Month: August 2006

For Samantic

“She-ra, She-ra!

I am Adora.
He-man’s twin sister and defender of the Crystal Castle.
This is Spirit, my beloved steed. Fabulous secrets were revealed to me the day I held aloft my sword and said: “For the Honor of Greyskull!”

She-ra, She-ra . . . She-ra . . . She-ra, She-ra . . . I am She-ra!

Only a few others share this secret. Among them are Light Hope, Madame Razz, and Kowl. Together, we and my friends of the Great Rebellion strive to free Esteria from the evil forces of Horde!

She-ra, She-ra!”

And you can watch it here:

Thanks to Retrojunk for that! Man, that brings back memories….

Enjoy, Sam! šŸ™‚

“Good Times”

So you wouldn’t think that it would take me 4 days to recuperate from our annual beach trip. Ah, but it has. Lol. Well, it has taken me that long to catch up on my lost sleep. Not positive I’m all caught up, but much better than I was Monday or Tuesday. I felt like I got hit by a Mack truck…pretty sure I looked like it, too.

Before I go any further, a huge thank you to Tomma for planning it and making it so much fun! I had the best time I think Iā€™ve ever had at the beach (and Iā€™ve been on a lot of beach trips). I know I vegged out a lot compared to the other girls, but it didnā€™t mean I wasnā€™t having a good time. I just needed to relax and rejuvenate on this trip, as opposed to my usual party self. So, thank you Tomma. It was amazing!

We Birmingham gals arrived Thursday night after hitting the local Publix for some sustenance. Some of the other gals were already at A.J.ā€™s and my riding companions hit The Back Porch for dinner. I stayed back with Anna and caught up with her over a yummy turkey sandwich. Friday was spent on the beach. It was so nice ā€“ very windy and lots of fun waves. It sprinkled one time, but that was it. And we saw a beautiful rainbow while we there. We actually saw a few. Friday was recuperating for some (the all night A.J.ā€™ers the night before) and just lazing for the rest of us ā€“ although I did get a workout fighting to keep my balance when the waves hit. A couple girls lost their sunglasses. That evening, we ordered pizza from Merlins (another great idea, Tomma!) and then headed to Howl at the Moon ā€“ my favorite beach nightspot. We 16 chicks had a grand time at Howl at the Moon. We were able to get Tomma, Connie and Jas on stage at different times and the pianists/band did a great job embarrassing the stew out of them. Except for Connie. She loved showing off her non-existent camel toe when they sang her ā€œThe Camel Toeā€ song. Jas was a stripper and Tomma has the cutest ā€˜baby faceā€™ youā€™ve ever seen. Some of the girls walked over the The Swamp after HATM. The rest of us crashed back at the condos. Let me say one thing about the condos ā€“ AWESOME! They were two adjoining condos that slept 8 people each with a door between them that we could open when we felt like wandering in the other girlsā€™ room. Saturday I chilled out in the condo all day while the rest of the group headed down to the beach. I am very fair skinned and even though I bought SPF 70 (yup, 70) while I was down there, I didnā€™t want to take any chances. I went to the beach back in May and got like 2nd degree burns (with sunscreen!). So, Liz and I piddled around the condo all day and had a blast catching up with each other. We headed down to the pool in the late afternoon and then got ready for another night out. We all ate at Harbor Docks that night. I wasnā€™t impressed with anything but the appetizer, but you live and learn, right? Maybe I just got the wrong thing. Some of the girls went back to A.J.s after that to hear the band from Thursday night again. The rest of us headed back to the condo to relax. I watched ā€˜Dazed and Confusedā€™ with Sally and had a great time getting to know her better. Good times. Sunday we at iHop before heading back home. It was a great trip and I canā€™t wait for next year.

I donā€™t have any big plans for the Labor Day weekend. Iā€™m resting and relaxing yet again because I will be going going going for the next 2 months. So, this weekend will be cleaning, watching movies and reading. What is everyone else doing for Labor Day weekend? I wore my white shoes today because I knew it would be the last time. Sniff, sniff. I jest. I HATE these things.

Iā€™m terribly behind on the song of the day, but weā€™ll pick back up today. Enjoy!

ā€œHere we are, face to face
a couple of Silver Spoons.
Hopin to find, we’re two of a kind
making a go, making it grow.

