Month: August 2008

Friends in My Life

I’ve decided to go public with this. It’s been sort of a secret for a while, but I’ve got to tell people eventually, right? I mean, it’s going to come out. It always does. Here goes nothing:

To any potential mates out there: My friends and family are the most important people in my life and you need to realize and recognize that.

lol. Ok, sorry – just venting a bit. I have run into this with numerous people I date or have dated/had relationships in the past. They just don’t get how much my friends and family actually mean to me or how important they really are. Hence the reason they don’t understand why I get so defensive when someone attacks them or their importance in my life. These are the people who have seen me through EVERYTHING – horrible times, good times and the best times of my life. They have stuck with me through thick and thin and they have helped me in more ways than I could ever count. I’ve depended on them and they’ve never let me down. You, however, potential mate, are new to the scene. You should know that a girl’s friends are extremely important to her (family is relative, depending on the girl) and she would do most anything for them and vice versa. They are her saving graces, many times her rocks when she has nothing else to hold on to during the storm, and her supporters. Well, I don’t know if everyone has friends like that, but I sure do. So, when a potential mate comes along and makes even the smallest fuss because a friend needs me, that sends up some serious red flags.


(lol. I’m all gangsta thug now)

Up in Your Grill

I love it when I come out of the bathroom at work and there’s already someone (a stranger) walking down the hall and I get right up in their personal space with my exit. lol. They turn around, all scared, like I’m going to jump them or something. Not going to happen. A) I’m usually wearing heels. B) I usually look pretty harmless (depends on the hair…I have “crazy hair” sometimes and it’s kinda scary) . C) I AM NOT GOING TO JUMP SOMEONE IN A HALLWAY OF THE OFFICE BUILDING I WORK IN. Come on, people. You’ve seen me before. You know I work down the hall. Quit freaking OUT.

I don’t do it on purpose, but it’s classic when it happens. Makes me giggle like a little girl.