Month: January 2013

Running Like the Wind (if the wind were blowing less than a mile an hour)

I kid, I kid!

Today’s workout at Iron Tribe consisted of 50 burpees, 75 walking lunges while holding a med ball above our heads, and running 1 mile. I did fine until I got to the running. As I’ve mentioned before, I am not a runner. In fact, I HATE running. I hate it more than beets and that’s a lot. I loathe it. I can’t begin to describe how much I detest it. Ok, horse…dead. There are a number of contributing factors to my disdain; I have way too much going on in the front and back for it to be comfortable or, gasp, fun; I end up with something close to exercise-induced asthma every time I attempt to run; and my knees are shot from years of speed skating at the roller rink.

I’ve done a few runs at Iron Tribe in the beginning, but stopped doing them not too long after. They were mostly warm up runs of 200 or 400 meters and I found myself so winded that I wasn’t able to recover well enough before starting the regular workout. Also, with my badonkadonk jiggling from here to eternity, as well as my stomach, I was not a happy camper. I have a lot of extra weight I’m carrying around period and when I try to add momentum to that, it just makes it harder on my ankles, too. I switched to the rowing machine with other non-runners about a month or two in. I’ve been very happy on the rower – still getting the cardio of a run, but without straining my ankles and knees too much with all that extra weight.

But one of my goals this year is to RUN a 5k. It’s a small goal for most everyone else, but it’s a huge goal for me. I’ve walked 4 of them now, but haven’t been able to run one. One of my runner friends – Tanya – saw that one of my goals was to run a 5k and gave me the gift of training for Christmas. Let me tell you, I was very blessed this Christmas – as I am every Christmas – and loved every single one of my presents. But that gift of training hit home like no other. It was so perfect and exactly what I needed, but didn’t know I needed it. As soon as she gave it to me and we started chatting about it, I was overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. It ended up being my most cherished gift this year. I think it’s because she understands how important getting healthier is for me. And because she is A-MAZE-BALLS! This woman runs like we sleep. I don’t know how she does it, but she’s getting ready to run her first 50k in a few weeks. Did you hear me? 50k! I am in awe and, at the same time, want to get her some meds because she must be crazy. 🙂 I kid. She’s one of the most amazing, dedicated, funny, kindest people I know and has quickly become a best friend. She says that’s all going to change now once she starts coaching me and yelling at me, but I’ll take it. I can dish it right back, sister!

So last week at Iron Tribe, we had a few 200m runs as part of our WOD. Not having run (at Iron Tribe or anywhere) since last September, I gave it a go in preparation for my training with Tanya. I did the first 200m and rowed the other ones. It’s small, but I’ll take it. I was so happy that I was able to do it. Granted, I nearly passed out afterward from trying to catch my breath, but I did it. Today, I hit another milestone at Iron Tribe – I ran 800m. We were supposed to run a mile (1600m) and I was shooting for maybe 400m – to double my effort last week – but I kept going and turned around with everyone else at the 400m mark. I was very, very, verrrrry slow – almost a fast walk by the end – but I DID IT! I did row the rest of the mile and, being winded, sweaty, and delirious  ended up rowing an extra 400m because I couldn’t add. No matter, I was very excited to hit the running achievement and will keep on working toward the 5k. My first “activity” session with Tanya is this weekend and I’ll be sure to keep you updated. We’re going to start with walking and build up from there with spurts of running. She’s also helping me by checking my food logs, water intake, and activity/steps logs on FitBit. Be sure to check out her blog All In Stride. She’s a rock star. I can’t wait to catch some of her stardust.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Transformation Challenge Baseline

I promise I am going to update you on life soon, but I am just spend. The weekend was busy, I didn’t sleep very well last night, and I started the Transformation Challenge today at Iron Tribe. Today’s WOD was a “baseline” for the start of the Transformation Challenge. There are 2 divisions of it – Performance and Weight Loss. The Performance people did weight lifting, sustaining dips, etc. My division, weight loss, did AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:

30 Double Unders (jump rope)
25 Sit ups
20 Box jumps (24″ box)
15 Wall Balls

I can’t do double unders yet, so the ratio – if you do single unders (regular jump rope) is 3:1. So I had to do 90 single unders for everyone else’s 30 double unders. I also can’t jump on a box yet (not even the 20″) so I jump on and off a 45 lb plate (it’s the thickest one we have). So this is how I did for this first baseline WOD for the challenge:

3 rounds + 30 single unders
I used a 10# Wall Ball
We total our reps in there so I totaled: 480 reps

So that’s what I am trying to beat at the end of 40 days when we do it again. Fingers crossed!

