Month: October 2006


This past weekend was chock full of fun. When’s the last time you hear “chock full?” I thought as much. Just stick with me, kid. You’re going places.

Friday night was the annual trek to see Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Alabama Theatre. The theatre was stunning when we got there (as usual), and looked like my bedroom by the time we left. I love this part of the year. Halloween itself is tons of fun (IMHO) and Rocky Horror just geeks it up even more. I only remembered like ½ the props this year, but we still had a great time. This year we had a few extra Virgins join us: it was myself, Mia, Lee, Ashley, Stacy and newlywed Kelly. Lee and Stacy were rocking in their costumes while the rest of us were “normal.” lol. Mia did have a great Magenta costume, but she and I chilled at my place prior to the show instead of rushing around getting ready so we both went plain jane. I love people watching as it is and you can’t get any better than San Francisco or a showing of Rocky Horror. There were tons of great Rocky Horror look-alike costumes, as well as general costumes. The best general one, in my opinion, were some guys dressed as little green Army men. Remember those little plastic guys? Well, these 2 life-size versions were dead on…bazooka, machine gun and all. And every time they struck a little green army men pose for the camera the place would crack up. The first place winner was actually a Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz and the green army men got second. Flying Monkey boy definitely put the most work and detail into his costume. The one with the worst taste (but still sickly funny…shoot me) was a guy dressed as Steve Irwin followed by a huge stingray. The stingray costume spanned like 6 feet and that poor guy had to have help walking everywhere. They got cheers and boos alike. The show itself was it’s usual raucous with tons of rice, toast, silly string, water and toilet paper. I would hate to be the ones who had to clean that theatre afterwards. Some of us got a bite to eat after the show and then Mia and I went to Bailey’s to check out some of her friend’s playing there – the Exhibits.

Saturday night I headed to Anna’s for her (and sorta Tomma’s) Halloween party. They threw a great party, complete with a jello brain mold (jello shots!), eyeballs, tons of food, good music, great friends and crazy costumes. I thought Tomma and Randy were the cutest things ever as Hansel & Gretel. I went as a pregnant nun. Yes, I’m well aware of the consequences for that one. I prayed mightily before I even put on the habit. I’m hoping to post a pic or two from Tomma when she sends them out. I took my camera and forgot to whip it out all night. I’m such a loser. We then drifted to another party at Rachel’s house and partied there for a while longer. Me, the loser, left not long after as I was crashing fast.

Sunday was spent washing clothes and seeing my daddy-o. That night, I had some friends over to watch The Shining and have dinner. Good times had by all. Thanks for coming and bringing the goodies all! Just in case the rest of you need a refresher course on the highlights of the movie, check out the 30-second reenactment by bunnies:

More to come as life happens. Live in the now!

This one time…in Scottsdale

I have to be frank….some people may me want to jump out the window. Not seriously and I would never resort to violence, but geez….. No, I’m not talking about any of my friends or anyone you know. I’m just venting.

Arizona was nice. Very peaceful. You know…that peaceful, easy feeling. I loved the red mountains. I had never seen any before. I loved the desert. I loved the cool nights and sunny days. I loved the place we stayed….the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa. We were in Scottsdale, home to the largest mall in AZ and many other cool things. I’m so glad I finally got out West and look forward to going back one land. Not air. 🙂

While I was out there, I heard a great song on the alternative radio station. It was an acoustic remake of Outkast’s “Hey Ya” done by this guy named Mat Weddle. He’s part of a band called Obadiah Perker, but this song is just him by himself. It’s on YouTube and he incorporates the actual Outkast video into his performance. I am digging this like crazy and I think I even put it as my new MySpace song recently. Check out the video here:

Another great remake is “Baby Got Back” by Jonathan Coulton (thanks Jen!). You can hear that one on his MySpace (linked above).

I’m looking up Einstein’s Theory of Relativity on Wikipedia. Why, you ask? Because I can. We have the freedom to do that. Many people do not. It amazes (and saddens) me to think that there are people, even complete countries, that do not have the Internet, the freedom to look up whatever they might like or both.

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Same stuff, different day, although every day is interesting in its own way. I’m going to try my hand at writing. This should be funny. You’ve been warned.


to Charlie. I gave him two chances. I think that was more than fair. I did put out the snap trap try and catch him (remember I was going to move him in and all), but this time it killed him. I guess his little body couldn’t take any more snaps. I’m not real sure. But, he passed away sometime Friday night. Please keep his family in your thoughts.

That being said, I had a whirlwind weekend. Wedding after wedding after wedding. Saturday, Lynzee and Kelly both got married (not to each other), but I was only able to go to Kelly’s since they were at the exact same time. Kelly’s wedding was held at the gardens adjacent to the Shakespeare Festival. The ceremony was beautiful as was the bride and the entire wedding party. I thought it was very neat that we whispered our wishes for the couple to butterflies which we released at the end. The reception was hosted at/by the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art and it was beautiful, as well. I didn’t partake, but I heard the food was amazing. I had to head out early to get on the road to Atlanta, but I’m sure they partied well into the night.

Since I was unable to attend Lynzee’s wedding (Ashley’s best friend), I drove to Atlanta that night so I could attend her brunch the following morning. It was held at the Georgian Terrace Hotel and it was amazing. The hotel itself was gorgeous. I heard the ceremony was tons of fun with lots of Jewish traditions in it (the groom). I can’t wait to see the pictures!

That evening, I attended yet another wedding of some very dear friends that I don’t see very often. I pretty much cried the entire time. I’m such a wuss. I love the couple to pieces and was honored to share the moment with them. It was also a chance to see some other friends that I hadn’t seen in years, so it was double emotional.

Today was spent piddling around Decatur, Georgia (which I love)…meandering through antique shops and the cafes. If you have never been there or checked out the stores, I highly recommend it. It’s a quaint little bit of eclectism (is that word?) just outside of Atlanta. I think it’s actually a sub section of Atlanta..just north.

I will be teaching class this week at work and entertaining clients at night, so I will be sparse. I just wanted to put that out there so people don’t call the cops looking for me. 😉 I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Charlie came back

That mouse has a death wish. Either that or he is totally smitten with me (I can see that). Needless to say, Charlie made his comeback last night. Well, I’m assuming it was last night. I *thought* I heard something last night while Ash and I were watching TV and she thought I was crazy. Well, for once I wasn’t. I set a snap trap out last night just in case. I never heard it go off during the night, but when I looked this morning there was a little tail hanging out of the trap, wagging. This isn’t a typical snap trap like you’re thinking of…these are monster plastic houses with teeth. I don’t know if they’re meant to kill or just trap the mouse until you squeeze the ends like a chip clip and dump him out. So, I picked up the trap and peered into the other end. Poor Charlie. He just stared at me while wiggling that tail 90 to nothing. His back end was clamped between the plastic, jagged teeth. I felt horrible. I told myself that if he came back I was going to kill him. But while I was staring into those beady little eyes, watching them watch me, I couldn’t do it. I walked down the street and unclamped him onto the ground. He skidaddled off under a wood beam, pancake butt and all. A large part of me hopes he survives…he seemed to run ok, but I don’t know how long he was in the clamp and I don’t know if his innards were damaged.

If he comes back again, I’m buying an aquarium and he’s officially moving in. It must be love.

What the ???

My sidebar has dropped waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the page. Or is it just me? Jen, Sam…can anyone tell me why? I’m not that learned on Blogger just yet.

(and I’m still hoping Jen will guide me in the ways of blogger templates…’oh wise one.’)