Month: November 2013

Rockin’ robin (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee)

Today we start our show with a few informal interviews with our favorite Tweeps (Twitter peeps) for our #bloglikecrazy segment.

(Disclaimer: Interviews are nonexistent. I just like to write random things sometimes. If you’re just now figuring that out, welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay!)

I follow roughly 2,000 people on Twitter. Narrowing that down to 5 is almost impossible, but these are just a few that I adore.  And now, in no particular order, drumroll please!

Tweep #1 – @nerdreign. I don’t know much about this woman, but she is hilarious. I find her tweets and retweets crack me up most of the time. She’s great for a snarky pick me up or just bizarre tweets. Here’s an example.

Tweep #2 – James Spann (@spann) You will find this man at the top of a lot of Twitter lists and rightly so. He’s informative, funny, respectful, shares valuable information, and knows how to do it correctly.

Tweep #3 – Jamie Golden (@JamiesRabbits) Again, another hilarious woman, but one that I know in person which makes her tweets that much funnier. Her funny, sometimes sarcastic, tweets are interspersed with thoughtful tidbits and take aways from her work and church life. I love them all!

Tweep #4 – Tangela Ekhoff (@tangelaekhoff) A funny friend who used to live in Alabama and now lives in Oklahoma and will likely be on Scandal one day. I kid you not – follow her and you’ll see why.

Tweetp #5 – All my Birmingham Tweeps. I couldn’t pick favorites here, so will just name a few that I watch closely:

I purposely did not list any businesses even though I am a huge fan of many business Twitter accounts. But, I wanted to keep this personal and so I did. 

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Fight for your right

To worship. To vote. To sing out loud in public.

Our prompt for today’s #bloglikecrazy post asked us to define freedom. I know what Webster’s says, but it’s so much more than that. I will admit that I have lived an exceptional life. I’ve had nearly every freedom I wanted. My dad wrangled me in when I was young, but that was just good parenting.

I originally start this post admitting how blessed I’ve been growing up in America and all the freedom we are provided thanks to men and women who fight for them. But it only made me realize how many people still have limited or no freedom. I think about women and children in other countries unable to go to school, work, or vote. I think about young boys having to join armies to survive. I think about people who aren’t allowed to wear what they want, go where they’d like, or be who they are.

There are also many groups in our own country who don’t have the freedom so many of us do. The LGBT community is sorely lacking in freedoms that so many others have. And abused men and women who can’t get out of their relationships for fear of repercussion, or even death, are forced to stay where they are.

While I am eternally grateful for the things afforded to me (and others) by those who gave their lives, have served, or are serving, I wish there was more done in the same regard for those who are still kept in tiny boxes. Everyone should have the rights and privileges the majority have, especially here in America. Help us continue progress for everyone, not just some.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Don’t stop believin’

I’ve had a bit of a roller coaster day emotionally, so this post is going to be short and sweet. My thoughts are swirling around and I’m not sure how coherent a lengthy post would be right now. Or how revealing.

Today for #bloglikecrazy we were asked what we believe in. The first answer that popped into my head when I asked myself that question is the best and most honest answer:

I believe in you.

I feel pretty, oh so pretty (now)

I haven’t always been comfortable in my skin. For many years when I was younger, I desperately wished I were a boy. I don’t remember exactly when those feelings surfaced, but it was after Barbies and before braces.

I went through a tomboy phase where I slammed tennis balls against the house all the time, I studied insects, I hated boys (in that way), and I dreaded the changes I knew were coming to my body because I was a girl. I didn’t want some stupid period. What a pain in the butt. And who wants things protruding from their chest? Couldn’t I just blend into the background with the boys? I got along better with them anyway.

Eventually I grew out of that and I’m quite happy where I am now. I love being a woman and all that entails, including being part of a movement of powerful women in Birmingham and across the nation that are trying to help their sisters.

In all honesty though, I do have quite a few moments when I still feel pretty masculine or not as lady-like. But that’s me and that’s ok. I’m multiple-faceted and that works in my favor. So, while I may not always be the lady I should be, I’m always me and that’s better than faking it.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

These are a few of my favorite things, er, apps

Today in #bloglikecrazy land, we’re on to a few of our favorite things, namely apps. I have 164 apps on my phone. Wowza! Besides my love app, I have my popular favorites like Instagram, Tweetbot, and Evernote. Here are a few others I like, as well:

  • PS Express (Adobe Photoshop Express): Free, super easy-to-use photo editor with great tutorials that can work wonders on bad photos taken with your smart phone. It’s my favorite go-to that does quite a lot for a free app and comes from one of the most recognized names in the industry.
  • Fitbit: This free app works seamlessly with my Fitbit Flex bracelet. I love that I can track food or activities in it, or on the web site, and they sync themselves to each other while it also tracks my steps and sleep for me. And it connects via Bluetooth to the bracelet so updates all the time without draining the battery life of my phone.
  • Helium Video Booth Lite: This hilarious app lets you record a video of anything and then let’s you slow it down or speed it up. My sister introduced me to it when she recorded us talking on the couch. Then she slowed it down and played it back and I nearly peed my pants. After that she sped it up and we sounded like chipmunks on crack. It is a cute, free app good for a laugh.
  • NetPortal: The geek in me loves this $4.99 app that lets you get to any server on your network (while inside the domain) from your smart phone. I securely browsed to our file share and opened a document right on my iPhone. LOVE!
  • Dreamboard: I dream a lot and I always wonder what they mean after I wake up. Dreamboard lets you log dreams you remember in an easy, quick format and then helps you track central themes or subjects.
  • Everest: Free app that helps you define goals and track your progress in fun, manageable steps. You can also get encouragement from your friends (and strangers) via the app.

What are some of your favorite apps?

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.