Month: November 2012

Never Alone

I often don’t know how to start a blog post or what I am going to write about. Such was the case today. I have a writing prompt – I just wasn’t feeling it today. I’ll definitely use it another day and love the idea, but today isn’t the day. I use this blog to get things off my chest a lot…to wax poetic (or not so poetic) about the world around me. I still haven’t figured out what direction I want to take with my blog and that writing prompt is coming up next week…this should be interesting. Do I have to pick a direction? Can’t it just be all over the place, much like I am? It is a reflection of me, after all. And I am, if nothing else, all over the place. 🙂

I started up the computer unsure of what I was going to write about. I’m currently cleaning the house, going through summer clothes to donate, decluttering the house to sell everything I have at a garage sale, and getting ready for our upcoming trip to Texas…and listening to music. I am always listening to music. I have it on at work, in the car, in my room every morning and when I’m cleaning (such as now), in the living room whenever I’m cooking or reading, and usually have in ear buds when I’m in transit. Just as I was launching my browser to start this post a song came on that I had never heard before: “Never Alone” by Jesse Bonanno (you know I immediately want to call him Jesse Banana because I’m 12 inside). It was a beautiful song, but what struck me more were the lyrics. They are below for your perusal:

Never Alone by Jesse Bonanno

When your hope has been broken
And the fear is unspoken but true
You’re never alone
Like a dream in a child
Or a childish dream in you

I’ll do anything that I can do
To show you my love and comfort you

When you can’t seem to find your way home
And when life gets too hard
To face on your own
I will stand as a light through your darkest unknown
I will walk with you
So you’re never alone

You’re never alone
Like a tear in the ocean
Or a star on a clear winter night
You’re never alone
When the courage you needed
Has been all but defeated in you

I’ll do anything that I can do
To show you my love and comfort you

When you can’t seem to find your way home
And when life gets too hard
To face on your own
I will stand as a light through your darkest unknown
I will walk with you
So you’re never alone
Never alone
Never alone
Never alone

When you can’t seem to find your way home
And when life gets too hard
To face on your own
I will stand as a light through your darkest unknown
I will walk with you
I will walk with you
I will walk with you
So you’re never alone

Some may feel that the song is about God while others may feel it’s about their significant others, family, or friends. And there are others that may interpret it in a completely different way. Think about it and find the way that best speaks to you and that you’re most comfortable with, and if you’re so inclined post it in the Comments below. No matter how you decide to take it, it is the truth – you are NEVER alone. I have suffered from depression before and have felt completely alone. It took a long time and many wonderful friends to convince me that no matter what I was going through, I could call them at any hour of any day. I have always had friends – I still felt very alone at 3 a.m. bawling my eyes out because my marriage failed or because I thought I would never find a partner like him again. I still have my moments, but it’s a lot easier with today’s technology to get online and discreetly let your friends know that you’re going through a rough time and juju would be appreciated. Chances are, someone is online. It never fails – they always come through. And I didn’t have to wake them up at 3 a.m. to talk. I know I can if I need to, but sometimes I just need to put it out there and need love. I used to be too proud to ask for it when I needed it, but not anymore. Don’t ever hesitate to let someone know if you’re having a hard time and need love or understanding. And you are never alone…I’m only a click away. 🙂

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Taking Chances

Today’s writing prompt was to write something risky. I thought about it and can’t come up with anything majorly risky that people don’t already know about me. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. There are few things really private in my life and I usually keep them that way. But, overall, I think most of my friends – or anyone who reads my posts or Twitter updates – knows how I feel about things and who I am.

Javacia, founder of See Jane Write and our ringleader, wrote a post a few months ago about how she isn’t sure if she wants to ever be a parent or not. That was a very risky post, especially here in the Deep South where it seems to be the norm, but I’m right there with her. Yet, a lot of my friends already know that about me and I don’t consider it that much of a shocker (personally). I love kids and I love having fun, but the bottom line is that I enjoy my life and what I’m doing with it just like it is. I used to be of the mindset that I definitely didn’t want children. While I am maternal at times and a caretaker, I never felt the need or yearning to have my own offspring. I still don’t, necessarily, but am more open to the idea than I was in my 20s. I have always known that I don’t really want to be pregnant or go through childbirth. I’ve been told it’s a glorious experience and one that will change your life, but what if you don’t want your life changed? I simply don’t want to go through that – I don’t feel the need. The older I get, the more open I am to having a family, but I still don’t want to go through pregnancy if I have my druthers. I’d love to adopt. I’ve always thought that was the way I would go if I decide to start a family. There are so many children in the world in need of a good, loving, safe home and I could provide that. That being said, if I ever did get pregnant on accident or on purpose, I am sure I would be ecstatic and love the experience.

