Are you seeing a theme here? Me too.

I have so much to do. I had the yard sale this past weekend. It was decent. By some freak of nature, there was like NO ONE on Saturday and lots of people on Friday. Go figure. Anyway, I had tons of stuff left over and took it to the Salvation Army. It’s very surreal to see your memeories/life being donated and driving away from it.

I am nothing but a tower of emotions these days. I’m not good with change. I don’t adapt easily. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, I’ll tell ya that. Just the thought of saying goodbye to anyone is killing me. Like even the guy at the grocery store. Every time I do something these days I’m constantly wondering if that’s the last time I’m going to do that here. How dramatic!

I still have to find a mover, finish packing, take pictures and sell some things on Craig’s List and GET AN ADDRESS! I’m hoping we have a place pinned down this week.

I’m selling a kitchen table & 2 chairs (sort of a kitchen table), this computer desk, a loveseat, a ficus tree and some other things. If anyone is interested or knows someone who is send them my way. PLEASE! lol. I should have pictures soon.

I bought ABBA’s Greatest Hits last night. I’ve seen Mamma Mia twice and am in love with it. I really can’t say why I didn’t have any ABBA prior to this. I have liked them for years. I also got the soundtrack to The Last Kiss (w/ Zach Braff). After my friend Lee turned me onto the soundtrack for Garden State (also handpicked by Zach), I knew I had to get this one too without even hearing anything on it. I was right – another winner. You go, Zach! (cuz he reads my blog, ya know)

I stared at the bathroom wall for an hour last night. I just thought you might like to know that. I find myself constantly drifting these days…staring, thinking, hoping, wondering, dreading, rationalizing. All of my friends have been super supportive and positive – thank you. I’m printing all of those little encouraging notes out to take with me when I’m missing everyone and wondering “What did I do?” as we all tend to do after life-changing decisions. I’m so contemplative these days…almost every minute of every day now. I’m quiet, thinking, retreating into myself – almost brooding. That can’t be good, but I’m sure it’s normal for a change like this. And I’m sure some of you are thinking, “What is the big deal? So you’re moving. People do it everyday.” And you’re right..people do it every day – just not this person. I know a lot of you know what I mean – Alabamians tend to stay in Alabama a lot of the time. And there’s nothing wrong with that..nothing at all. Just a huge change for me. But that’s what builds character and memories.

Here’s to character and memories. If you’re in Montgomery on the 19th, come say goodbye and make some memories with me. And please pray for me (those of you who pray). I am needing some major juju as I go through some tough stuff on top of the move. Thank you in advance.