I am not one to set goals. I’m not sure why, just never been inclined to do so. That’s not to say I’m lazy, I most definitely am not. But, as BF commented to me yesterday, “You’re one of those people who doesn’t really set long-term goals. You decide that you want something or you want to do something and you make it happen. Justlikethat.” He’s right. Birmingham Dance Walk is a great example. I saw the video, got excited, wanted to do it, put the word out, and had a great time at the first one in June. The second one was more planned out, organized, fun (dancing in the dark with glow sticks FTW), and well executed because of longer and better planning. All that to say that maybe it’s time I started setting actual goals for myself.

I wonder why I’ve never really set them before. Am I scared of failing? Am I scared of commitment? Scared seems to be the common denominator there so it must be fear. That goes back to my fear of everything under the sun, but I can conquer that fear like I conquered the fear of sticking my finger in my eye to put in contacts. (Let me tell you that story sometime, it’s hilarious!) BF has been reading some very interesting, helpful books and he’s been sharing bits and pieces of them with me as he goes. The little nuggets of wisdom and self-realization are really powerful. So much so that I’m going to check out a book or two and also set some goals for myself. He’s tasked us – starting today – with taking 5 minutes each morning from now until the last week of December to come up with 2 goals for ourselves individually (personally, professionally, however we want) and 2 goals for us as a couple.  Once we come up with our goals, we have to also write out detailed plans on how to achieve the goals. We’re then going to meet the last week of December to discuss with each other and will pick 2 of the 4 couple goals to accomplish in the next year, as well as get feedback on our personal goals and plans of action. I love this idea and already have a few possibilities in mind for myself and for us as a twofer. I’ll be sure to keep you updated and reveal the goals and plans at the beginning of the year when we have decided on and finalized them.

This time of year is always full with goal setting, but this is really my first time doing it. I’m not going to call them “resolutions” because that indicates that I’m resolving a problem. I choose to think of it as enhancements to my already wonderful life. Do you have goals already set for the next year? If not, why don’t you join me in coming up with 2 definitive goals that you can start working toward in the new year? And be sure to plan your execution out in detail. Let’s share together toward the end of the year and see how we do.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.


6 Comments on Goal Setting

  1. I’m kind of the same about goals. I tend to just make up mind to do something and then start taking action, rather than spending vast amounts of time planning out each step in an action plan. I’ve found that I can get bogged down if I focus too much on planning. I tend to adhere to the “ship it” mindset that Seth Godin talks about.

    In other words I do make goals, but I just start taking action to move toward execution rather than plan out the long-term steps for achieving them. I could probably find a better balance in that regard.

    I’m working on some big projects right now, so I guess I have established new goals. It would probably be helpful if I really commit to where I want these goals to take me. Thanks for the trigger.

  2. This is an excellent idea! Whether you need to tackle something professionally, mentally, emotionally, physically — it’s all about setting goals and seeing them through! I’m happy that you have a partner who can share this experience with you & encourage you!

  3. Great idea. For setting and getting goals, you may want to check out a goal setting app called http://GoalsOnTrack.com, a very nicely built web app designed for tracking goals and todo lists, and supports time tracking too. It’s clear, focused, easy to navigate.

  4. Great idea! For setting and getting goals, you may want to check out a goal setting app called http://GoalsOnTrack.com, a very nicely built web app designed for tracking goals and todo lists, and supports time tracking too. It’s clear, focused, easy to navigate.

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