Month: December 2012

Mad As Hell

It’s 2:30 am and I still can’t sleep from being mad and upset. So I figured I would get it out and and tell the world. I don’t normally ever post negative or mean things, but this was eating me up.

To the Central Alabama VA Health Care System – West, Montgomery, AL

I had originally intended to write a glowing thank you note for the wonderful care you have been providing my father during his stay at the hospital. My dad usually speaks very highly of his doctors and nurses at the VA, but the night of 12/27/12 was his first time to be admitted overnight. I drove in today (12/28) to be with him and was impressed with my first experience at your hospital – from the friendly and caring staff to the cleanliness of the facilities to the little perks here and there for the veterans and their families. I even posted high praise for you all on my Twitter and Facebook profiles earlier today. While I don’t want to discount the hard work and smiles of the nurses we had earlier, I was heartbroken late tonight when I was told I couldn’t sleep in the extra bed in the room to stay with my sick father. I understand there are policies and procedures and I even offered, beforehand, to pay for or clean the bed the next day for your troubles just so I wouldn’t have to leave him. I was waved off and thought it might be alright since there were plenty of empty beds around us. I guess a shift change had just occurred because close to midnight a lady came in the room wearing an outside jacket, possibly over scrubs – I couldn’t tell. Without announcing herself or saying “Hello” she immediately asked if I was a patient – I was lying on the extra bed and she had every right to. I explained that I was not and that I was his daughter, pointing to my dad. I then asked if I could help her with something since she had bypassed formalities or introductions and didn’t look to be dressed in nurse’s attire. She informed me the shift change had just started and she was checking on everyone. About two minutes later another nurse came in and told me I couldn’t sleep in the bed because if her supervisor came checking, she would be in trouble. I apologized and got up, got my things together, and left the hospital a little after midnight in tears. I stopped by the nurses station on the way out and explained to the group, through my tears, that I understand they have rules, but I really didn’t think her supervisor would mind me staying with my sick father. She responded that I could stay, just in the chair. I had been there all day, in the chair, and it sits straight up and offers no comfort for the long night. After having sat in it all day, with no one else in my father’s double room, I changed into pajamas and still no one offered me anything for comfort. I had to ask for a pillow and a blanket. I’m not sure what family members do that stay with their loved ones there, but I counted at least 20 empty beds in the rooms around my father’s. I would have GLADLY given up the bed for a veteran or anyone who needed it, but just to tell me to get out of it because she “might get in trouble” seems like a paltry reason to separate me from a sick parent who has trouble breathing.

I hope you treat your patients better than you treat their loved ones. And I hate to think of what elderly loved ones have to look forward to sleeping on or in when with their veteran families at your hospital.

Sherri Ross
Birmingham, AL

Duck Duck Duck Squirrel…and it’s Christmas
Image by Image by via Flickr/Creative Commons

My mind has been a whirlwind of activity lately. I don’t feel overwhelmed, just busy. And I like being busy – activities with friends are what memories are made of and I love to make memories. There are a lot of things going on in my life and my ADD is in high gear. It’s crazy to say, but I get stuff done when it’s in overdrive like this. There are about 20 things I am working on, want to be working on, thinking about, etc. but the bustle of Christmas isn’t really among them and I love that. Christmas is such a crazy time for a lot of people, sometimes schlepping kids, presents, and pets to and fro houses for days on end. Not here. My decorating is done and was quite painless. I bought and trimmed a live tabletop tree from Whole Foods – I’ve done this in the past and love it. We also hung a strand of Christmas lights on the mantle, put some LEDs on the deck, and replaced our outside porch light with a green CFL bulb to match the other houses. So our row of houses has green, red, green, red porch lights right now. It is entirely too cute. For the actual holiday, thankfully I have a pretty concise family unity down here in ‘Bama. We usually go to my aunt’s in Clanton for Thanksgiving and all of my dad’s side of the family comes by there at some point during the day. Christmas is a toss-up, either going again to Clanton or cooking at my place and having dad come by for lunch. It’s very low-key and relaxed either way (thank God!), but my aunt’s cooking far surpasses my skills and yumminess so it’s always a treat to go there. This Christmas is not the first for Daniel and I, but it will be our first as an engaged couple living together so I’m doubly excited – and thankful. I think we’ve decided to spend a quiet day at home, snuggled up with cocoa, books, food, and great Christmas movies. I am seriously considering working at a kitchen that morning too. Later that day, I’m making a roast or Boston butt in the Crock Pot, some sides, and viola! Christmas lunch and dinner. 🙂 Christmas night we’re planning on going to see the ETC show at Theatre Downtown. I think we may make it an annual tradition for us. Will you be starting any new traditions this year? Side note: I really want an Elf on a Shelf and start that crazy tradition. They’re so flippin’ CUTE and I’m like 12 at heart so it’s ok.

