Ok, Blogger is ticking me off today. That’s only because I am spoiled. I/we am so used to a high speed internet connection that anytime it takes longer than a whopping 2 seconds to pull up something on the ‘Net we start huffing and puffing. Yes, I’m speaking collectively again. Sue me. You won’t get much. Anyone else having trouble with Bloggidy Bloggerton today? Or is it ‘the man’ out to get me again? I’m kidding. I’ll just type ze blog in Word and paste it there later. Freakin’, schmeakin’ blog.

What’s new in my world you ask? Nada. Same old, same old. Same shtuff, different day. But that’s ok. I’m not complaining in the least. I have my share of fun and spontaneity and the rest of the time I’m comfy with normality. I’ve got a few fun things coming up including a fondue dinner with friends on Wednesday (yup, fondue…at a restaurant…I’m too excited), Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday (Sam, I’m sending you Season 1. lol), and dinner with some of Ash’s friends on Friday. On Saturday, which will be the best day of all, my dad’s coming up to see me for the day and then I’m going to see Bonnie Raitt with Ash and friends that night. My dad comes to my house like once a year, so I’m pretty jazzed. I love that man something fierce (for anyone who doesn’t know). He’s my hero.

A few things that I’ve gotten hooked on recently:

Crystal Light “On the Go” packets that go into bottled water. So far I have found 5 flavors: Lemonade, Rasberry Ice, Rasberry Lemonade, Orange (like Tang..remember Tang?? Remember those astronaut commercials?), and Fruit Punch. I know they have Iced Tea ones, but I haven’t tried those – I can make my own iced tea. lol. I’m tellin’ ya though…these things are the best thing next to sliced bread.

HD Digital Radio – it’s fun, it’s fast and it’s free. FREE! Read it again..FREE! (can you tell I like FREE stuff? So much so that I find the need to type FREE in all caps. Like I’m a marketing exec and I’m gonna grab your attention with BIG letters or something). To check out FREE HD Digital Radio from stations all over the country, just click here – HD Digital Radio. There are some great stations, esp. the 80’s station out of Los Angeles. I also like Pride Radio out of Chicago for fun, dance music during the work day. It’s a lot like XM Radio in that it’s commercial free, but you don’t have to pay for it.

Also check out http://www.pandora.com/ if you haven’t already. Hearing tons of great things about that site.

The candy bar sale at Piggly Wiggly. Unfortunately. I’m hitting it for people at work, but still….take the candy bars off sale. I beg you! It’s 3 for 99 cents. And they’re good candy bars..not that crap that no one’s ever heard of.

Back to gibberish.

I can hear a crow outside my window. He’s got a beef with someone..he won’t shut up. And yes, before Tomma or anyone else asks, it’s a crow. 😉

This past weekend was quite the funfest for me. Friday night Kelly and I handed out ballots at the opening film of Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival. We spent the night asking, “Ballot?” and singing to incoming moviegoers we thought would enjoy it. We sang “Lady Marmalade,” “I Think I Love You,” “Son of a Preacher Man,” “Get Down Tonight” and other stuff. lol. We also developed a little shtick routine that we liked to scare people with. The movie (The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang) was subsequently just as fun and then we watched an actor (Joey Kern aka ‘Shirts’) from the movie and the writer/director take questions afterward. The writer was one of the assistants on Napoleon Dynamite, so that drew a lot of people to the Alabama Theatre that night. Stellar crowd (even with the hoodlums from my office that came. Lol).

Blast from the past: “Da da da” by Trio. Just came on the 80’s station out of Los Angeles. Simplest song in history (next to “Oh Yeah” by Yello), but still fun. Check it out.

Saturday I spent the day cleaning and getting ready for that night – Kelly’s bachelorette party. Laura, Dana and Charity did a great job getting all the food, games and fun planned for the night. We had a blast eating penis cupcakes and drinking Bahama Mamas all night. The stripper was crazy late and after he left, we all headed to Bellbottoms for some dancing. Liz and I (unofficially the oldest ones in the group, I guess) left the party not long after arriving at Bellbottoms. We were just POOPED! We went to the Purple Onion for a burger before heading home. I hope the rest of the night was just as fun for the girlies and that everyone made it home safely. It was so much fun seeing all of the old gang again…playing bunco would have just topped the night off nicely. 😉

Yesterday I tested my Valium. Lol. The doc gave me valium for my flight to AZ next month and I tried one yesterday. Ya know what? Nada. Squat. Zilch. Zero. That was the effect I got from the cute little orange pill. It made me a smidge sleepy for about an hour. That was it. What is it supposed to do? I was hoping I would zone out a bit, but nope. Oh well….

I saw skywriting in the, duh, SKY last week. I was going to the Pig (this is when I found out about the candy sale) and everyone was staring at the sky when I got out of my car. I had just watched Chicken Little 2 days before, so I wondered if the sky was falling. Thankfully, no. It was a plane skywriting. It wrote ‘Magic’ and then zoomed off. I thought that was the neatest thing! I had never seen skywriting and to write something so magical, fun and mysterious like ‘Magic’ just got me all fuzzy inside. I chose to believe that some kind soul out there just wanted to make many people’s days and do something for fun..for no reason…to give the kiddies something to talk about at dinner that night and to give me the warm fuzzies. Come to find out, they were advertising for an air show that was being held here in Birmingham on Sunday. Pooh. I don’t care. I can choose to believe what I want and I choose to believe that someone did that out of the niceness of their heart. And yes, I do live in Fantasyland, thankyouverymuch.

I did watch Family Guy last night although I’m anxiously waiting for Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday nights now. Ashley and I decided that we’re over Meredith Grey and McDreamy (although he’s very easy on the eyes). We’re more interested in George & Callie and Christine & Burke. So if Meredith wants to off herself (you know she could..she’s that ‘dark & twisty’), she has our permission. She’s sort of developing into a mod Ally McBeal with the whole guy thing. Ick.

Ok, that’s more then enough for now. Maybe Blogger will let me post this now. Keep your fingers crossed!


5 Comments on Shirts (and other ramblings)

  1. Hey sweetcheeks! I suppose you heard about the father and son that got killed Saturday while at the air show. Something happened with the engine of their plane and they crashed. What really got me was that the air show continued that day and on Sunday. I just think that is wrong. It’s like people have no regard for other peoples feelings. Good heavens STOP THE SHOW IDIOT.

  2. Yeah, I heard about it last night on the news. That’s so sad. And yes, they should have stopped the airshow IMHO. It was right before the show started, I believe. Sad….

  3. Really? You comment moderating? What, do you think someone is going to leave you a dirrrrty message or something? God- I am so funny I have to laugh at myself. I guess that is good since nobody laughs with me…just at me.

  4. Yeah, you were getting on my last nerve so I turned it on. Since you now know you were the culprit (not), I have since turned it off. I was just checking it out. Sheesh. 🙂

  5. I wish we had a Piggly Wiggly. I could use some chocolate candy bars at a good price! 🙂I like the “MAGIC” story.

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