Month: September 2006

My ADD Just Kicked In

So I have this journal. And I write in it like every few years. I kid you not. I always attempt to write in it more than once a year, but it never seems to catch on. Let’s see…the last entry in here is from Sunday, November 13th of last year. Seriously? Seriously. That is pathetic. But, the upside to only writing in your journal once a year is seeing how much has changed in your life justlikethat. I love to write. Rather, I love to type. It doesn’t give me cramps in my hands the way writing does for long periods. And that’s only because I’m not accustomed to handwriting anything anymore. Even in college I was allowed to type most things. Anything of any length, that is. (sidetrack: I always catch myself when I’m typing on here…always analyze my grammar and such because I know an English teacher is reading it. lol. I know I make tons of grammatical errors in my writing and I always wonder if she wants to post something and correct my mistakes. I get like that about people who misspell a lot. It’s me being anal. I just want to correct them. Not to prove anything…just to help them out…discreetly. But I never do. I let it go. Is that wrong? There are two sides to that argument and I’ll just plant myself right here in the middle. But, I will say this: I’m a kick-ass proofreader when it comes to spelling and such. I’m also pretty good at correcting grammer, flowetry (he he), etc., when it is something important or professional. But in my blog? I type like I speak. Hmmmm…that may be the problem. lol! Back to your regularly scheduled programming….)

As I was saying, before I got so rudely interrupted with that thought, is that I can come to my journal whenever I feel the need to figure out where I’ve hidden it last and sometimes see drastic changes my life goes through in such a short period of time. A year seems so long when we’re going through it, but in the grand scheme of things it’s a dot. A blip. And my life changes so much from year to year. It doesn’t seem to in day-to-day life, but going back a year at a time and reading entries, I know I’ve traveled so far. (Isn’t that a song? I’m thinking of that Whitesnake song. “Here I Go Again.” Remember that? Great song. Yes, I have ADD. What’s it to ya?)

I do think I’ve developed some sort of adult ADD. I don’t really know how that works and I haven’t been tested, but I can jump from thought to thought in split second time (and not even remember the first one). This works very well for me at work as I have to sometimes juggle 50 issues at once. It would seem that technical support and training (for use with our software anyway) is PERFECT for those with a tendancy to jump around.

Now for the fun stuff! I’m getting my hairs cut (yes, I have more than one) tomorrow and am beside myself with joy. It’s been a while and I’m trying to think of a new, fun ‘do without going short. I feel like a completely new ‘do, but you can’t do anything too drastic without just chopping it all off. Not doing that again. I look like a boy. After ze hairs get ze boot, I am heading to Atlanta for a bachelorette party which consists of dinner and a play. I’ve never heard of a bachelorette party like that, but I think it will be fun. And tame. Which is good. I don’t need to drink a lot. Sunday, I’m hoping for the world’s best chocolate chip pancakes at Ria’s Bluebird Cafe in Atlanta. They only offer them sporadically and I’ve never tasted pancakes more delicious.

Just one more thing. Jumping back to the spelling thing. Because I’m anal and truly want to help educate Blogamerica. It’s ‘TRULY’…not ‘TRUELY.’ Just for those who don’t know. That’s your grammar lesson for today. As my English teacher friend would say, 1, 2, 3..eyes on me! I still find that hilarious. Good times….

(I love some dots, some periods, ellipses…love em…..see?). It’s 12:31 a.m. Time to go to bed. G’night all. Sleep well.

Desperate Housedog

Ashley and I stopped by Libby Lu on Monday (to get a present for someone..not because we like to hang out with thirty 7 year-olds…that’s just sick) and got my Millie this cute little “Desperate Housedogs” shirt. Tee hee…she hates it. She’s never worn anything but her collar and she just stood still forever thinking she couldn’t move. I love how clothes paralyze her. Would you like to know something else crazy about my child? She’s terrified of Chapstick. I have know idea why, but she runs for the hills if I get it anywhere near her. I’m going to start using it as a discipline prop when she won’t behave. lol.

