Month: November 2014

I’m not perfect

If you thought Truthbook Tuesday was good, wait until you read this. Not sure what to call today’s #bloglikecrazy post other than CONFESSION. I’ve been crying for the last 2 hours because I feel like I failed a friend. I messed up tonight and, while it’s not the end of the world, it was big enough to totally undo any good tonight brought. I am not going to get into specifics for the sake of my friend (sorry to be vague), but I did not do right by her tonight even though my intentions were good and sincere.

I have a wonderful friend who I am extremely proud of. She’s overcome a lot of obstacles in her professional and personal life and I really look up to her and all she’s accomplished. Tonight, rather than listen to her and what SHE wanted on a matter, I took things into my own hands and thought I knew best. The result was less than stellar.

I feel horrible that I put this friend into an uncomfortable position, especially on what may have been a very special night for her. There are no words to express how sorry I am or how bad I feel for not listening to her. But lemme tell ya, lesson learned! When a friend tells you something, LISTEN!

I have already apologized and I know she has already forgiven me. But that doesn’t take away from the sorrow I feel for having put her in that situation in the first place. Please know that I never, ever want to do anything but lift my friends up and if I’m trying and you tell me not to, slap me if I don’t listen.

That’s my rant for today. And my apology. You are loved. ALL of you. And know that I only have good intentions!

Truthbook Tuesday

1. I know it’s not Tuesday, but I had a late night and missed yesterday’s post for #bloglikecrazy. So HERE IT IS! We’ll just pretend it’s still Tuesday. There’ll be another post later today for WEDNESDAY!

2. I’m borrowing this phrase from my friend Marlene who posts these every Tuesday on Facebook: Truthbook Tuesday™. Every Tuesday she posts some very real truths about whatever might be on her mind at the moment…some happy, some mad, some sad, and everything in between. She also invites her readers to share their truths in the Comments section. So, here we go!

Truthbook Tuesday™ – YouGotRossed edition

  • My favorite pair of underwear has Hello Kitty on them and my 2nd favorite pair has cowboys all over them.
  • I would wear Underoos IN A HEARTBEAT if they still made them and made them in my size.
  • My favorite thing to eat is seafood – namely scallops, crab, and shrimp. All day, err day!
  • I’m learning about my chakras RIGHT NOW thanks to these gals.
  • I’ve always wanted to buy an old VW “bus” and travel the country like gypsies, wearing long, flowy skirts, flowers in my hair, playing a guitar.
  • On a more serious note, last night at the Birmingham Girls Club holiday party, I was stunned when one of the ladies shared that she was a sexual abuse survivor..someone that I thought I knew pretty well. I am betting there are so many more of my lovely friends – men and women – who are, too. Please know that although I am not licensed in any way, if you ever need someone to talk to or need help finding out where to turn, please call me day or night. There are a ton of resources at our disposal – a lot just within the BGC. And friend, I wanted to thank you for sharing that revelation last night with those you knew and those you didn’t. Here’s my truth: I am too.

Wiping the tears

She didn’t blink. She wouldn’t blink. She opened her eyes as wide as she could and refused to let the lids touch. She wouldn’t let them see her cry. They didn’t deserve that satisfaction.
Once popular, she was now the outcast. She had burned every bridge that she touched and she didn’t even care. She would show them. She was fine being the lone wolf now; she didn’t need anyone. She wasn’t sure why she thought she needed them in the first place. They had never added to her existence. They simply drained her of energy.
She slowly backed out of the conference room, keeping her eyes wide the whole time. The piece of paper that she found was lying on the table. She didn’t write it, but they didn’t believe her. She didn’t know anything about Mark’s death, but they didn’t care. She got caught in one lie, so they now assumed that she was lying about everything. Why did she tell them? It was no ones’s business if they had been seeing each other. It had nothing to do with his death.
How would she prove it? How could she prove it? She was home alone when he died, far from his location. She knew if she thought long enough she would find a way. And then it came to her…..

What It’s Like to Be Homeless

National Homeless Awareness Week
National Homeless Awareness Week

The week before Thanksgiving is National Homeless Awareness Week. Homelessness is a subject close to my heart though I’ve not (thankfully) been affected by it personally. But I am well aware that could change in just one moment and truly feel for those who have ended up homeless due to unfortunate events. I am excited to learn more about it from One Roof, a local organization dedicated to helping to end homelessness in our area. They are hosting the NHAW events here that include a homeless simulation and a documentary screening about homelessness.

On Thursday, November 20 at 6 p.m. One Roof will facilitate a community-wide simulation open to those 18 and older at Railroad Park that teaches about the systemic barriers to housing. The simulation will be followed by a community discussion and education about how and why people become homeless. On Friday evening at 6 p.m. at the YWCA of Central Alabama they will host a screening of the documentary Storied Streets followed by an educational session on smart solutions for what the community can do to end homelessness. This will include opportunities to volunteer and a discussion about how the Alabama Housing Trust Fund can end homelessness by providing safe, supportive places for people to live.

You can RSVP for both events here.

I hope you will join me for one or both as we learn more about this issue and helping those in our city affected by it. If you would like to get involved even more, please comment below. I am creating a Junior Board for One Roof to assist them with raising awareness in our community and would love for you to be a part of it!