So much has happened since I last wrote. I wouldn’t even know where to begin (yes, I know it’s my fault for going so long without updating), but I’ll give it a shot.

Christmas was very nice. I went to Montgomery to have lunch with dad. Ash and I also had a very nice Christmas together. All in all, wonderful. The next weekend, she and I headed to Wisconsin to visit mom, Tiff, and the kids. I’m going to summarize and say that the trip went ok. The best part was having visiting Tiffany and the kids. They are, without question, the lights of my life. Tiff’s not bad either. I wouldn’t have had nearly as wonderful a time without Ashley, so thank you for going. I’ll post a few pics soon from the trip.

The weeks following WI were spent getting ready for Ashley’s move to D.C. She left Friday. It’s been 4 days and I’m feeling it already. Fun fun!

Other than that, my world is good. I have wonderful friends, family and a dog that I adore more than a lot of people. I know I have been MIA for a bit while Ashley was getting ready to go, but I’m back and better than ever! Lol. Thanks for being patient and so good to me during this transition. Now call or e-mail me. Fill me in on you!