Month: June 2014

Closing the door
photo courtesy of flickr creative commons

Hubs and I are moving soon and I spent this past weekend going through things, purging, and packing. There are boxes and bags of things that I have simply moved from one place to another for years without taking (or maybe having) the time to go through it to see if I still need it. This next month will be all about that. Let me tell you, just this weekend was like a punch in the gut. I pulled out pictures and momentos from my past that stopped me in my tracks. And a few times it wasn’t something I saw but rather something I heard. There were songs that immediately catapulted me back in time to my first love, losing my virginity, and more. So this weekend was quite emotional for me. I feel like I’m in a bit of a fog, knowing that I don’t need those things anymore, knowing that my life is infinitely better than I could have imagined nearly 4 years ago when I moved back to Alabama. But still….there are heart strings…and tugs…and nostalgia.

I’m still processing all these feelings and likely will be for at least the next month as I tackle more items from my past. Please bear with me if I seem out of sorts, but know that I will prevail…stronger than ever…and happier than I ever thought possible. Plus <<confession time>> I listen to this song and it immediately brightens my mood and makes me dance in my seat. Call me crazy. Maybe.

this is just a simple song

For my friends who might need this right now. You know who you are…..

Simple Song by the Shins

Well, this is just a simple song,
To say what you done.
I told you ’bout all those fears,
And away they did run.
You sure must be strong,
And you feel like an ocean being warmed by the sun.
When I was just nine years old,
I swear that I dreamt,
Your face on a football field,
And a kiss that I kept,
Under my vest.
Apart from everything,
But the heart in my chest.

I know that things can really get rough,
When you go it alone.
Don’t go thinking you gotta be tough,
And bleed like a stone.
Could be there’s nothing else in our lives so critical,
As this little home.
My life in an upturned boat,
Marooned on a cliff.
You brought me a great big flood,
And you gave me a lift.
Girl, what a gift.
Will you tell me with your tongue,
And your breath was in my lungs,
And we float up through the rift.

I know that things can really get rough,
When you go it alone.
Don’t go thinking you gotta be tough,
And bleed like a stone.
Could be there’s nothing else in our lives so critical,
As this little home.
Well, this would be a simple song,
To say what you done.
I told you ’bout all those fears,
And away they did run.
You sure must be strong,

When you feel like an ocean being warmed by the sun.
Remember walking a mile to your house,
A glow in the dark
I made a fumbling play for your heart,
And the act struck a spark.
You wore a charm on the chain that I stole,
Especial for you.
Love’s such a delicate thing that we do,
With nothing to prove,
Which I never knew.