Month: August 2006


Ashley and I saw Better Than Ezra last night. They were actually the openers, but they were the reason we went. I hadn’t seen them before, so was very much looking forward to hearing them live. They were great! And the lead singer was such a ham on stage…I loved it! They played all the great songs we know and love by them (and some that I knew, but didn’t know they sang). Afterwards, we got their autographs at the merch booth. They such cuties up close. And look so young. It’s hard to believe these guys were around when I was in college. They had to be babies then! We stuck around for part of Hootie’s set, but wasn’t impressed with the music or his stage presence at all. After about 7 songs into it without him speaking once between songs or acknowledging the audience, we left. And the crowd was a might different from the one the night before. Night and day. I felt like I was in a retirement home last night as opposed to the mayhem on Friday night.

Today is a lazy day. Tried to order Chinese, but they were closed. Who knew? Sad. Quiet day today around the house getting stuff done that needs to be done. That’s all for now. Here’s your song of the day!

“3-2-1 Contact
Three, Two, One, contact!

Contact is the secret,
It’s the moment when everything happens.

Contact is the answer,
It’s the reason why everything happens.

Let’s Make Contact!
Three, Two, One, contact! “


Song of the Day

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Skidamarink ado
I love you.

Skidamarink adink adink
Skidamarink ado
I love you.

I love you in the morning
and in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening
and underneath the moon.

Skidamarink adink adink
Skidamarink ado
I love you.

Go on. You know you want to. Sing that to someone you love today. I promise it will make them smile. Or at laugh at you. Uncontrollably. That’s ok, too.

Talk Dirty To Me

Those were the words uttered to me late last night. In the dark. Underneath the stars. By Bret Michaels. And 10,000 other people. Yeah, baby. Liz, Matt, Ashley and I saw Cinderella and Poison last night at Verizon Music Center (formerly known as Oak Mountain Amphitheatre). That was a concert! I saw Motley Crue with Liz and Mia last year, but felt like last night’s concert surpassed it. Liz, on the other hand, guffawed when I announced my opinion. lol. She agreed that it was a good concert, but thought Motley kicked tushy! Either way, I had a great time last night. We met up with Liz and Matt before the show at their hotel room right next to the amphitheatre and were able to walk over to the concert after catching up and getting into “concert mode”. We weren’t much interested in the openers, so we meandered over right after Cinderella took the stage (flashback: “Cinderelli, Cinderelli,” chanted the little mice). Cinderella put on a good show, altough the lead singer did apologize for not singing his “ass off” for us. He damaged his voice right before the tour started, but didn’t want to cancel it, so I guess he’s been tearing it up at every stop. He sounded great, but didn’t scream as much as he used to (he’s also older now) and he let the backup singers handle a lot of the vocals. I did catch him holding his back whenever he leaned over and thought that was something I’d never seen at a rock show before. lol. Poor thing. He sounded pretty much like he used to 20 years ago, although with the short hair and makeup, he now looks more like a drag queen than an 80’s rock star. Remember that mouth? I remember watching the video for ‘Nobody’s Fool’ and thinking his lips were amazing the way they puckered up like a baby’s all on their own. Different from Steven Tyler, but along the same lines.

Our seats were in the 3rd tier (what do you expect for $13?), but only five rows up, so not terrible. The crowd around us was pretty tame and stayed in their seats for all the openers – including Cinderella. Liz turned to me before Poison came on stage and said, “I know I paid for the seat, but I’m not using it when they come on stage!” in reference to the seated fans around us. Ovbiously everyone felt the same because when Bret Michaels emerged from the fire display, the entire crowd was on its feet. Now this was only my second rock show and I haven’t listened to Poison in YEARS, but they put on a great 20th Anniversary show with all the faves, a few covers and some new tunes off their upcoming album. Like any good rock group, they saved the best for last, but sang hits through the entire show. Bret Michaels hasn’t aged a bit from the camera’s angle. We only saw him up close on the large projection screens on either side of the stage, but other than a smidge of a belly, he looks exactly the same. C.C. Deville (or however you spell it) looks just he did on that MTV reality show he was on. It was a killer show! Liz and I danced and sang the entire time, while Matt and Ashley got a kick out of watching us lose our minds (and voices). Ashley, who never really got into Poison, had a good time picking out the songs she did know, but mainly watched all the fans go berserk. Add in the drunks trying to walk (fall) down the stairs next to us and it was a very entertaining night. Thank you to Liz and Matt for coming! Mia, you were missed.