Still, I don’t find that a very risky confession on my part. I have a myriad of thoughts I could spill that you may or may not know about me – I supported and worked on the Obama campaign when I lived in Northern Virginia in 2008 and I’m doing it again here in Alabama, I am seriously OCD (some call it anal…including myself) and have ADD like no one’s business, I am scared to death of death and have great anxiety about it – so much so that I’m on medication for that and my OCD, I hate being fat and hate my body but a lot of women I know do. I’m trying to change that with Iron Tribe, but there are things they will never be able to fix like the varicose veins that run in my family and down my thighs, my rosacea, the adult acne that has cropped up in the past month or so that had me seriously considering being a shut-in for a while (I’m not kidding, I was that embarrassed to be around people), and my chronic skin issues that freak people out when they see them.

For having all those very valid (in my head) body issues, I had a wonderfully satisfying day on the body front. There was a meet up for women bloggers at the Shops at Grand River this morning. It was a wonderful meeting presented by the Shops and KC Projects to treat us women to a delicious champagne brunch, a mini style makeover presentation, a scavenger hunt through the shops, and a goody bag full of fun stuff. The food was from Olexa’s in Homewood, the decor was beautifully feminine, the stylist was Tracy James and she was fantastic. I am one of the least stylish people I know – I feel frumpy in my body and clothes most of the time. I know that anyone at any size can look good, but I never got those creative jeans (ha!) to make myself chic more than once a year. I work with a plethora of gorgeous, stylish girls who always impress me with their wardrobe combinations. I finally cornered one in the bathroom just last week and asked her if maybe she and another girl whose fashion sense I admire could give me a few tips one day after work. She gladly accepted, but we haven’t gotten around to it yet. That made today’s event that much more timely and special for me. I learned a wealth of new information regarding styles, clothing, trends and accessories. So much so that I immediately headed to the store to find a pair of neutral, but stylish, snake skin skinny jeans that Tracy mentioned. snake skin looking anything? No. Never. But I did. I went and they had 1 pair left in the Plus section and it was my size. Fate? Let’s see. I took them the to the dressing room and fell in love. I never would have even tried them had it been not for her gentle nudge to TRY them. And she was right! Go figure. 😉 I bought a great black cowl neck sleeveless sweater and a very hip cream faux leather jacket. I feel like a million bucks just from that one sassy girl outfit. Forget the fact that I discovered Maurice’s just a few shops down and fell in love again. Thanks to Jamie and Rachel, the eagle has landed. I will be asking for Maurice gift cards for every holiday from now on. I found the greatest little black blazer with military style embellishments on it, beautiful tops to go under it, a bunch of light cover ups and sweaters for the mild Alabama winter, and a plaid shirt to wear to Texas next week. PLAID! (I, again, have never worn plaid and never would have picked it if I weren’t going out on a limb today to try to get a little more together with my clothes). I can’t wait to wear the new outfits to work and feel a little better about my appearance in my frumpy body. I’ll get there, but this is a great start. I love my new wardrobe!

Off to wear something pretty to a play and a party. See you tomorrow. 🙂

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

*author’s note: I wanted to get my post in today, but have to run so am going to add links a little later tonight. So if you want to find out more about the wonderful people and places I mentioned, check back later for links. 🙂

Birmingham is Beautiful

Hi hi! Day 2 of #bloglikecrazy.

Our esteemed leader, Javacia Harris Bowser, provided us with writing prompts for this project if we were so inclined. Oh yes, I was totally inclined. Today’s prompt was DEFENSE. It IS football season here in the South, after all. Heh, I kid. She encouraged us to defend something in our post today that usually gets a bad rap. I’ll give ya something – BIRMINGHAM. I touched on it yesterday, but this city is absofreakinmazing. (+1 for that awesome made-up word).

I drive a lot of places. I don’t like to fly so me and my sweet little ride venture all over this beautiful country of ours. Birmingham is a great location geographically because we have mountains, beaches, flat lands, the coast, and major cities all within a few hours’ drive of here. Name it, you can get to it. Well, not really desert, but who really wants to hang out in the desert anyway? My point is that we are centrally located to and in some of the most beautiful mountains, trees, and beaches in the country. And I haven’t even touched on the city itself.