I’ve been reading a lot of Christmas lists lately and I love it. It’s always interesting to see what people want, but don’t buy for themselves. There are some of us – like me – who will just buy whatever we want (when we can) during the year so there is little or nothing left for Christmas. But that’s ok…Christmas is not about gift giving or receiving to me. Still, it’s always a treat to see what my friends would like and, if I’m able, helping with that list a little bit. This year will be especially hard for me because we are trying to save all of our money to throw a party after our wedding. We shall see what happens. But then again, I know my friends don’t mind little or homemade gifts – they are not superficial or materialistic – they are beautiful, kind souls who would rather spend time than money. I don’t need or want anything material for Christmas. There are plenty of places out there that need help – I just need to focus on doing it, following through, and making it a big part of my life. That being said, here is a list of things I would like if I were to make a Christmas list, though these are more kind of like wishes for 2013:

  • Parade with Madge, the Magic City Dragon
  • Bus tour of Birmingham with favorite friends, food, and drinks (thanks to Magic City Post for prompting this idea)
  • Be a Big Sister or something similar
  • Create more, whether it’s “art” (I am the least talented artist you will ever meet), writing, implementing ideas, or other
  • Help support local businesses more
  • Throw a wonderful party to help raise money for the Crisis Center (and celebrate our nuptials with everyone)
  • Visit the Cobalt Club in person
  • Run a 5K (I currently walk them)
  • Donate to every non-profit that I adore here in Birmingham (there are a lot)
  • Become the official Duchess of Birmingham to promote our amazing city (hehe)
  • Start a non-profit to raise money for others in the area that need assistance and to help #BhamDanceWalk grow

What are your wishes for Christmas, 2013, or just the future?

My Favorite Things

This time of year always reminds me of ‘The Sound of Music’ and the songs from it. I especially like “My Favorite Things” and used to sing it over and over as a young girl. I don’t have a lot of memories of growing up (for some reason), but then there are some I remember like they were yesterday. I remember singing that song in my bathroom when I was very young, with the door closed, while looking through the cabinet for fun girl stuff. I was a pack rat back then (no comments from the Peanut Gallery) and kept every toiletry and beauty product I could get my hands on in that cabinet. I loved spending the afternoon looking through my stash and smelling all the miniature bottles. There is nothing like lavender and chamomile lotions to make a little girl feel instantly grown up.

I don’t know that I’ve really thought about my favorite things since then, much less listed them out. Since it’s the time of year for sharing, here it goes.

My Favorite Things

  • Tiny anythings make me squeal (I love miniatures – my current favorite miniature is my gold platypus from Chris Davis)
  • Fall leaves (they always make me think of Fruity Pebbles)
  • The smell and sound of rain (I recently discovered an iPad app that lets me choose from about 3o sounds to go to sleep to. I keep picking ‘Thunderstorm’ Over and over and over.)
  • Leggings (they make me feel sassy, sexy, and curvy all at the same time)
  • Hugs from children (my absolute favorite thing on the planet)
  • Candles
  • Fuzzy hats
  • Warm slippers
  • Millie nuzzling her face to mine
  • Holding Daniel’s hand
  • Dinner with friends, especially when the girls get together
  • Doggie kisses (any dog)
  • Christmas lights
  • Singing Christmas carols (one of my fondest memories)
  • Hot cider w/ cinnamon sticks

What are your favorites this time of year?

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.