Together, we’re going to find our way.
Together, taking the time each day.

To learn all about those things you just can’t buy.
Two Silver spoons together.
You and I together
(We’re going to find our way)
You and I together
(We’re going to find our way)
You and I together.ā€

You can listen to it here:
Thank you to Timā€™s TV Showcase for that link!

I used to love that showā€¦.

Sam – welcome!!! Thanks for the add on MySpace.

ā€œMamma Mia, thatsa good show!ā€

Ashley and I went to see the Broadway show ‘Mamma Mia’ ā€“ the traveling troupe ā€“ Tuesday night. They performed in Huntsville at the Von Braun Concert Hall. This was my first time seeing ‘Mamma Mia’ and my first time to Huntsville. I nearly crashed when I saw the Space Centerā€¦.up until now it was just a mythical camp that we, as children, wanted to go to more than anything in the world.

Iā€™m sure I was on the outskirts of Huntsville or something. Actually, we might have been downtown, but it was quite small so I donā€™t think so. I do know that it was kind of ā€œghetto-y.ā€ Yes, I just made up another word. I tend to do that, along with Ashley. I would have to check my book (yes, I keep a book of all these new wordsā€¦ā€myā€ dictionary, if you will), but I know weā€™ve made up ā€˜caxiā€™ ā€“ cab and tax, ā€˜scollegeā€™ ā€“ school and college, and now ghetto-y. And you canā€™t challenge me, because this isnā€™t Scrabble.

Back to the show. It was amazing. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend going. Even if you have seen it, go again. Itā€™ll definitely make you dance around in your seat. Iā€™m not giving you details other than it contains all ABBA songs (if you didnā€™t know). For you disco-goers out there, thatā€™s reason enough to grab some tickets. But, in our show, the acting was amazing, as well. The singing, the orchestra, everything. I thought the venue was a little old and the acoustics werenā€™t as good as they could have been, but thatā€™s not the performersā€™ faults. I do believe we saw it opening night too, and it went off without a hitch. If it comes back to Montgomery Iā€™m taking everyone I knowā€¦including my dad who loves ABBA!

In other breaking news, Pluto is no longer a planet. What is the world coming to when they start reneging on planets??

In even more breaking news, Iā€™m leaving for the beach today. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! Thatā€™s all I can say about that until I get back. But, once againā€¦WOO FREAKINā€™ HOO!!!!

That being said, I wonā€™t be back online until Monday or so. Iā€™ll have an update and pictures when I get back. Iā€™ll have a drink for yaā€™ll!

(PS – I don’t time to proof this. If it has typos, I’m sorry!)

Hips Don’t Lie

Mine don’t, anyway. I’m so ill. I gained a pound. Well, I don’t know if technically I did, but the scale said so. Yes, I know that you’re not supposed to weigh in each day and I’m not planning on it. I just decided to do it this once. No more. (Riiiiiiiiiiight). But still, it said I gained a pound. The scale is wrong. There is no way I gained a pound…I drank #)$L#$%$ ounces of water yesterday! I drank until I was swimming! I drank until I was peeing every hour. (kidding). But I ate and drank so well yesterday. Until dinner. I started with baked oysters…that’s not bad, right? Right??? Yes, but then I slipped and fell. I went for the steamed mussels. Now steamed mussels themselves are fine. But when they’re soaking in white wine and butter sauce you have a problem. Hey! Don’t say a word. I knew what I was doing. I couldn’t help it. I hadn’t had them before, I rarely go to that restaurant and BY GOLLY, I WANTED MUSSELS! Ok, I’m done now. Forgive the rant. And forgive the slip. It will happen again.

So I was reading SAMantics blog today and she mentioned Rainbow Brite. I thought, “What a great song of the day!” Thank you SAMantic. Here you go:

Rainbow Brite
See the shining light
Yes I’m gonna take ya to Rainbow Brite

Starlite flies
Right before your eyes
And rainbow colors will cheer you up

Magic Light
Gonna take you for a ride…

And I think you can click here and listen to it. (if I did that correctly). Thank you to for that.

Agghh! I posted something to YouTube (for the first time) and now I have a subscriber?? Who is it? What do they want with me? Don’t they know I don’t know how to use YouTube and probably will never post again in my life? Why would I? Oh wait…I did post that one time, didn’t I? So, I could very well post again. That first time was just a fluke, really. It was that tidbit I took at the John Corbett show. I suppose I could get snippets from other shows and post. We shall see. It’s just a lowly digital camera that isn’t mean to take video anyway, so God help ya if you’re looking for good quality.

