Month: September 2008


Hehehehe, actually it’s Ocracoke. It’s an island in NC somewhere off the coast. My friends went to it while we were on vacation in the Outerbanks this past week. The beach was wonderful – beautiful water, hot sand, shade and breeze. Very relaxing. The pool was even nicer! lol. It was so nice to come back from a morning at the beach and lounge around the pool with the cool, clean water and no sand. It was a week of rest, Wii, lighthouses, shopping, fudge, pool, beach, boogie boards, umbrellas, SPF 50, beers, frozen margaritas, naps, and lots and lots of seafood! I had some of the best crab legs I’ve ever eaten at Fishbones at Scarborough Faire. We stayed in a huge house in Duck and vegged out for an entire week. Some of us were more active than others (you go, Elizabeth!) and I think everyone had a good time.

Now it’s back to work, Millie, and more work. From now until the end of the year I am going to be one busy lady at work. But I’m not complaining – I am thankful to have a job and a wonderful job at that. I work with great people and this company is one of the nicest I’ve ever worked for. They truly appreciate the resources they have and that’s nice to see and be a part of.

Not much else is going on in my world right now. I am restless. Internally and externally. We shall see what comes of that. I don’t know my place right now and there are outside forces affecting that. Of course I realize I’m ENABLING them to affect me that way and I need to put a stop to it. Easier said than done. I’ll just let it be and see what happens. Time will tell.

Hugs to all! Glad to be back. Hope you had a wonderful Labor Day!