Month: November 2013

Geeks are sexy

I missed a few days of #bloglikecrazy, but it’s ok because I was taking a much-needed rest from thinking. I work in technology so working with technology after hours gets a little old sometimes. I have to give my mind a rest. And by rest, I mean play endless hidden object games on the iPad (I only have so many “I Spy” books on hand) and gathering crops in Hay Farm. I also read a lot. I missed a few of the writing prompts, so will be catching up on the ones I’m particularly excited about like a post about something I totally geek out about, a post about fitness, and my favorite pro-woman anthems or your personal musical mantra.

Let’s geek out, shall we?  Since I AM in IT, I tend to geek out about new and exciting things in my field. I am currently loving Amazon Web Services and all the many, many, many things they offer. You can do a million different things with THEIR equipment and basically just rent it. It’s especially fun (and geek-worthy) learning an entirely new “language” and making things work. I have run into a few snags along the way, but with perseverance, – and great tech support from AWS – we got them resolved and working like a charm. And they add and expand features everyday, so it will be a continued learning process as long as I’m in IT. Yippee!

There aren’t a lot of non-technical things that I geek out about. I have my favorite shows (file those under guilty pleasures like Javacia did), favorite music and the like, but I don’t really geek out about much.  As far as how stuff works, I think I may have filled my brain with computers and networking and I’m full.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.


Here’s my #bloglikecrazy post for yesterday.



Go home sick from work.





Today’s will be much better, I promise. 🙂

Mission Impossible

Today’s #bloglikecrazy post asks us to define our mission statement or goal of our blog. I remember doing this last year so went to see if it still rang true. Last year’s mission statement:

YouGotRossed is a blog about the great loves of my life with the main focus on Birmingham, Alabama. It will be used primarily to educate readers about the city and promote Birmingham’s various offerings including geographical, cultural, historical, and current events. This will be a space for fostering community involvement, while also encompassing some other passions like fitness, feminism, writing, self-improvement, and volunteering.

Yup. that still about sums it up. I’ve had to scale back on the fitness since the doctor told me I have pre-osteoporosis and arthritis in my hip, but said I can get back to it once I build those hip muscles around that bone up. So swimming and recumbent bike, here I come!

And I still love Birmingham with all my heart and immerse myself in the city whenever I can.

Link to your blog’s mission statement in the comments section below.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Video #fail

I did a video blog (vlog) post last night for #bloglikecrazy, but after watching it decided against posting it. I’m not nearly as television-friendly as I had hoped so just scrapped that one. It was my first try, so I will try again and let you know how it goes.

This brings up a good point that I mentioned the other day – insecurity. Wowzer! Watching that video, I notice how distinct my lisp is (that I don’t hear at all when I talk), my chipmunk cheeks, my lazy eye. All things that you may not necessarily notice or zone in on, but I do! WHY do I do that? Why do WE do that? Aggghh! Have I learned nothing from this awesome post?

Anyway, I will try try try again and post something.


This looks like a job for me

“Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy,
‘Cause it feels so empty without me”

~ Eminem (Without Me)

Today’s #bloglikecrazy prompt asks us to write about something controversial. I may lose some followers, but I hope not.


Boys, boys, girls, girls, black, white, yellow, green. Who cares? I am a Christian and I know what people “say” the Bible says but isn’t the most important lesson that we love each other? In a world where it’s difficult to both be alone or find someone you can really be yourself with, why would we impose rules and restrictions on love? We already have enough trials and tribulations during our lifetimes without adding nonsensical clauses on who can be with whom.

I am proud to say I have a boatload of LGBT and interracial couples as friends. Just like yesterday’s post, I would not be the intelligent, caring person I am today without those friends. They are no different than all my other friends, but they have been through more crap and have helped me see what really is important in this life. And quibbling or even disowning friends or family members because of who they love is the biggest waste of time and energy.

You are entitled to your beliefs and thoughts. And I am entitled to mine. I believe the greatest thing we can do in this life is love each other, help each other, and give back. Let’s focus on that and less on who you want to hold hands with for the rest of your life. I’ll hold yours if you hold mine.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.