Month: March 2013

Whirlwind of Awesome

A million things have happened since I wrote last. First of all, please forgive me for the lack of posts. Sometimes real life gets in the way of technology and computers and I gladly embrace it. I’ve had a ton of meetings with some of Birmingham’s most innovative and creative women, gone on many a bike ride to work on my fitness, think, explore, cache, and love my city even more, been writing for some friends and new ventures (more coming soon!), and planning the next few Dance Walks.

There are a lot of amazing things on the horizon for me, Birmingham, and everywhere. I know that’s cryptic and I do apologize, but I will be able to tell you soon. All of them have to do with personal projects I am working on and no, I’m not pregnant (in response to a best friend who texted me that question after I posted a similar cryptic status update on Facebook the other day). Life is moving at the speed of light right now, but I ASSURE you I am documenting, enjoying, remembering, and living it. I am not letting it pass me by even in its fastest hour.

We had our first unofficial meeting of the Birmingham Girls Club last week. I hate to use this word, but it’s the only one I can think of: epic. It was a meet and greet to introduce some of our finest women to each other. The response and turnout were more than I could have ever imagined. I asked for feedback at the meeting to help determine the direction the women wanted to take the club and it was overwhelming and positive. I will be working this week on details for the official club and then launching it – in its entirety – very soon. Stay updated on the newest and, hopefully, most amazing club for women that Birmingham has ever seen. We want to provide a fun, safe network for Birmingham’s amazing women to grow their ideas, minds, spirits, and bodies while also giving back to the community. I’m working on a new website, set up a newsletter (sign up here to stay in the loop!), and have our Facebook page and Twitter set up. Come say Hi!

Next up is the Birmingham Dance Walk this weekend at Avondale Park with an egg hunt after. Please join us on Saturday, March 30th at 2 p.m. for a dance walk around the park with a free Easter egg hunt for ALL AGES after the walk. You can find details at and also RSVP on the Facebook event page here.

I hope to see you all Saturday at the Dance Walk!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.