Doctors, doctors and MORE doctors

I have a doctor’s appointment every week from now until the end of the year. And two some weeks! Agghh!! I am so thankful that my company works with me on all my appointments. That’s a HUGE help. No, there’s nothing wrong with me. Well, not physically anyway. 😉 I am going to therapy once a week to get over my fear of flying. I don’t know if I’ve shared that information on here, but there it is. “Hi, my name is Sherri and I go to a therapist.” I love it. She specializes in phobias, but I’m free to talk about whatever. And let me tell you, after some of the days at work I have (the issues, not the company or co-workers), I love to let off some steam. But yes, she’s teaching me how to better deal with my insane fear of flying. I’ve decided though that I’m going to need a little help for trip to AZ in October. Did ya hear that? Ari-freakin-zona. That’s like across the country! So, in addition to my usual therapy appt next week, I get to go visit my primary doctor to get some bloodwork and get some uppers. I jest. I’m actually getting some downers. I hope they help. I really didn’t want to turn to pills (not that there’s anything wrong with that), but the trip is right around the corner and that crash in KY set me back about 7 sessions. Has anyone else had experience with this or any phobia that you got meds for? I tried Xanax once for a flight and nada. I’m going to try something different this time…not sure what. Just something to get me through the flight there and back. Any thoughts or advice on these meds would be greatly appreciated.

I’m watching/listening to Celebrity Duets. Have you guys seen this? It’s like American Idol for old people. I am no singer, so I can’t really say much….but I’m going to anyway. What the ??!? Some of these “celebrities” can’t carry a tune in a bucket. I give them tons of kudos for having the guts to do it – much like karaoke singers in bars – but still. It’s national television. I’m also amazed at some of the singers that perform with them. Belinda Carlisle was on tonight and she looks EXACTLY THE SAME! Unbelievable. Wynona…still beautiful, albeit bigger than I remember. Yes, I can say that b/c I’m a big girl, too. 🙂 There’s no shame in it….although I am on that diet, remember? How’s that going you ask? Uh, don’t. Let’s just say I haven’t GAINED any weight. Does that count? I think so. All of the girls in it are pretty much in the same boat, although we are trying. And then we have a really crappy. trying day at work and order Chinese. Way to go, us! Back to Celebrity Duets….have you seen Lucy Lawless on there? She’s blonde and almost unrecognizable. Wow. I haven’t decided if I like it better…I tend to lean towards darker hair on anyone (celebrities included), but that’s just me. Like on Reese, Drew, Scarlett, Sarah Jessica….I tend to like their dark styles more. I’m rambling. Someone STOP me!

Monday was a fun shopping day. Hit the Galleria for some sales. Good stuff! Oh! And had the best steak of my life. (and I am not a steak person. At all. I eat it about once a year and that’s only if I’m at a place known for steaks. You wanna know why? Because I always get gristle. It never fails. Never. So, I stay away from steak.) Ashley and I went to Michael’s Steak & Seafood on Galleria Circle for lunch and it was amazing. I had the prime rib…it was good. Nothing spectacular. But Ashley’s Delmonico was the BOMB! If you like steak and are in the Bham/Galleria area, check it out. Order the Delmonico. You won’t be disappointed (I hope). And they give you a cinnamon roll with the bread. Forget desert..that thing was amazing! The odd part of the meal came when the server gave us her business card at the end of her meal and told us to ask for her if we came back. It was very nice, but strange. On her card it says “Professional Server.” I’m sure it’s for private parties and such, but it’s got Michael’s logo on it and everything.

Tuesday night we saw the Goo Goo Dolls and the Counting Crows at Oak Mountain. The Goo Goo Dolls were awesome! They played all their hits and a few off the latest album. I really enjoyed them. Johnny Reznick is just HOT. There was a strange part of the concert when a guitarist took over vocals for a few unknown songs and he sounded like a pre-pubescent Froggy off The Little Rascals. But we recovered. We couldn’t figure out if Johnny was sick or something because he didn’t hit any of the high notes either. The Counting Crows were awful. That really bothered me, because I had never seen them and was really looking forward to my first Crows experience. The lead singer (Adam?) was obviously wasted, high or something. He came out cussing and being extremely pessemistic. It was an all ages show so I felt bad for the parents with kids in the audience. It was “F this” and “F that.” And how he was so depressed. Then they launched into song after song that I had never heard of. After about 12 unknown songs and getting 1/2 beer spilled on me from above, I was ready to go. Ashley was about to fall asleep so it was all good. We headed out and found a foosball (sp?) table where we stopped to play a few games. We finally heard “Long December” so the night wasn’t a complete waste. And just for the record, WILL be going to a concert. And yes, I will drag you kicking and screaming. Be afraid.

