Hi everyone!

Welcome to my new place in space. (Yes, I’m aware that’s probably the cheesiest saying in blog history and that a lot of people have uttered those same exact words).

This is my new home and I plan on moving in and moving in FAST. I hate (read: LOATHE) the new format and layout of MSN Spaces so I quit. I’m turning in my notice and jumping ship. I know that’s a bit sudden (and harsh), but hey, if you’re gonna go changing things on me without telling me and not give me the opportunity to keep my old look then I’m leaving (and have every right).

As for my new blog title, it’s a Blue Merle song. A) I love Blue Merle and B) it’s a great song. Although they are a pretty mellow band, it’s a very “up” song and so sweet. Check them out at http://www.bluemerle.com. If you go to the Downloads section, you can get the song (and all their others). Let me know what you think.

A random item for you to reminisce about. Feel free to sing along:

“Picture Pages, Picture Pages
Time to get your Picture Pages
Time to get your crayons and your pencils…

You can play with Picture Pages
FIll your day with Picture Pages
‘Till Bill Cosby does another Picture Page with you!”

Changing subjects:

What does everyone think of adding new planets to the solar system? Interesting stuff. Even more interesting is that they never had the term “planet” defined before now.

Scary stuff today: A plane from London was diverted to Boston while heading to D.C. Seems a lady went crazy onboard.

A tidbit that you might not have known for those who have XM radio in your cars: You can listen to it online for free as part of your subscription. Go to www.xmradio.com and click on “Listen Now.” It’s kind of like the Yahoo Launchcast player, but much better (since they switched to commercials, limited stations and all around POOP!).

Life has been good. I don’t think I’ve congratulated her on here, but CONGRATS to Liz on her engagement to Matt!!! I am so very happy for you both and wish you a long, loving life together. I was able to spend some time with them this past weekend and it’s oh-so-obvious they are deeply in love.

For those who don’t know, I’m going to therapy for my fear of flying. It’s quite interesting trying to find the “root” of the problem. It has been helpful so far. I’m learning breathing techniques and trying to desensitize myself. I know I could just get liquored up or doped up, but I really, really want to be in control of my motor skills should I need them (thanks, Lee!). My doctor’s specialty is phobias, so we shall see. So far, so good. I have to fly to AZ in October, so that will be the first real “test.” Agghhh!!

A request: Could my friend Jen help me snazz my space up a bit? I would like to know how or where to get templates for my blog besides the ones they have pre-defined. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Yours always looks so nice – colors, fonts, layout, everything.

Hugs to Blakeman. Hope he’s no longer in pain and recovering nicely!!

Fun stuff coming up:

Tomorrow night is John Corbett & his band at Workplay. Dana is coming up and we’re joining her and Kelly at the concert. For those of you who don’t know him, he’s “Aidan” from Sex & the City and that dude from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and the T.V. show “Northern Exposure.” I believe he was the radio jockey on there.

Friday night we’re seeing Poison and Cinderella with Liz and Matt. Hope to see Jen and Chris there, too!

Saturday night is Hootie & The Blowfish, but I’m going for the opener – Better than Ezra. Love ’em (especially the new stuff) and missed them at the Crawfish Boil this year.

Tuesday night is the Broadway show Mamma Mia in Hunstville. WOO HOO!!

Next weekend is the annual girls’ beach trip and I’m stoked beyond belief after missing last year’s. Watch out, FL!

September holds The Counting Crows & The Goo Goo Dolls, a bachelorette party in Atlanta, Shakira, Sidewalk Film Festival (at which I’m volunteering), and Bonnie Raitt with Keb Mo’. Good stuff! Come see me at Sidewalk – it’s a GREAT festival!

Changing subjects:

I’m starting to get into Johnny Cash. I know, I know..where have I been? Of course I have been checking out more since the movie, but XM plays him a lot and I am loving it. Another new surprise for me – Bob Dylan. I always thought you couldn’t understand him, but actually can in his songs. Thank you, XM!

That’s all for now. More as life moves, taking me with it.