American Idol tryouts are here on Monday. There are thousands of people already lined up in downtown Birmingham trying to get a wristband for a guaranteed audition on Monday. It’s Mayhem in the Magic City! We are the Magic City, right? I can’t remember. I’m still sort of new here. I know we’re the Steel City (we love some metal!), but yes, I think we’re the Magic City, too. Not positive why. Need to look that one up. Anywho, lots of talent down there in the street of Birmingham today. I had someone at work ask me yesterday if I was auditioning. I would (snort!) if I was young enough. It seems the raised the age right after I missed the cutoff. Drats! If Mandisa can do it…..

Good luck to all of the hopefuls out there! I think I’m American Idoled out though…

(yes, I’m fully aware that isn’t a word, but as popular as AI is now, I think I should propose it to Merriam Webster for inclusion in next year’s dictionary. Whatcha think?)

Useless tip for the day: “Pepto Bismol turns your stool and your tongue black.” This from my doctor on Monday when discussing the effects of antibiotics on your body. Huh. Who could have guessed? And what does this have to do with antibiotics?

I’m starting a diet on Monday. Not a “no carbs” or “no fats” diet. Just a “watch what I eat and how much” diet. Like I should have been doing my entire life. And yes, I know I probably shouldn’t put it all out here like this because if it doesn’t work then everyone knows I failed. But that’s good. That’s what I want. ACCOUNTABILITY. Hehehe…I remember that being a huge campaign point for our Governor, Bob Riley, during his last campaign. As I was saying, I need to lose some weight. I’m well aware of this fact. Here’s a news flash: People who are overweight KNOW they’re overweight…they don’t need family members and/or friends telling them this. WE KNOW! Doctors…well, they’re going to tell you because it’s their job. I understand and appreciate that. The rest of you…hush. We’re not blind and can see and feel that we’re heavier than we were or should be. (I’m speaking collectively for overweight people now because someone died and made me Queen Bee) Do you think our clothes just magically expand with us? No. We feel it there, too. So no worries all you concerned parents, siblings and friends….we got the 411. I’m going on a diet Monday. A few of us gals at work and friends of ours have joined forces and we’re taking the pounds off. We’re going to help each other and watch each other and try to get the other ones to eat bad stuff. lol. Why? Because there’s a prize at stake. A gift certificate to The Galleria. A big fat one. The winner gets it. So, if you see me out in public and I’m eating something really bad, come over and slap me. I give you permission now. But if I’ve been drinking, leave me alone because I need the bread.

Wish me luck! If I win the gift certificate, you might get a Christmas present this year. Finally.

Hootie and the Blowfish tonight. Seriously…The blowfish?? Hootie? Where do they come up with these names? I know I could probably Google it and find out, but still. It’s just odd. We’re mainly going to see Better Than Ezra, the opener, but Hootie will be good, too. And my peeps from work, Josh and Dean, will be there so it should be good times. Dean was there last night, somewhere, with his son, but I didn’t see them. Nor did I see Chris and Jen. 🙁 Hope they all had a great time, too!

I’m sitting on the bed. In case you were wondering. I woke up about 7:30 (on a Saturday!!!) and have been piddling around all morning. Today is a great day. I have nothing planned until tonight and can do anything or nothing until then. I rarely have Saturdays like this anymore and am so grateful for the ones I do get. I’m sure you all are the same way. Our days and weeks get planned months in advance sometimes, so much so that when we get a rare “free” day, we’re beside ourselves with joy. My dog is curled up behind me sleeping. She’s adorable when she’s asleep. lol.

That’s all from Highland Avenue right now. More as the crime rises….



It’s Friday, I’m in Love

Today is song lyric day (as is every day). Gotta love The Cure. I’m also humming “Say It Isn’t So” by Hall & Oates. Remember that song? Not exactly sure why I’m playing it over and over in my head, but there must be a reason. Right?

I saw the John Corbett Band last night. It was wonderful to see Dana, Kelly, Jen, Denise and of course, the man of the hour. Ok ladies, he is just as hot in person as he is on TV. Even more so, actually. Ashley, thank you for indulging me last night and letting me be a screaming fool. I know that wasn’t your cup of tea and you were tired, but you were a great sport. Note: John is a much better actor than a singer, in my opinion. He is a great musician, but his voice just isn’t what I would consider “recording material.” But, that’s just my humble opinion. It was still a great show and his band was phenomenal…especially the lead guitar player. He was a former Stray Cat or something and they did a few of those kinds of tunes and really rocked the place. The rest of the set was country music covers or originals. All in all, a great show and even better was getting my picture taken with him and his autorgraph after the show. Thanks, John!

