Month: July 2008

Are there any Ps?

I’m in training this week – so I can be a better IT person. Yippee! I don’t mind – the company is paying for it, I get out of work for a week (sorta), and it’s part of the deal if I get the promotion in a few months that I’m working toward.

I am learning a lot so far, and it’s only Day 1. That’s pretty impressive. Means I don’t know squat. lol – kidding!!! (especially if any of my co-workers are reading this. lol) It means that there is ALWAYS something to learn.

I saw this book in our conference room the other day and thought of my English teacher friend, J. I’m not sure why – maybe because I know she finds quirky books like this interesting. I had to take a picture and share with her (and you). It cracked me up when I saw it. Next time I see it, I will pick it up and check it out – I DO want to know why Geese Don’t Get Obese, And We Do.

I went to a pretty authentic Irish pub today for lunch and tried potato and leek soup and Irish soda bread for the first time. Both very yummy. I will be going back tomorrow to try something else! It’s called Ireland’s 4Ps restaurant (4 Provinces) and you must check it out if you’re in my area.

I had a great weekend. I went swing dancing on Friday, a cookout/pool party at my complex and then a beautiful 25-year anniversary party on Saturday, and finally our Lifeguard Olympics on Sunday. It was a fun filled, busy weekend and I STILL got my laundry done. lol.

Hope all is well out there in blogland!

Crazy E-mails

In my junk mail filter each day, I get these crazy e-mails (don’t we all??) with titles like:

Madonna’s former home destroyed by Jesus
Tom Cruise killed by car

and other crazies. Everyday. I’m going to start making a list (one of those new high-falootin’ Blog Lists) over on the right (I think) with all these crazy headlines that I get. I love them and have to share!

*******I’ve changed my mind about this. Most of them are negative Subject lines, just trying to catch your attention. I can see me posting them here (just relaying) and them the CIA or someone come after me b/c I’m falsifying information or spreading rumors. Ack!****************

Sing Along

You can see that I’ve definitely got a music theme going on today. (well, most everyday…I really need to to be a roadie)

I’ve been listening to a great band called Virginia Coalition for a few months now. I LOVE their music and think you check out their album. Give this song a listen – it’s definitely been one of my theme songs for the past few months because no matter what I feel, I always want to sing along:

Free Fallin’

I’m not a fan of Tom Petty (I know, I know…hush!), although I do like this song. I am, however, a fan of John Mayer and heard this today on the radio. Had to look it up and share. Enjoy the video!