Month: November 2007

It’s been like, forever

I started my new job a few weeks ago and have been MIA ever since. This could be because I commute for an hour and a half, work 9 hours and then commute another hour and a half home. Not fun. The job itself is not what I signed up for either and I’m quite unthrilled at the prospect of staying there much longer. Don’t get me wrong, I usually try to tough it out for a good long while or give it a few chances. That’s not working here. I fear I may have picked the wrong job and now I must remedy that. I’ll keep you posted.

In other news, Thanksgiving was apparently last week and I completely missed it. Seems I was working or something. Kidding! I did have a quiet Thanksgiving and stayed in all day. This past weekend, Ashley’s bestest bud and another friend came to visit from Alabama. We had a great time with them going around the historic, haunted mill town of Occoquan, then to Ikea and then off to Georgetown for some more shopping and yummy dining at Mie N Yu.

I’m hoping to get home for Christmas, so let’s get together!

That’s about it for now, but I will leave you with 3 words that changed my life back in the day:

“Couple Skate only!”

Not a huge deal

but I lit the pilot light tonight on the furnace! Ok, so I know that’s really mundane and the norm for some folks, but not this chickie who is scared of most everything. While I’m a wiz with a gas oven pilot light, I’m a little terrified of a big, huge furnace and have never had to do it. But, I read the instructions (I’m one of those people), called a few people for moral support, held my breath and said my last prayer (just in case). And guess what? It was nothing! All that worry for no reason. Well, 5 minutes of worry, but still…5 minutes I’ll never get back. 🙂 And it’s warmer already in here. It’s been quite cold and getting down to 40 at night and we’ve just been freezing. You’ll be glad to know we’re not rocket scientists or anything.

Bring on the cold, DC!