After having done that WOD, I am beat. I will update you all soon and, of course, weigh in Wednesday. I need sleep. 🙂

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Here Comes the Rain Again

We had a wonderful time last night celebrating Daniel’s birthday. We met friends at Los Amigos (our favorite go-to place) for dinner. Then it was off to 41st Street Pub and Aircraft Sales (????) for drinks and games, followed by karaoke at Bourbon Street in Crestwood. He said it was the best birthday he’d ever had. That made me very happy to hear!

It’s raining here in the ‘Ham…again. It seems like it’s been raining for a week. But I am not complaining. I LOVE the rain, especially going to sleep to it as I am about to do. We stayed out way too late last night, I trounced all over the BJCC today at another bridal show (too much fun), Daniel is currently on a plane headed to Phoenix for a few days, therefor this gal is going to bed very early. See you tomorrow lovelies!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Here Comes The Rain Again
By the Eurythmics

Here comes the rain again
Falling on my head like a memory
Falling on my head like a new emotion
I want to walk in the open wind
I want to talk like lovers do
I want to dive into your ocean
Is it raining with you

So baby talk to me
Like lovers do
Walk with me
Like lovers do
Talk to me
Like lovers do

Here comes the rain again
Raining in my head like a tragedy
Tearing me apart like a new emotion
I want to breathe in the open wind
I want to kiss like lovers do
I want to dive into your ocean
Is it raining with you


So baby talk to me
Like lovers do

Here comes the rain again
Falling on my head like a memory
Falling on my head like a new emotion
(Here is comes again, here it comes again)
I want to walk in the open wind
I want to talk like lovers do
I want dive into your ocean
Is it raining with you

Birthday Boy

This post is past midnight but I’m still getting it in. Amazing day with the man, friends, Mexican, Moscow Mules, shuffleboard, karaoke, and love. It couldn’t have been any better. More tomorrow (later today), but thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate. Night!



Best Week Ever

This week has been positively amazing. The energy, creativity, and ambition of the people I’ve been around has left me completely in awe of them and – my favorite word to wear out – INSPIRED.  I realize that I use that word a lot, for a multitude of things, but it’s the perfect word to describe those events, people, organizations, music, that get me so pumped up..about Birmingham (Emily from Magic City Post – who was also a panelist at last night’s SJW event), writing (Javacia from See Jane Write),  fitness (Daniel and Tanya), volunteering (Scott), fashion (Jennifer) and a million other kindred spirits in this city. Let’s recap the week for those of you playing at home:

  • Started volunteering with a theatre that I adore – Theatre Downtown
  • The WOD (workout of the day) from hell at Iron Tribe Fitness. My legs were shredded for 3 days, but I did those 150 squats!
  • Goal Setting Workshop at ITF – can be applied to ANY goal(s) and it was life-changing. I can’t wait to share the notes with you in separate blog post.
  • Lost 1/2 pound. I’ll take it!
  • My first Paint the Town Red meeting (PTTR) – it’s a digital arts festival benefiting the Jefferson Shelby Chapter of the American Red Cross. The art and events in the works for this year’s event are going to blow you away!
  • See Jane Write event – “Blogging and the Future of Community Journalism” One word – AMAZING!
  • Interview of PTTR folks for a Magic City Post article I’m working on
  • Tonight we are going to a loft warming party
  • Tomorrow (Saturday) is my fiance’s birthday! I will let him have “game time” with our new XBox while I rearrange my bedroom to create a very private, very “me” writing nook. It will be full of inspiration, perspiration, and hopefully good words. I’ll be sure to post pics when done. I am uber excited about this change of scenery and the timing works out well because he loves to game. 🙂
  • Tomorrow evening we are going to have dinner with friends to celebrate his birthday and then off for drinks and shuffleboard. (Do you know where we’re going?)
  • Sunday I am going to the Southern Bridal Show with a fellow bride-to-be (Jennifer mentioned above) and then off to a music jam at Das Haus.

This week and weekend couldn’t get any better. I will be sure to fill you in on all the details of the weekend. Be sure to wish @socialmediabham a very “Happy Birthday” tomorrow if you know him. Tip: If you don’t know him already, meet him. He’s amazing. Also, don’t forget the next Birmingham Dance Walk is coming up on Feb 2nd – you can get details and RSVP here. Can’t wait to dance down 2nd Avenue with all you lovely people! And lastly, be sure to tell your friends and family you love them. Today is an especially amazing day…don’t let it go by without telling them you care!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.