Month: November 2014

What Are You an Expert At?
Photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons

Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition. Oh well, it’s my blog and I can do what I want to. (See what I did there?) 🙂

When I first meet people that I’ve only previously interacted with on social media, many don’t know what I actually do for a living. I try to keep my professional and personal life separate, but they do intertwine sometimes.

I’m the director of information technology for a local advertising and tech firm. We produce some of the greatest marketing, commercials, sites, apps, and more that I’ve ever seen. I’m quite proud to be associated with such a stellar company. I also have a great team that I work with, both in my specific department, and other teams throughout the agency.

I haven’t always wanted to be a techie. When I was very young, I wanted to be an entomologist. After that sort of passed, I wanted to be a psychologist and that was my major when I started college. Soon after though I switched to computer information systems. Once I completed my degree, I moved into a system administrator position at my then current job. Following that, I moved to Birmingham and worked at a software company doing support for their main program while learning more code. I then moved to Virginia to work for the Executive Office of the President for a while as a software trainer in the Office of Management & Budget. I left there and was then hired as a support specialist at a non-profit in Virginia and worked my way up to the IT manager position when the current manager moved to Colorado. When I decided I wanted to come back to Alabama, I was fortunate to find this amazing opportunity and have been here the last four years.

I’ve learned so much over the years of moving up the proverbial ladder. I’ve learned more about hardware in my current job than I did in 4 years of college. I’ve also learned to give thanks for the opportunities I have been given and the chances people have taken on me. One thing I try to pride myself on is working hard and finding good, talented people. Those two things are essential to any management position. I learned from some of the best mentors and bosses one could ask for and tried to use those skills in hiring the best of the best, which I have successfully done a few times now in my last few positions.

Remember, as you grow your skill set and people give you opportunities you may not have otherwise gotten, pay it forward and help others grow and give them opportunities. I forget that sometimes and I’m glad I have people around to remind me. I’m a leader, but I’m not always a good leader. I am working on that – I want to always be a good leader if possible.

Friday Favorites

Two words: Mandi Rae.
This woman is amazing.
It also happens to be her birthday so double the Friday fun.
I’m glad she’s in my life.
Get some of her in yours too.

#TBT to That Time I Nearly Vomited on 100 People

Today is Throwback Thursday, right? Great! Let’s throw it back to less than an hour ago when I nearly hurled on 100 very nice people at the top of the Kress building in downtown Birmingham.

Tonight was one of my favorite nights in Birmingham – the Sidewalk Film Festival $10k Party where they sell 150 tickets and one lucky person walks away with $10,000 at the end of the night. It was also three years ago tonight that my husband and I first hung out for an extended period of time and the night of our first kiss. So this is a pretty special night in its own right even without the party.

Tonight, however, was more nerve wracking and more emotional than I had experienced in years, maybe in all my years. They start by calling out 10 of the 150 numbers for elimination. Then they take a break and the DJ plays some music and then another batch is called for elimination. My husband and I had 3 chances between us for the prize. His number was eliminated in the first few rounds. I still had my two. A few rounds of 10 numbers being called and we’re now on to batches of 25 numbers being called for elimination. I’m still in it with two numbers. Hubby is constantly redoing the math to figure out my odds.

There are ten numbers left. I have one of them.

There are now five numbers left. I have one of them.

There are now three numbers left. I have one of them. They ask the top three to come to the front of the stage so everyone can see their reactions. A very nice lady next to me introduces herself and shakes my hand. I reciprocate.

They call a number for elimination. There are now two left. I have one of them.

My head is swimming. The blood is rushing to my face. I’m closing my eyes and grasping my ticket, trying to be calm and mindful. People are shouting my name, someone asks me if I’m praying. I don’t pay attention…I CAN’T pay attention…my mind is a blur. I want to vomit. I think I’m going to…right in front of all the people. In front of the emcee. In front of my husband.

The last number is called for elimination. It’s mine. People come up and pat me on the back and ask me if I’m ok. No, not really, but thank you for asking. I mean, I’m fine. I didn’t come with that $10k and I’m not leaving with it. But wow, what a roller coaster.

I think about the cosmic meaning of what just happened the entire way home. I’m grateful I was close, but in all honesty, that kiss from my husband three years ago and my amazing life, friends and family far surpass any check I could have been given tonight. So while I didn’t win the raffle, I won the jackpot and I’m very happy with that.

But who are we kidding? I would have OWNED that check! 🙂