Month: August 2008


I’m so excited that my friend Luci is blogging again (not that I was around the first time). I’m anxious to see what thoughts enter and leave his complex brain. (He’s standing right here).

Mwah to Blogland! I’m off to the beach for a week. More from the sands of North Carolina!


Hello, my lovelies!


  • I saw Coldplay weekend before last. Did I tell you? It was amazing.
  • My friend got a Wii for his birthday and I tore up my back boxing
  • I saw Kimberly Locke (from American Idol and Celebrity Fit Club) on Saturday – my first celebrity sighting since moving here
  • She was with Sgt. Harvey from Celebrity Fit Club (he’s the one we actually recognized first b/c Kimberly’s lost all that weight)
  • I found Gillian’s long lost brother

This weekend was chock full of fun and entertainment (and wine)! It was Joey’s birthday, so we pretty much celebrated it all weekend.

Friday night, our department went out for dinner and drinks at the Tavern on the Lake at Lake Anne Village Center and enjoyed their homemade sangria with our Board President.

Saturday, we all met up at Luci and Joey’s and headed to Middleburg, VA (wine and horse country) to start the birthday celebration. We lunched at Market Salamander, where Kimberly Locke and Harvey Walden sat right next to us! I was so excited to have my first celebrity sighting (yes, I’m calling them celebrities…they’ve been on TV and stuff). We tried not to stare, but did steal a few looks and Galynn shot a few pics of them as they left (discreetly). After lunch, we strolled through the streets of Middleburg’s quaint downtown and shopped a bit. Then it was off to the wineries. We first went to Piedmont Vineyards and Winery where we tried like 8 different wines. We got 2 bottles and headed out to the patio with our Gouda and Cheddar. lol. It was a lovely day and the wine and cheese were perfect. After that, we headed over to Swedenburg Estate Vineyard and sampled a few more there. We purchased some and went out to sit beneath the trees and enjoy the day and the wine. It was breezy, not too hot and clear….a perfect day for wineries. I usually don’t really care for wine tastings because I don’t particularly like reds, but they both had a nice selection that didn’t focus on any kind in particular. After the wineries, it was time for a swim back at Joey and Luci’s and then dinner and presents. Joey got a Wii and we played with that until it was time to go. It was truly a perfect day.

Sunday wasn’t nearly as packed, but still very nice. Cleaning, errands and laundry took up most of the morning and then it was off to Joey’s parents’ house for a birthday cookout (Sunday was his actual birthday). They grilled out while we chatted on snacked on the deck – the food, weather and company were perfect. Happy birthday, Joey!

I’m excited about the upcoming week. Tonight, I’m going to Costco w/ Joey to get drinks for our carnival on Wed. (yes, I’m excited about Costco…I really like that place). Wednesday is our annual volunteer/summer cook-out and it’s a carnival theme this year. We will be cooking out, hosting and playing games and just having fun. And we get to close early! lol.

I hope everyone has a great week! If I haven’t told you lately, I miss you! (all you non-VA people. lol)

We are the World

I was looking at the top 100 music videos on iTunes just now and “We Are the World” from 1985 is indeedio the #52 video. Seriously. 52. Out of 100. Of the top videos in the world right now.

Not that I don’t love the song or a good cause, but 52. Right now. In 2008.

No worries – here is your dose of weird video for today’s generation. Check it out here. It’s Kerli (really???) with “Walking on Air.”