Here’s a small video I took of him on stage. I took one of him singing too, but my camera isn’t designed to handle sound systems. You can hear Dana screaming in the background. ‘Atta girl!

What else is going on? Poison. Tonight. Poison and Cinderella. That should be “Nothing but a Good Time.” Tee hee…I do crack myself up sometimes. Just sometimes. Not often. Ash, on the other hand, is constantly cracking herself up. Just watch her sometime. It’s quite amusing. Cutest thing you’ve ever seen!

News you can use: I’m starting to get hooked on talk radio in the morning and afternoon drives. Mostly CNN on XM. It’s Robin & Company in the mornings and Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer in the afternoons. It’s amazing how much I do not know. Just basic stuff that most people do know about the war and stuff. Yes, I’m finally waking up after a 30 year nap. Better late than never, right? Like I heard today that North Korea is *possibly* going to test a nuclear weapon underground soon. How do we know that? Because our intelligence imagery analysts (soon to be Ashley!) caught some suspicous stuff going on over there. All of a sudden all this wiring and these cables were sitting out…where they hadn’t been before. Hmmmmmm….

Thanks to Tomma for sending out the new airline guide for carry-on items. You can find it here:

Here’s your flashback for the day:

“As your body grows bigger
Your mind grows flowered
It’s great to learn
‘Cause knowledge is power!

It’s Schoolhouse Rocky
That chip off the block
of your favorite schoolhouse
Schoolhouse Rock!”

More in a bit. TGIF!

JonBenet, Justin, ‘Chocolate,’ and Song of the Day

Not together, of course.

First off, the JonBenet murder suspect who confessed. Wow. Ten years after the murder. I’m definitely glad that the family will hopefully have closure finally, but of course I’m saddened that her mother isn’t here to see it. It’s kind of the same way with Natalee Holloway now…I just want her family to have closure. Your thoughts?

Justin Timberlake’s new song “Sexy Back” is driving me crazy…in a good way. Seriously. I am not a huge JT fan, but this song rocks. I had no idea it was him at first – I thought it was a chick singing. But, if you listen closely, you can hear his voice underneath all the synthesized layers. This one’s going to be the dance hit of the summer. Check it out if you haven’t already heard it. “I’m bringin’ sexy baaaaaaaaaaaaack.”

I’m digging the new Chocolate phone from Verizon/LG. I love the commercials. Anytime you see a pool of chocolate thumping, you know it’s got to be good stuff in there. Coincidentally, I have Verizon and I have the “New Every 2” plan where you get a new phone every two years. My two years aren’t up until Februrary. As much as I like that new phone (it’s part phone and part MP3 player), I’m not paying $359 for it right now. That’s highway robbery! It’s not made of gold! (Sidenote: Have you heard about those though? The new gold D&G phones that are all the rage among stars?) Anyway, I might check it out when February comes a rolling’ around, but not until then. Sheesh…do they think people are made of money? It’s a cell phone, fer cryin’ out loud! I did notice that they are selling them for $75 after rebates, but I believe that’s only for new customers. I don’t know. I just know that when I looked into it, as a Verizon customer, their web site kindly told me I could “pay full price for it right now.” Ha! Snort! You wish. (Although I have wondered, since seeing the commercial, if it really does come wrapped in a chocolate bar wrapper as shown? I would dig that in a big way. For about 5 seconds until I ripped that puppy off.)

What else is going on in my mind today? Oh! I know. SNL. Well, the Natalie Portman rap on SNL. It’s been out a while, but it’s still oh-so-funny stuff. It can be a bit harsh though, so if you’re easily offended don’t go watching it. You can find it on the SNL web site. Not for the kiddies or work though, so be careful. It’s hilarious to see seemingly quiet, shy Natalie let loose one time. I also love Lazy Sunday and actually downloaded that one from iTunes when it first came out. “The Chroni-what?-cles of Narnia!” Good stuff.

My dear friend who knows I can’t stand the movie “Groundhog Day” has decided to send me a quote a day from the movie until one of us dies. I’m killing myself tomorrow.

Your resminiscent song for the day:

“Dance your cares away
Worry’s for another day
Let the music play
Down at Fraggle Rock.

Work your cares away
Dancing’s for another day
Let the Fraggles play
We’re Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red.

Dance your cares away
Worry’s for another day
Let the music play
Down at Fraggle Rock.”

Discuss amongst yourselves.