitness!



My good friend Jennifer recently started swimming for fitness. She’s a huge inspiration for me with her workouts and goals and we often try to exercise together at least once a week. At my gym there are 2 pools that I hadn’t used until a few weeks ago. She inspired me to pull out the old bathing suit and jump in. She came with me the first time to share some exercises and breathing tips then proceeded to put us all to shame and swim some very long laps the entire long length of the pool. I, on the other hand, swam short laps from side to side. I know, I know…I’m such an overachiever.

The day after my first pool excursion I was so sore. I didn’t even do a lot, but I felt it everywhere and was glad for the pain. It meant I was using muscles I hadn’t used in quite some time during my other workouts. I know my legs and torso were sore from my baby laps from side to side, but my arms were sore from the pull ups. Where I work out, the Wellness Center at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Southside, is also a therapy facility. There are therapy bars and other equipment installed on the sides of the pool. So I did pull ups in the pool. MY FIRST UNASSISTED PULL UP! 😉 (cross fitters and others will get that joke) Jennifer and I each did 3 sets of reps on the pull up bars and then swam some more. It was a great workout and now I’m hooked.

We’re going to start going regularly, but even if she’s unable to go sometime, I am going. I like it THAT much. One of my biggest issues when exercising is breathing correctly. I think swimming more and practiciing correctly will really help with that.

If you ever want to join Jennifer and I for a swim, or just me, please reach out. I’d love to show you my slammin’ dog paddle or just show you around my gym (which I’m totally in love with and no one seems to know exists).

I’m ready for “Mermaids”:

Fear Doesn’t Take a Holiday


I have thanatophobia. For those who don’t know it’s an insane, irrational fear of death. I know death is looming and the thought can paralyze me in an instant if I’m not careful. I’ve had hundreds of panic attacks thinking about life as I know it ending and trying to rationalize it in my head. It never works. My belief in God says it’s not supposed to, but I keep trying like an idiot.

I’ve learned to live with the fear, though I do try to talk to professionals about it if gets overwhelming. But it also means I have taken only one trip on an airplane in the last 10 years. I used to love flying, long before anxiety and fear kicked in and crippled me. I drive everywhere now – even across the country. And yes, I know that driving is more dangerous than flying, but apparently I’d rather die on the road than falling out of the sky. Thanatophobia also manifests itself into many other fears that control my days. I’m terribly skittish, nearly hitting the ground if I hear a loud bang or if someone just surprises me. I scream bloody murder, ask my husband. I once went to a shooting range and before I even got settled into a lane, I heard someone shoot and came flying out, crying. It scared me….nearly to death.

All that to say this, fear doesn’t take a holiday. Not today, on this day we celebrate the freedom afforded to us by our ancestors and those who have served and are serving to help keep us free and safe. I will hear fireworks tonight and, because I know the holiday, I will watch with child-like happiness at their beauty. I will not be afraid because I can see them and I know they are coming. But my fear is still there and it can hit at any time, even today.

I decided on January 1 of this year that I was going to work hard to take control back from fear. I was turning 40 this year and it was a perfect time to change my path. I want to travel. I want to naturally be calm and relaxed. I want to be my authentic self, not controlled by fear. To that end, I made a list to myself of a few things I was going to do this year to help me take my freedom back.

  1. “Walk This Way” The fear of heights is strong in this one and hubby challenged me last year to walk around Vulcan one time to prove to myself that I could. I tried one other time, a few years ago, and couldn’t let go of the stone wall inner core in order to move; I barely made it across the walkway from the elevator to the observation deck of Vulcan. I’m happy to report that we went by Vulcan earlier this year on a whim and I did it! It was glorious.
  2. “Big Jet Airliner” I surprised hubby when I told him earlier this year that I WAS getting on a plane to somewhere this year. Well, that somewhere happens to be Las Vegas for work in October. I’m excited because it will be my first trip to Vegas, but I’m already having panic attacks about it. “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”
  3. “Just Like a Tattoo” I have always wanted a tattoo. ALWAYS. My mother even took me to get one when I was much younger and I chickened out because the artist said it would hurt. A few months ago, again on a whim, hubby and I decided we would get tattoos. It hurt like crazy, but I wasn’t scared for some reason. And I love it! I am so happy I finally did it.
  4. “Bootylicious” I am ENTIRELY too bootylicious, as in I have way too much booty going on, along with too much of everything else. To help with that, I started working out, discovered an awesome new fitness class I am loving, and will be finally starting yoga in the next few weeks. I’m most excited about the yoga to help me calm down, control my energy and body with learning how to breathe properly, and get stronger inside and out. I am grateful for this new adventure with Melissa Scott Yoga.
  5. “Off With Her Head, er, Hair!” I’ve gone back and forth on this for years. My hair is nice, but boy, does it make me hot (ie. SWEAT). It drives me bonkers. I’ve always wanted super short hair and have veered away from it my entire adult life. I’ve cut it short, but not nearly as short as I want. I recently cut off 11 inches to donate, also hoping it would cool me off some. That’s a negative, Ghost Rider. Inspired by some very sassy, sexy lady friends who recently shaved it all off, I’ve decided to chop some more off. No, I’m not going GI Jane – I can’t because of my job, though I wish sometimes I could just for the sheer coolness of it (literal coolness, not figurative). But I will be sporting a cut somewhere between my super crazy woman crush Lindsay and this when I get done.

This all goes back to taking MY freedom back from fear. Forty seems like the perfect age to get it together, do what I’ve always wanted, and be my authentic self. This year is MY year…in so many ways. I am blessed beyond measure and thank God everyday for that. Will this be your year, too? What will you be doing to take back your freedom from distractions or things that hold you back? What are you already doing to be your authentic self?