I uploaded a few videos to YouTube and am pondering the impending birthday.

First things first, if you’d like to check out the videos of my crazy sister and my gorgeous nieces and nephew, check out these 3 links:



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhuGGWsICxM (this one is my favorite, but it won’t finish processing on YouTube. I’m hoping it will be done by the time I get up tomorrow)

Secondly, I’ll turn 32 in a few hours. I have no problem telling people my age. Other than some weight issues, I think I look alright for 32. Not great, but my age. Things could be worse. I am optimistic about life..about the next year. I had been dreading it for a few weeks now. Thirty was fine, even thirty-one didn’t bother me, but 32 just *looks* fat…like “welcome to adulthood – in case you were on the fence.” There’s no going back and there’s no claiming I’m still a youngster. Yes, at 31, I was still claiming wetness behind the ears. I figure I still have a few footholds into that naivety – not being a mother yet, not having significantly moved in my life that I can remember, etc. But, I’m just waiting to see what the next year brings. It could bring one of those things or all of those things – who knows. I’m open. Open to life, love and the pursuit of my happiness. And others’ as well. Viva la birthday!

On that high spirited note, I would like to share something that a friend turned me on to. One of the best videos I have ever seen. You know I soooo want to go out and try this now. How come I can never think of something totally original like this? I’ve got to start using the right side of my brain more. Enjoy and tell me what you think!


One more thing: I’m listening to Lily Allen’s CD. I am in LOVE with this girl. She’s like a shiny, happy, funny, blatently honest pixie. I love her voice, her accent, her lyrics (she’s a nut) and the music. I could bop to this all day. It’s a great pick-me-up. You can listen to a lot of her songs on her web site at http://www.lilyallenmusic.com/. She’s also my new song on MySpace. Check out her songs ‘Knock ‘Em Out,’ ‘LDN’ and ‘Alfie.’ Give me your thoughts!