I am not a snob, but I am not a fan of traffic. I lived in Northern Virginia/DC for a few years and I got my fill for LIFE there. And I am, at heart, a city girl. Therefore I live and work and play mostly downtown and on this side of the mountain. I venture down US 280 when I absolutely have to and it’s mostly to hit the Apple store at the Summit. When the Target gets finished on Lakeshore, I will be down 280 even less. 🙂 I venture down or up 65 when traveling to Montgomery or Wisconsin to see my family. Don’t get me wrong, 280 and 65 are fine and provide some of the most scenic views of our county as far as the eye can see. But I prefer the bustle, culture, and atmosphere of downtown.

I’ve lived in a few cities, but I always end up back in Birmingham. There’s a reason: the beautiful historic buildings downtown, the charm and character in every brick facade, the history in the sidewalks, and the memories in the store windows. Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to live in a loft.  The lofts downtown have exploded in the past decade and businesses on the other side of the tracks have followed. Second Avenue North is becoming the place to be and 1st Avenue is right behind it, not to mention Morris Avenue. I always keep an eye out and hope to one day buy (or at least rent) down there.

Along with the cityscape are the activities that Birmingham has to offer – they are never-ending. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it until I die – If someone says there is nothing to do in this town, they aren’t looking very hard. If you look at my personal Facebook and Google calendar any day of the week, there is likely an event on there and usually more than one. Our people are active  – whether it’s personally or professionally – and they are putting themselves out there and LEADING the way for others. They are organizing projects, runs, fundraisers, art exhibits, plays, comedy shows, restaurant openings, festivals, kickball and ultimate Frisbee tournaments, pet meet ups, concerts, and everything else in between. Our libraries and civic organizations are bustling with free activities, and there are unique fundraisers for worthy causes and non-profits all the time.

Our city has its share of problems and the government and BOE are infamous at this point. But, Birmingham’s positives still vastly outweigh her negatives and I think people sometimes forget that. I don’t. And I’m not alone…there are many cheerleaders around the city. Look closely and talk – you will be surprised. Being a part of the love and growth movement in Birmingham runs in my blood. I try to share and spread that love when I can. If you ever need a reminder of how beautiful Birmingham is, stop on the 22nd Street Bridge at sunset. Or visit Linn Park at sunrise to watch volunteers feed the houseless. Or go to Five Points South any day of the week and witness the love. It’s there…I promise. And if you can’t find it, email me at sherri at yougotrossed dot com and we’ll go on a field trip. Stay beautiful, Birmingham.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

It’s a Gold Shoes Kind of Day

I’m starting a new project today called Blog Like Crazy courtesy of the talented Javacia Harris Bowser. The goal is to post new and meaningful content every day for the month of November. I’m excited about this project, but always wary of time constraints and life getting in the way. “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” We shall see…fingers crossed!

Today I decided to wear gold shoes. I intentionally made the decision to put some fun in my day right away this morning by wearing my glittery gold shoes. I’ve had a stressful past few days at work, but above all, love my job and where I work so am not complaining. It just takes a toll every once in a while. So today, out with the “bah humbug” and the stress and in with the gold and fabulous!

We are all capable of intentional living. What is it, you ask? I saw a blurb about intentional living somewhere months ago and immediately signed up for a “Living an Intentionally Designed Life”  web conference from Jennifer Bailey. I took notes feverishly and it changed my life. I had been pondering the idea of reinvention and living more intentionally for years now and this was just the kick I needed. Since that call and since reading more about the subject things have really turned around. For a lot of us, each day is a constant battle of telling ourselves and others ‘no’ for one reason or another. Jennifer’s information helped me answer a few questions behind ‘no’ and helped turn some into ‘yes’. I’ve become more active in my community (a passion of mine), started helping others and giving more time, money, and resources to those in need, and have tried hard to support myself (and my partner) more mentally, physically, professionally, and emotionally. The change in the past few months has resulted in wonderful new friends, opportunities, exposure for our beautiful city and it’s lovely people and businesses, as well as amazing changes within me. I’m still at full steam ahead, but so far I’ve increased my personal records at Iron Tribe Fitness significantly, participated in two 5Ks, took part in my first Zombie Walk, organized and executed my second Dance Walk for Halloween, and have an upcoming stint as a guest bartender planned at Naked Art for Third Friday in Forest Park. I will be donating my tips to the Crisis Center here in Birmingham so please come out and say ‘Hi.’

I can’t wait to see what November, the rest of the year, and next year all hold in store for me. I have a plethora of good ideas swirling and I need to get them down on paper and get them in motion. I hope you will join me on this journey and please don’t be surprised if I tap you to take part in this awesome project and the big plans coming up in my life. Here we go!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.

Image by Mike Licht via Flickr/Creative Commons