Month: November 2014

This is the End

I love that song by The Doors. It’s a bit creepy, but I still love it.

Today marks the last day of #bloglikecrazy. While I didn’t blog everyday as I had hoped, honestly I blogged more than I thought I would (and more than last year, I believe). So, maybe next year I’ll actually hit I had a blast and always love when this time of year rolls around. I learn so much about and from my friends and other bloggers.

A few lessons I learned this year:

  1. Don’t wait until the ‘day of’ to write a post. I know many bloggers who have an editorial calendar or schedule and write whenever they have time and then bank a few posts for those times they don’t. I still can’t seem to grasp that concept and continue to write when the mood or inspiration hits me. I have GOT to break that cycle and go ahead and churn out some awesome content even when I’m not feeling it. I love sharing my thoughts and the way I feel after I’ve written one, so why don’t I strive for that feeling more often?
  2. Ask and you shall receive. One of my favorite things about blogging is asking for help when needed. Whether it’s for prayers, advice, or just commiserating, it’s wonderful to know so many people out there are willing to help in whatever way they can when you ask for it. It always gives me a new perspective and usually helps me solve the issue at hand.
  3. Writing is therapeutic. I’m not an English major and I don’t remember the MLA style of writing (from college) and those books we’re supposed to follow. But I do enjoy getting my thoughts out there, venting, sharing, and voicing my opinion. I’m grateful that I have the luxury of writing just for me. That may sound selfish, but that’s what helps me and that’s how I need to write. I don’t have to write for my job or for money so I’m able to just write whatever I like and not worry about a) if someone is reading it and b) what they think. If someone doesn’t like my blog or what I say, they have the choice of not reading it. This is MY voice.

I know a lot of people who participated in #bloglikecrazy this month. What did you learn from it? What were you favorite posts from others? Feel free to post them in the Comments below and we’ll discover together!

Yoga Schmoga

IMG_0844-0.JPGPhoto courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons

Want to torque off half the Birmingham population? Start your blog post with a nonchalant yoga title.

The post title relates to how I feel about attending yoga classes in public. I’m a bigger gal and I have pretty limited flexibility compared to other yogis I know. I know we’re not there to compare ourselves to others, but it’s inevitable as a woman (unfortunately). I’ve attended a few yoga and other classes where I got a lot out of it, but I was self conscious the whole time. The instructors were great, but I am automatically self conscious and want to melt into the floor.

My most recently foray into this was a tai-chi type class. It was quite small, but wonderful and exactly what I had hoped it would be…until the instructor changed directions. After being invisible in the back of the class, we turned and I was in the front. No, no, no, no..not for a first timer. I was pretrified. I will never do that again.

So, my question for all of you: How do you deal with being a newbie at something, but wanting to give it an honest and thoughtful try without intimidation clouding the experience? What are your tricks for overcoming that initial terror, especially when you may not be the typical student? Ideas and tips welcome!

That Time I Spent the Night in Jail

One Roof setting up

Last week was National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week. I observed it by spending the night in jail.

One Roof, an organization dedicated to ending homelessness in Central Alabama, hosted a homeless simulation in Railroad Park last Thursday evening. When I arrived, I wasn’t sure what to expect and when I left, I was nearly in tears. Each participant that showed up received a number. Based on our number, we gathered into groups where we were each given an “identification card” that told us who we were and what our circumstances were (why we were homeless). On the flip side of the card were things we needed to do in order to survive the day/night. We had 35 minutes to get 3 meals, a source of income –  whether it was employment or disability – , and find a safe place to sleep that evening.


As you can see from my card, I was a veteran suffering from PTSD resulting in violent outbursts. Because of my past, I was turned down for all 5 jobs I applied for that evening. I also wasn’t allowed to stay in the women’s shelter because of my criminal past (I was arrested for throwing something at a co-worker in a federal office). I saw people rob each other, yell and fight with each other, and get arrested – all while I was just standing in line to try to get SSDI.

I was stunned at how often those around me were told “no” and turned away. I was hurt after my 2nd job rejection and nearly in tears when I couldn’t find a place to sleep that evening. After getting denied at the shelter, I asked one of the social workers on-site for help. She suggested the hospital. But since I had already been to the hospital to get my medication for PTSD, I was told I couldn’t stay there, even in the waiting room. After going back to the social worker a second time, her last suggestion was the jail. It was free, it was safe, and it was a place to stay overnight indoors. I balked at her (visibly balked). She offered to escort me to the jailer if I needed help. I declined and very reluctantly (and with great humility) went to the jailer and called her a few names to get thrown in for the night.

After the simulation was over, we gathered in small groups to discuss our experiences. We were fortunate enough to have people at our table who work everyday with the homeless and affirmed some of what we went through. They educated us on those homeless people who have become their story – their stories are all they have to get just the essentials sometimes and they lose sight of themselves after telling the story so many times.

I cannot imagine what it’s truly like to be homeless, but this gave me a small taste. It made me appreciate the food, shelter, clothing, and job I have. It made my heart ache for those who don’t have those luxuries. And it made me realize most of us are just one or two bad choices away from being there ourselves.

Survival Tasks
Survival Tasks


Say ‘Hi’ to my new friend. Polaroids were never this hard. This will take some practice. And they’re all credit card sized/mini pictures!