I am just being totally negative about stuff tonight, aren’t I? I have no idea why. I don’t mean to…I’m just telling it like I see it. Who knows. I’m not in a bad mood nor am I pissy tonight. I’m actually in a great mood. I created this nifty little photo album at the Kodak Gallery store ( last week and it came in Tuesday. I must say that it’s awesome. If you have never done this, I highly recommend it. You pick out your album – the cover, color, font, pictures and get to write captions, a dedication, everything. They print it, bind it, etc. and ship it to you. It’s a great keepsake and isn’t that expensive.

Now….(wait for it)….the song of the day. It’s an old, but a goodie. One that EVERYONE knows. Sing it anyway. Go on…you know you want to:

Here’s the story of a lovely lady,
Who was bringing up three very lovely girls.
All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
The youngest one in curls.

It’s the story of a man named Brady,
Who was busy with three boys of his own.
They were four men living all together,
Yet they were all alone.

Til the one day when the lady met this fellow,
And they knew that it was much more than a hunch,
That’s this group would somehow form a family,
That’s the way they became the Brady Bunch.

Labor Day Manifesto

Ooooh, that’s a great word. Manifesto. No one uses that great word anymore. I wonder why. I did hear “attain” the other day and thought, “Why don’t people use that word in everyday talk anymore?” Manifesto would have to be another one. So, for those of you who don’t know what a manifesto is, it is “a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.” Thank you to Merriam-Webster online for that one ( I go there religiously…not because I don’t know how to spell, but because it’s a great site to get educated..they have these great ‘words of the day’ and it’s always fun to learn something new. And that’s what we’re all about here at Lucky to Know You. Teaching, learning WITH you. I digress….

My Labor Day Manifesto: I shall not be sad that Labor Day marks the end of summer, per se. I shall not be sad that today is my grandmother’s birthday and she passed away a few months ago. And I shall not be sad that we lost Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter today. No, I’m not being sarcastic on that one (hard to believe, right?). Steve brought me tons of entertainment and education as a younger person and I will miss him. He was barbed in the heart by a stingray this morning while swimming too close to one. Ouch. Poor Steve. And the kids. You know…it’s always sadder (is that a word? Sometimes I question myself) when children are involved. This holds true for many things….death, divorce, date night. 😉 But yes, he has 2 little ones and that’s very sad. Thank you for the fun afternoons, Croc Hunter. Crikey!

So yes, not that I’m dwelling (I’m trying hard to be upbeat), but today may be a bit of a downer for me. The upside? I’m going to hit some of the Labor Day sales today and maybe come off a dollar or two and get some great bargains. Still…..I miss you, grandma. And I love you.

My weekend has been R&R thus far. Nothing but it, actually. Friday night was good times with Kelly coming over for dinner and to pick out wedding music (for her, not me!). She’s getting married next month and we dredged through 3000 songs on my iPod to see what we could come up with for the reception. I had a blast. Thanks, KK! Saturday, I think I spent most of the day lying on my pull-out bed in the living room. Sleep felt good. That night, Ashley and I went over to my boss’ house to watch the AU game. I don’t have ESPN2 and ze’ boss was kind enough to let me mooch while she was at the TN game. Go Tigers and Vols! Most of yesterday was spent again on the pull-out couch, vegging. I did go to Hooters for lunch with Sonya, Tracy and Ashley. That was a grand lunch. And then headed back home to crawl upon the bed again. Ash and I watched Forest Gump last night. Man, that was a great movie. I haven’t seen it since it first came out. I forgot how much I enjoyed it. And like I said, today I’m hitting the outlet malls in Bessemer (Watermark or something). I’m pretty excited to see what all is there. And Belk is also having a sale on suits ($299 down to $99) for anyone who’s interested. That’s my Labor Day. Hopefully, it will keep my mind off grandma. I’ll just boo hoo all day if I don’t do something.

Since we’re in need of a lift, here’s a happy song that I used to love when I was little.

La la la la la la
Sing a happy song
La la la la la la
Smurf the whole day long.

Next time you’re feeling blue
Just let a smile begin.
Happy things will come to you
{Smurfette: So smurf yourself a grin!}
{Gargamel: Oooo I hate smurfs! I’ll get you, I’ll get all of you if its the last thing I ever do! He he he he haaa!}

La la la la la la
Now you know the tune,
Youll be smurfing soon!