Speaking of shows, I’m headed to see Mamma Mia tonight. I’m stoked! Details tomorrow, but I know NOTHING of the show so that’s good. No expectations.

This weekend is the girls’ beach trip. Can you say par-tay?

That’s all for now. On a serious note, please send lots of juju to my friend Jen. She needs it right now. Thank you!

The Amazing Race

Ha! I bet you think I’m referring to the TV reality show, dontcha? Dontcha? Nope. I’m referring to that little weight loss competition I am now officially in. We weighed in this morning. There were cries of dispair, anger and “WTF???” There were tearful telephone calls to hubbies, friends and parents. There were exclamations promising nothing but tofu for the next three months. There were the five stages of grief…denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. And that was all from one person. šŸ˜‰ But we did weigh in and it wasn’t pretty. We’re not allowed to know what each other weighs…which is a good thing. We all go weigh in separately, privately and we have another lady in the office who is monitoring them and writing each week down. Lemme tell you, I ate like a PIG this weekend. I ate everything in sight. It was like I was cleaning out the fridge. Did you ever read the book ‘Freaky Friday?’ It was my favorite book growing up and I read it so much the pages fell out. Anyway, there’s a part in there after the daughter has become the mom and she has to fix her little brother some lunch. Seeing as how she doesn’t know how to cook yet, but she’s an adult now, she pulls everything out of the refrigerator, piles it onto the counter and tells him to “take what he wants” and throws the rest away. Picture me doing that this weekend and you get the idea.

Do you ever find yourself singing the same song over and over, for days, and have no idea why or how to get it out of your head? I know we’ve all done this, but it’s lasted a while this time. I have been singing “Desperately Wanting” for days now..even before the concert. And I read/heard somewhere that if that happens, you can sing the rest of the line/song and it will finally stop. Uh, no. I hate to break it to you, John Tesh. That doesn’t work.

I did, however, also hear that drinking one soft drink a day can add 15 pounds in one year. Agghhh!!! (do the diet drinks with no calories or carbs count??)

Ok, I have a confession. I don’t have cable. (no, that’s not the confession). I don’t have cable, therefore I have about 5 channels. Wanna hear them? Fox, NBC, ABC (sometimes), CBS, APT and the WB. Sunday night is my TV night – a bunch of teeny bopper shows on the WB, Family Guy, The War at Home and then Grey’s Anatomy. Well, I watched ‘What I Like About You’ and ‘Twins,’ and then I watched the gymnastics championships for a while (yes, I thought it was the Olympics..I can’t keep up anymore…I’m old). And then I turned over to Fox for my Sunday night shining star – Family Guy – only to find out the Teen Choice Awards 2006 were on. What the ???? I immediately deflated. So, what was I do to? There were no more gymnastics – we now had Sunday night football going on. Not that I don’t like football, but the teams didn’t wow me last night. The other stations were all serious shows and I wasn’t in the mood for serious..I had banked on some good old fashioned animated, potty humor. “Well,” I thought, “I could just do without the animation,” and turned it back to the Teen Choice Awards. I confess…I watched the Teen Choice Awards last night. Now, if you ever tell anyone that I watched that drivel, I’ll clobber you. But, it was SO worth it when K-Fed performed the world premier of his new song live. OMG, it was like totally awesome. Like, I don’t know how I went 31 years without ever hearing him perform. My world is now complete.

And weeeeeeee’rrrrrrrrrrre back to reality. That was harsh. I apologize. I just get fed up with his cockiness towards everything now that he’s got money and Britney. Not that she’s a gem either (I couldn’t make an educated guess), but treat the woman with some respect. She is carrying your child…again.

Here’s your song of the day:

“Everybody Look Around
Hear The Sound
Something Special’s Gonna Come Your Way
We Got Something That Is New That Is True

We Got Something Just For You Today
All Around The Nation (Whoa Oh)
We’re The New Sensation
Have You Heard?
Have You Heard?
Have You Heard?

We’re Kids Incorporated
We’re Kids Incorporated K.I.D.S. (Whoa Oh)
K.I.D.S. yeah!”